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Everything posted by ped_i

  1. These current set bonuses are fine as they are for the current (for a lack of a better term) balance of the classes. These were worked on by many top players during 3.0 PTS, asking us to come up with new ones without knowing what changes we are facing with 4.0 is a bad idea. What needs to be addressed is the obvious problems with the class, such as in PvE the boss mechanics and in PvP mobility. Since there are no new Ops maybe mobility in PvP should be addressed first then on 4.0 PTS we can work out the set bonus. I will say that having pretty much the same set bonuses across all classes takes the uniqueness away from each class, example is that before 3.0 there were only 6 out of 18 advanced classes had auto-crit abilities, less than half. Now every class as at least one thanks to the set bonuses. These current set bonuses, at least some of the 6 pieces are pretty useless in PvP situations where we can't really count or predict up coming auto-crits. Maybe PvP and PvE need to be different again and each give bonuses with respect to the different aspect of the game, PvP bonuses should focus more on utilities and abilities that help the player survive better or help their team in a way. Out right dps increase is more of a PvE thing.
  2. Game is hard. if you want a 4 button rotation class, play PT/Vanguard. very simple and does a lot of damage. Should be simple for you
  3. I am interested, i have a melee dps, assassin. my main focus is the gear tokens but i wouldn't mind a crack at the wings when everyone has theirs. you can reach me at any of the toons listed in my signature.
  4. I am interested in joining up to for DF/DP mainly for DM shells but wouldn't mind a crack at the wings. let me know if you have a spot my toon will be a Sin dps name Gal'en in my signature
  5. how is that a mistake? it's a very nice feature
  6. When you have earned a NiM title once why should you need to earn it again, WoW has this in place that Ops/Raid titles are account wide. so are mounts.
  7. This is a suggestion so that if we have earned a title or a mount on one of our characters, all should be able to use it just like gear.
  8. I donno what it is with that Arena but it is literally game breaking, the pass to the bridge and the bridge itself is a lag fest. under the bridge the game is fine but not on or on either side. This is very problematic for Solo and Group Ranked. This needs fixing.
  9. No real pvp guild on this server except Death Smile and well, good luck getting in.
  10. Bumping for all the new joiners, Have to change the information tho since Savage/Oddball no longer plays the game, contact anyone in Exit Area to reach and officer: Roshai, Microfill. Marselene/Lusine to set up a date for the sell runs.
  11. It's not gonna be as effective at getting the groups that are not really stacked up, death field/force in balance is the best form of dot spread, taking that away regardless of what lacerate can do is a nerf. It's takes the range the ability to actually place and get all the people that are not stacked up away.
  12. Set Bonuses are in higher demand because they are better. It has nothing to do with how hard it is to get ultimate commendations.
  13. ped_i

    QQ Rly

    I'll duel him on my Op.
  14. ped_i

    QQ Rly

    Naaaaah, really ??? Thanks for you very helpful advice and thanks for pointing out where i went wrong. Kappa. I guess people are just that thick that i have to put the "Kappa". Kappa2hard
  15. ped_i

    QQ Rly

    when did you say that ? and on what are we tied ? lol
  16. ped_i

    QQ Rly

    Thal is out for his forum troll session of the day. He is gonna go back under his bridge now till next week.
  17. It was really nice meeting you guys! hope to see you at San Diego
  18. Exactly what i thought about the dots nothing has changed. Also i still think we need camo purge as a separate utility.
  19. Why does anyone use their ship that much, that they get sick of it !?
  20. So i found out that Exit Area killed 16m revan and is working on 16m coratanni. GG i guess Cho is gonna post pictures.
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