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Everything posted by amantheil

  1. Well said. I can't wait to get my grubbly little hands on Diablo III, but I have no plans to leave SWTOR. Yeah, I won't be around on SWTOR as much for a while, but a break and an occasional change of pace is a good thing.
  2. Given the way people reacted when ranked WZs were pulled out of 1.2, I'd be shocked if they ever provide a date for any feature again.
  3. No, it's because most people are actually waiting for Bioware to provide details and not automatically assuming a worst-case scenario.
  4. This is where your whole argument breaks down, because it is NOT a fact. They have not said what transfers will be free and which ones will cost money. Your statement is a reasonable guess, but it's not a fact until Bioware confirms it one way or the other. As I mentioned in my response to your comment in another thread, while I personally think they won't allow everyone to transfer to heavily populated servers, I think there is a good chance they may allow people to transfer to any server where a player already has characters for free - especially given the emphasis they've placed on Legacy. Do I know if that's true? No, of course not. It's a guess, but it seems just as reasonable and likely as your assumption. Both of us are guessing, and just because you keep saying your guess is a 'fact' doesn't make it true.
  5. You are not unfortunately not going to get any answers right now other than people guessing. Bioware has not said which transfers will be available.
  6. Again, you don't know what transfers will cost money and which ones don't. While I doubt they'll let everyone transfer to a high-pop server for free, it wouldn't surprise me if they allowed it for people who already had characters on a server. But I'm guessing. I have no idea what the final implementation is going to be, and neither do you.
  7. They don't say the price. Nor, despite the OPs ranting, have they even said which transfers will be free and which ones will cost money. Getting worked up about it now is pointless. People just need to relax and wait until they actually release the details before crying about whether the transfers they want are free or paid.
  8. What, you couldn't wait for them to announce which transfers will be free and which will be paid, or thse cost of the transfers before you started whining?
  9. I'll try to respond as neutrally as possible, because I don't want to turn this into a big argument. I haven't raided in SWTOR, but I have raided in other games. For PvE, the progression they're referring to is mainly operations (raiding). ("Raid" is a common MMO term, "Operations" is the SWTOR term for a raid). Raids have different levels of difficulty, and the gear that drops is better with each gear. So raiding progression is you work on one raid for a while, gearing up gradually, until you've beat it and everyone in your guild/raiding group has enough gear for the next raid, which will be tougher. And in some MMOs, it can be difficult - it's not uknown to spend months trying to clear out a certain raid, often wiping on a partiularly tough boss for many attempts over several weeks. That system does exist in SWTOR - there are multiple Operations with different tiers. But it seems like many of the raiders out there feel the SWTOR ops are too easy - they clear out the entire raid in only a few attempts, get geared up quickly, and then have no new challenges. They're looking for an Operations that will take a few months for them to complete, not one that can be finished in 1 or 2 attempts.
  10. Nope. They've always been available for all factions. There used to be alignment or faction restrictions (I forget which) on other color crystals, but those were removed in a patch recently.
  11. Perhaps if you keep complaining about it enough times, they'll invent a time machine, go back in the past, and have them ready for now. Seriously, constantly complaining that it should have been available at launch or they opened too many servers at launch or whatever is pointless. It's not going to change what happened previously. What's done is done...transfers will be ready when they're ready.
  12. And you're basing this assumption on what exactly? http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-april-27th-2012 Here's what they said in the thread where they announced it (my caps): They've never said it will be high-to-low, low-to-high, medium-to-low, high-to-medium, full-to-really-full or exactly what they're doing. Basically, here's what we know. a) there will be free transfers from some servers to other servers. That's it. That's the list. Everything else is just speculation and guesswork.
  13. The GTNs are merging into one. Bioware has said that the Hutts will buy out the Imperial and Republic GTNs, meaning there will be only be one GTN per server that is accessible to both factions.
  14. Just be patient. Bioware has said that they are getting rid of having three GTNs per server, instead there will just be one neutral GTN. The Republic, Imperial, and Hutt GTNs will merge into one.
  15. Dude, switch to decaf. And wait before they actually release the details of what transfers will be free and what will be paid before you rant. They've said (several times) taht sever merges are a possibility and on the table, but they want to see how the transfers work out. So be patient and stop giving yourself an ulcer.
  16. Wow. You already know with 100% certainty what servers people can transfer to/from for free, which transfers will money, and what the impact will be on light servers. All that despite the fact that Bioware hasn't actually announced when the transfers will ocur, which transfers will be free, which transfers will cost money, or how much money they'll cost. Seriously, can't you wait for them to at least release SOME details before you start whining about how they screwed it up? Ssssh, that's crazy talk. Why let facts get in the way of good whine?
  17. Stuff like this is pretty common. Every country has it's own set of rules regarding contest eligibility and sweepstakes. It's just not feasible for a country to offer a contest available for the entire world, because the rules for who is or isn't eligible, and the regulation they'd fall under, would be different in the U.S. than it might be, in say, Serbia.
  18. Community: WE WANT NEW CONTENT! Bioware: Here is patch 1.2. It has a new Operations, a new Flashpoint, a new daily mission hub, a new warzone, a new world boss, and a new limited time world event. Whiners: OMG THE PATCH IS JUST FLUFF AND THERE IS NO NEW CONTENT. Others: what are you talking about? There was a new ops, fp, warzone, world event, and dailies? Whiners: I QUIT! THERE'S NO NEW CONTENT!
  19. Perhaps if you held your breath a really long time they'll give you what you want, along with a lollypop.
  20. Nothing suprises me anymore. Some prefer to just complain about things that happened months ago. Should they have had transfers available sooner? Probably. Did they open up too many servers at launch? Absolutely. Will repeating those facts over and over and over change what happened previously? Nope.
  21. On your character screen (press 'C' in-game) there's a little meter on the left that shows your Dark Side/Light Side level.
  22. I agree with this. They need to do a much better job of making them accessible. All heroic missions should be shareable to anyone who meets the right minimum requirements. None of them should have pre-reqs. It's extremely frustrating to find someone who wants to do heroics, only to have them drop group because they haven't done the missions leading up to it.
  23. Sometimes I want to do Flashpoints, but I can't find enough people online at the same time I am to form a group. So...that means all Flashpoints should be removed? I wasn't able to do Athiss 'at level' on a character, and I eventually just leveled past it. Same thing for one of the PvP missions. What's the point of having a flashpoint or PvP mission in my log that's never going to be completed? They should just remove Athiss and all Warzones. I will never do them, so the fact that other people are able to do them or enjoy them is irrelevant. Really, any mission that I can't complete for whatever reason needs to be removed. Bioware should re-design the entire game around my schedule, my preferences, my server population, and what I have time to do.
  24. This is probably the rakghoul plague from the world event.You have two choices: 1) Wait around 20 minutes for the plague to run it's course (which will result in you exploding, dying, and spreading the plague to others) 2) Go to a medical supply vendor and buy a vaccine for 2000 credits.
  25. Yep. Furthermore, he asked if it was considered cheating, and was told "yes it is." The information has value to other new players as well.
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