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Everything posted by DarkSamink

  1. Mine are so far: Xavos - Jedi Knight(Sentinel) - Male - I realize that now the name sounds with, but hey to each there own. Jade - Sith Inquisitor(Assassin) - Female
  2. I always do a male char first cuz i m a male but after that ill choose female to play out that side of the story
  3. No not at all, I love this game, the forums however, another story. Also because of half the threads in CS are the same thing over and over again, its hard to get help in shorter time because the Mods/devs/CS people have to read every single thread and pick the ones that aren't doubles/triples/etc of the same issue
  4. I can't be a hypocrite when i stated in my original post that u all can take this as a complaining thread, so i realize i am complaining, but I also was stating my reasons i am going to leave the forums for a time, and come back when its gotten a little better here. I try to help as much people i can on these forums, mostly in Customer Service with comp issues, but I can't keep on helping when all they keep telling me is it isn't there fault its biowares that they can't log into the game or install the game or etc
  5. I understand that, but then again who gave it high hopes? Us the people did? I never have high hopes when it comes to games anymore because of the fact a lot of companies never deliver. Like i keep saying I understand the threads about bugs and issues, but what gets to me is the crying about graphics, or these people blaming bioware or the game and not themselves cause the game won't work on there comp, when really its on there end(although there is like 1% of the time it isn't the users fault).
  6. In my post i did say if its a bug or issues thats understandable, but to come across as many posts about how the graphics "are not good" or "are terrible" is ridiculous. like i said i have found about 17 threads with at least 10-25 pages each just crying bout no hi res graphics
  7. No there actually isn't. I have gone through about 200 pages of posts since last night and all I see are complaints and crying since like December/january
  8. Lol I know right? I used to flag but for every one i flag like 10 more come. its like they multiply every time u hit the flag button. I love this game whether its graphics could be better or not. Yes it has its issues and bugs but its only been out for what 2-3 months now? I understand that it takes some time fixing a new game to be near-perfect. Which is why I will play it out and wait til they are able to fix all the stuff and introduce the new stuff. WoW was the same way when it first came out, but some people don't believe WoW ever had any issues at all.
  9. They have already stated multiple times they are trying to make a transfer system(free or not free they haven't stated) that will let you transfer and not lose any legacy. i wish i could find the article but i can't right now so if anyone knows where it is it would help a lot.
  10. So as helpful as I try to be and bla bla bla 99% of these posts are complaining/whining/crying about everything. Graphics(which i think are really good, at least on my comp), to bugs and issues(which is fine and dandy, i understand that), to blaming the game or bioware when its really the users issue, not the games or biowares. I started on these boards to talk to fellow SWTOR players and get some help with in game stuff and see different opinions on different classes and all I keep finding are the crying posts. And yea you all can take this as a complaining post but since everyone else is complaint about stupid stuff and not-so stupid stuff i might as well join in. Well unltil it becomes less frequent and I can find threads not whining and crying, especially about graphics(I don't know how these kids would be able to survive in the NES/SNES era, where the graphics weren't even 3d they were 2d), I will be back when this forum grows up and starts complaining about the things that actually matter, and not mostly about graphics(Ive read about 17 threads with at least 10-25 pages each about how bad these graphics are). One word of advice: If you don't like it, play a different game. Or in my case: If I am not having fun on these forums, leave, which I will be doing. So have a good time playing SWTOR to the people who actually want to play it and aren't worried about graphics being super hi res. And to those complaining about graphics: Get over it, theres more important stuff in life to worry bout than graphics. DarkSamink
  11. Then I feel sorry for you, because if graphics is all u care about why get this game? Even the trailers I've seen the graphics were, worse, or about the same then i have on my computer. Its a game dude, its not life-threating. If you don't like it don't play it and go play GW2 when it comes out, or go back to WoW, where the graphics are not nearly as good.
  12. If this is the new gamer generation, then its pathetic. To sit here and complain about graphics is dumb. Man you all would not survive when the NES/SNES systems were out and the PC's looked like garbage. Is this more important than all the bugs in the game? Wow you young people need to get your priorities straight because I think fixing bugs and issues is a lil more important than better graphics, of which are not that bad to begin with. Bugs actually hurt people trying to play the game where graphics don't do ****
  13. Nowhere, unless i missed it, does it say all crystals will be for sale, and if i did miss it where will this take place?
  14. Sorry about that i looked from page 1 to like 7 before i posted this because i didn see any
  15. Thanks. What is up with bioware and making purple the hardest color to get in every star wars game they make. Do we all have to be as awesome as mace windu to get one?
  16. Is it just me or is Purple rare? Also on the GTN i saw a Magenta crystal is it just me or is there really a magenta crystal? If so, where do u find it?
  17. May I ask way the hell is a fleet pass? I have the security key fob from my collectors edition, but i dunno what a fleet pass is. I know stupid question right?
  18. Very well said! Now everyone bow down to him^ lol
  19. Yea what he said^ But, I personally think the Imp side may be a lil more fun because you actually get choices to just kill people and be able to not piss off ur master or watever lol
  20. Personally, being a WoW hater(sorry), i think its better than WoW. Are there bugs and issues? Yes. Will they be fixed as time goes on? Yes. Well I definitely hope so or Bioware and EA will be out of a game and I don't think they want that. Did WoW have issues and bugs when it first came out? Yes, a whole bunch. Do people give this game enough credit? No. I say this because people are to focused on the issues and bugs to see that this is really a one-of-a-kind game so far. When have you ever seen a game where its online and mostly every NPC you interact with talks? Hell, in KOTOR 1 and 2, Dragon Age 1, and a couple other single player games your character doesn't even talk yet in this one yours does. Also each class has its own storyline, its not just the beginning is different, and then every single class does exactly the same thing. They each start off on different planets(Except JC/JK and SI/SW) and the time you go to planets is different. This game will only get better. Now there are WoW lovers that will bash the hell out of this game, because its not a "true MMO" but they have their gaming preference just like i have mine. But to think a game is going to die in 3 months of release that is made by Bioware is ridiculous. I remember when WoW first came out and it had a hell of a lot more important bugs and issues than SWTOR
  21. http://Torstatus.net fixed it for u:cool: And yea if u want to play with a lot of ppl don't make the same mistake i did. I chose crevasse city server and while yes i rarely get any lags or jumped in PvP areas(since its a PvE server) the GTN(Galactic Trade Network) sucks, never anything to buy, and its hard to find players to do Flashpoints and Heroics with if ur guild is offline. So choose a standard server or maybe even a heavy one depending on ur computer, but do not pick light like i did
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