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Everything posted by Rowdieranger

  1. Just wanna say, I've cleared it with a full melee team. Just time your knock backs. Pretty simple. Also SnV NIM=/= relevant at all.
  2. At least you had a hilt in your weapon
  3. It's also not impossible to get the rewards on a PvE server, I'm in a heave raiding guild (as you can probably tell) yet I spent hours in the solo q and eventually ended up as the top rated imperial on my server and 4th overall. Just like in PvE you have to work for it.
  4. Post a screenshot that doesn't mean the requirements listed in the thread and ***** when somebody calls you on it, genius
  5. If you are saying story modes I completely agree, but in the hard modes being a melee is an extra liability to do (normally) less damage than a ranged. You take exponentially more damage than a ranged. I've been raiding as an assassin DPS since launch at a progression level, and IMHO this is the worst tier to have been a melee.
  6. Even if they have it I won't be using the mount :/ or the weapons... Or the crystal. I honestly don't like any of this seasons rewards.
  7. MVP votes mean nothing, what does mean something is putting out your healing, playing objectively and for the love of god using your defensives. Do these things and the good pvpers will invite you to theirs groups/guilds.
  8. Knoxville here, on the ebon hawk
  9. Sintor: madness assassin: 4013 (or maybe a few points more, too lazy to do the math) http://www.torparse.com/a/747861/3/0/Overview only difference from last parse is a 186 mod in place of a 180.
  10. Eh it's debatable who is the better player, I mean, if you listen to several members of a guild I won't name I'm the worst DPS (and player) on server and I agree completely that execute phase messes me up a lot. I'm constantly dropping low on force or delaying creeping terror/death field
  11. http://www.torparse.com/a/737959/2/0/Overview torparse says 3971 but doesn't show the full 1.5 mil damage, so I'd be very happy if somebody could do the math for me standard madness assassin spec, gear is mostly 180's, using a 186 offhand armoring, 186 pow/surge enhancmnet 186 crit/surge enhancment... and an underworld ear
  12. http://www.torparse.com/a/726217/1/0/Damage+Dealt *prays to summon the spirit of Jab* help me oh wise one
  13. Any chance you can translate that into imperial terms?
  14. Sintor, madness assassin, 3609.77. No gear changes from the last parse just decided to *finally* use adrenals. http://www.torparse.com/a/703742
  15. Sintor: madness9 8/2/36 http://www.torparse.com/a/702902/1/0/Overview (3511) Still using oriconian implants/ear and and underworld relic along with 2 68 armorings
  16. And yet you are judging me for saying we use voips in ranked? :rolleyes:
  17. We do in ranked where everybody is in voips, I dare you to go I to team ranked with your team not in voice, we don't do it in regs because there is no need to. It's just a bunch of random people who don't know the difference between east and west, if you want to get rid of voice in ranked you might as well get rid of voice in NIM ops too.
  18. Only ranked matches, but if you aren't using voice chat in ranked you deserve to lose. What's the point of recording regs o.O
  19. We just type, why would I stop our conversations over a call out? We type everything out because there are a bunch of conversations going on at once.
  20. I can promise you when I PvP and my guildie are in voice together we still just ******** around. We type in ops chat (gasp) anything that needs to be said that way the rest if the team has a chance to react as well. We are in TS/mumble because we enjoy chatting and being social because... Ya know... It's an MMO what's the point in not being social with the guild you are in?
  21. Silly merc, you should be using rocket punch and missile blast
  22. 6/10 Bit of a mouthful to say otherwise would be higher. My assassin (who was my first character ever way back when dinosaurs roamed voss) is Sintor.
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