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Everything posted by Elzen

  1. From launch until last week I was a synthweaver on my jugg tank. Then we stared in on NiM TFB. Biochem is the way to go. I'm actually kinda bummed about needing to do so, but it is undoubtedly the most effective crew skill for any end game raider.
  2. Def proc is (was) raid only.
  3. You would be better off swapping high endurance mods/enhancements for the high mitigation ones first. Some people would argue that you should swap those over to power as well, however I don't do so myself as I like to stay above 35k.
  4. I would add Titan VI - Lots of Missiles to this list of times when it is useful, particularly when you're the one that gets buried.
  5. Your raw percentages went down, however you can now shield more attack types. As for healers/DPS, they went from 35% crit and 75% surge to 25% crit and 70% surge. So if you want to compare the percentages shown on the character sheet, every single person got 'nerfed'.
  6. I used to feel like a red-headed step child as a jugg tank (from 1.3 through to 1.5 or so). Now I'm the favorite son. I'm planning on enjoying it while it lasts. Yes, it's a problem.
  7. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=567164 Absorb proc Shield on use
  8. Long story short, all of the theory crafters argue that for current content mitigation is preferred over endurance for all tank classes. End of story, full stop. The one potential caveat that I am aware of is shadow/assassin spike damage on Thrasher 16 man HM. It *is* doable with full mitigation mods however. If you want the details for this fight, check this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=646029
  9. The only advantage for endurance over mitigation for a guardian is to deal with spike damage. There is no instance currently in the game that requires this trade off. Not just from theory crafting but from personal experience as well I can tell you that 34k - 35k is just fine for TFB/S&V HM. I can't give you any hard information about NiM, but I fully expect that there will be zero reason to need to stack endurance for NiM. If you want the theorycrafting for Shadows/Assasins check, dipsticks Tanking Stats thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=567164 Sacrificing mitigation for endurance is never *needed*. Do you mean preferred?
  10. Okay, I have to steal this for my signature.
  11. Easy? Yes. Fast? Not so much. If you're a healer, please don't use a tank companion for every day mobs. I'm just sayin'.
  12. I'd say your gear is sufficient so long as you have faith in your healer. So find a guild healer to run with or some such. I'd be hesitant about PUGing but it is totally doable.
  13. Successful troll is successful.
  14. With a decent tank and half decent DPS, I've yet to be in a FP where I put the Kolto Shell on anyone but the tank (other than specific mechanic's like False Emperor's solo fight). And on boss fights boy do I notice it when I forget to refresh the shell post 2.0. In raids, I always put it on one of the tanks; there were a few mechanics like council where I would put it elsewhere, but those were few and far between.
  15. Agreed. What I do is have target markers set to my numpad. This makes it really easy for me to mark things quickly if I need to. In general if I want XYZ mob killed first I mark it with fire, cog and star mean CC. I've yet to meet a DPS who DPS'd cog/star before fire so it tends to work for me.
  16. Well, here's the rankings based on having Underworld Gear: def proc 0.281093161 0.267712039 0.277602433 -0.0044 abs proc 0.281994229 0.268823737 0.278558448 -0.0034 shd use 0.281994229 0.267568957 0.278387911 -0.0036 pvp 0.281994229 0.277392254 0.277392254 -0.0046 use def 0.281994229 0.269959988 0.279988522 -0.0020 The lower that last column the better, so it looks like the lowest 2 numbers then are def proc and shield use.
  17. Jugg tank here, I like to run with 2 marksmen snipers and an operative/sorc. The makrsmen snipers are often really good about picking off the small ranged trash which really helps me out. Then for those big pulls we've got 2 or 3 orbital strikes to really put the hurt on packs of mobs.
  18. Agreed. I've been both the tank and the healer in those situations. The DPS got all butt hurt about it for a bit, but eventually behaved himself.
  19. To me this is a good thing, if hard modes were cake from day one as a 55 they wouldn't be *hard* modes would they?
  20. In a word, healing. In a few more words, when you being healed, maximum endurance means very little compared to the DPS vs HPS ratio. That extra 7500 HP of yours never comes into play. In many more words: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=616779
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