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Everything posted by Drakkip

  1. Hah yeah fair enough, if they gave any indication and then failed to deliver the servers would be even harsher for them I just find the whole MMO industry bass ackwards in that deadlines seem to mean nothing, and/or there is a appears to be a total lack of accountability to deadlines. I mean is it like that in the workplace too? Programmer - "Well Bob it doesn't look like we'll have rated WZ's in for 1.2" Team Lead - "Well that's ok how long do you think until it is ready?" Programmer - "Who knows I am hoping you know sometime soon " Team Lead ' "Well keep working on it as long as we have it done sometime thats' good" When it should be" Team lead - "we want to have rated WZ's in for 1.2" Programmer - "I estimate that's around 2000 coding hours. Currently we have 6 people working on that, they are putting in 10 hour days right now so we will have that done in around 7 weeks give or take" Team Lead - "ok keep me in the loop with your progress" One week later: Team lead "How is that rated WZ for 1.2 coming along you guys should be around 15% through it by now?" Programmer "Well to be honest there is a lot more going on here than we anticipated. My initial estimates are off because of how we have the character transfer service. We did some initial review and figure that in order to get this to work it's more like 8000 programming hours. So that's either 28 weeks or we need to add more people to get it done faster" These are basic management issues, it's not like it's rocket science or something.
  2. I ninja editted my post... yes transfers they are, mergers, no. Sure it is the next logical step, but, if they aren't currently working on those logistics NOW, then if sorting out those logistics takes 6 months from inception, waiting on it just means waiting on it.
  3. Except that as far as I have seen they aren't even working on it (server merges I mean). I don't agree that there are some logistics to be managed in terms of implementation, however, if it isn't even in the pipeline at present, the implementation is even further off. Ironically the reason I would prefer a server merge over transfers are to maintain the community/ friends who I made on my server in the event that they do come back.
  4. Neither issue ( 6 hour Q's / dead servers) are the "Customers" fault.... Seriously, how the customer can be blamed for BOTH 6 hour Q times AND dead population servers is perplexing. BW is offering a good (or service - depending on how you look at it). When you have customers, you are responsible for supplying them and keeping them more or less happy. When the customer isn't happy how does that become their fault when in reality it is the inability to access what the are here for IS the complaint. Lack of having a plan and/or poor design has nothing to do with anything the customer can physically do to change. A little accountability on the part of the game developer who acutally can you know, assign staff to various features of the project would be where the responsibility lies.
  5. I agree they are different games... but that isn't a compelling REASON why. 1 server per type with multiple shards?
  6. Wait... so standing around for 2 hours and spamming general "Looking for tank to do soandso Flashpoint paying if needed" makes it more worthwhile HOW exactly. Yes I know my flawed logic and all that about facilitating things in life dumbs it down too much <rolls eyes> I trust you like, wire messages with morse code and stuff, stay away from those telephones, tweets, and Instant messangers, they have dumbed down our society already... sheesh! I can't believe the entitled masses want cars, phones, computers!
  7. While I agree with most of your points, I often hear how the community went downhill fast. Is this suggesting that good natured people suddenly lost their minds and went crazy? I mean from all appearances you are a rational person, are you saying you went crazy and became a ninja looter or something? I highly doubt that, just as I higly doubt other good people went crazy as well. In terms of the X-server LFD, what I noticed was that I would run 1-3 dungeons per night before LFD, and out of that about a couple of times a week I would run into some moron in the group. After LFD I would run more like 5-10 dungeons a night and it seemed like every other day I was running into some moron. In my mind it had more to do with the fact that the frequency that I was running content increased, so did the frequency of my exposure to other people ergo, I was running into more morons by virtue of doing more.
  8. I remember in several games either sitting at the zone line waiting for a - Healer, Tank, CC-class, OR having to travel back to the main "hub" and spam for minutes to nearly an hour to fill that one role you needed filled. You would often spend more time just trying to put the group together and keep it together than you would doing content. I have yet to see a compelling reason as to how not having an LFD adds to the game or builds the community. I'm with you 100% on this one. Time sinks in front of doing dungeons are stupid and add nothing to the game. Heck I know, let's turn off all forms of zone chat and whispers, so the only way to talk to someone is if you are within close proximity of them and they can hear you in /say <rolls eyes> Might as well add in bare feet and broken glass too why stop short now...
  9. I agree with your points more or less, however, WoW did allow for 3rd party UI customizations. That in and of itself was brilliant in my opinion. They basically got multiple free UI mods for their player base.
  10. You can't compare it to a car? Why not, please expand on that point <rolls eyes> The truth is that if it was internet service, or cable service... cmon guys soandso cable is the new guys you have to expect you'd only get 2 channels and one would be fuzzy, no one would argue that you'd be completed justified in airing your grievences. However, because it is BW/SWTOR suddenly airing grievences about either low pop, game play or other bugs makes you a troll? That's about the most assinine thing I have ever read. I mean I can't honestly beieve that if your cable company was only offerring 2 channels you'd be up there championing how everyone needs to be patient. The truth is that the "big gorrila" in the room didn't have serious population drop off issues, and the features you are saying they didn't have most didn't even exist back then... so that comparison is invalid. Honestly do you think if people came here with sunshine and roses that the company would be making changes like even adding in a same server LFD tool? Feedback, complaints, public protest are what allows the "masses" to make things happen. On your well populated server I am guessing issues are easier to overlook as you can actually access content like ops and FP's Bottom line is, if you are trolling for a response from agitated people and when you get that response you write it off as trolls <golf clap> Yay good for you for kicking the hornets nest.
  11. 1)Last time I saw someone spamming heroics = approx 5-6 weeks ago 2)I /general on the fleet and each planet I hit that I am doing dailies and welcome anyone to join... I get about 1 joiner a week 3)It's impossible to help someone when they just aren't there.... Honestly you are out of touch with the issues on low pop servers. You arguments would be entirely valid with one caveat... when I am on I am lucky to see 12-15 level 50's with an overall population of 50 on the entire server. These issues have nothing to do with the players still left on those servers and everything to do with BW setting server caps too low, and not amalgamating servers soon enough. It's nice to make excuses for BW and blame it on the people, but really how do I fix a population of 50 short of paying for other peoples subs?
  12. This is a huge issue and major design flaw as far as I am concerned. Honestly why they hate melee is a mystery
  13. Interesting concept..... So long as your friends on your friends list you could talk to cross server although having multiple shards / instances of each zone would also achieve that
  14. Of course that would mean he understands what the term massively means in the first place. Seeing how woefully inadequately "massive" it has been to date I don't have much faith at this point. It would be great if every server had about 10x's the population cap with sharded/instanced zones to reduce lag.... Time will tell... Of course maybe it's squads of operatives camping the entry door to BW that have ruined the population <rolls eyes>
  15. I love this thread.... a guy sounds off about being low pop and not being able to get a group together and the masses of fanbois jump on their swords basically telling him it's his fault, his problem, roll on a new server, just suck it up... Seriously, on my sever I am lucky if there are double digits of level 50's online.... how that ends up being my fault according to the experts on this forum is laughable. How about a real solution.... like I dunno merging servers, and a cross server LFG tool... but I guess that somehow ruins this "great" community.... Oh an as far as it's "already coming" you mean like rated WZ's in 1.2 ... oh snap, if it comes in then great, but I'm not holding my breath. Start a new toon... do you even understand how legacy is "supposed" to work? Have bioware do everything for me? You mean like have an environment that actually has more than 50 concurrent players on my server on my faction... These comments show how out of touch people on high pop servers are with the rest of the "community" Your empathy is overwhelming...
  16. +10 DKP if you know where DKP was from
  17. Gotta get those breaks in when you can... When you are working 80-100 hours weeks, need to blow off some steam every now and then >.<
  18. I would like to see keybindings be account wide Macros LFD working and in place An in game calender for scheduling events Being able to "zone" once to get from one planet to the next Enough quickslots for all my abilities /Stuck actually work to get out of places where you currently get permastuck
  19. ^^^^^This...THIS THIS THIS...... Thank gawd there are other people who think and feel this way. I see nothing wrong with holding supposed professionals to the same standard as their peers.
  20. Yeah you're right... you just reminded me of how empty the game really is... I just feel "fenced" in and like the idea of being able to explore... Tatooine had a very little bit of that, and I spent a few hours riding my speeder around the desert... it's too bad there wasn't anything there =/
  21. I also love how it chugs for half a second when you dismount your speeder and your companion spawns... it is even worse on the wifes system, she fully locks for like 1 second.
  22. This^ Another basic feature the game SHOULD have... but I guess this was one of things they didn't want to copy every other MMO out there and take some chances <rolls eyes> I guess I have unrealistic expectations that my key mapping could either be: A) Universal across my account or; B) Importable from another character I know... I have unrealistic expectations and all that
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