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Posts posted by sirullrich

  1. Thats what you do in simpleton situations like 4X4 arenas.

    However, objective oriented 8X8 WZs are a whole lot more sophisticated than that. You don't run tactics to kill everybody, but to reach an objective. If one team is able to def an objective forever, or if it takes 5 people to kill a tank + healer combo, then these 5 people are not working towards objectives in that time. The tank + healer combo is winning the WZ on its own, only because they are a tank + healer combo.


    Sorry buddy regardless of what type of WZ you play 4v4 or 8v8. An objective in PVP is to KILL PEOPLE! Think about VS and AH. If the VS is a stalemate then the team with the most kills wins. Ancient Hypergate you get points for every kill you make which actually makes killing people one of the most important OBJECTIVES in AH. It's almost impossible to cap in NC or CW without killling the other team first ,unless you are a invis toon who can sap cap. Finally if two dps can kill a healer tank combo in a ranked 4v4 match why can't 5 dps kill a healer tank combo in regs? If 5 people can't kill a tank healer combo then they are just 5 not up to par dpser's.


    Wait aren't you the guy who couldn't get an online girlfriend so you had to ddos people because your heart was broken. That's just sad bro. You should actually get a real life go out with REAL PEOPLE and make some real friends.

    O wait you can't because you spend every waking minute either on the game or on forums. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAD

  3. If people are upset that they are losing to us in solo q then ask us to make a fours team. We will play any team. For the last 5 months no guild or players have queued more times in ranked 4's than our guild on server. At this point majority of our matches are guild vs. guild. We also beat every team on server against everyone's best comps. Instead of crying on forums because you are losing. Just win. This is so funny because last season the two best guilds from last season use to do the same thing, but no one cried on forums about it.
  4. Hello PvPers of Bastion,


    I'm an active PvPer on Jung Ma, and I'm thinking of transferring a character to this server for solo and team ranked. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as to who to contact, whether it be a guild or just a group of PvPers looking for more talent.


    I know solos pop constantly on this server, but hows the team ranked competition? Which guilds have the top 4s teams? When does team ranked usually start on this server? Please state the time zone when answering too please, I'm in the EST zone of the US.


    I have a decent amount of experience with team ranked. I play combat sentinel and guardian tank on pub side, as well as carnage marauder, hatred assassin, AP PT, and medicine operative on imp side. I can DPS or tank on pub side, and i can DPS or operative heal on imp side.


    Here are some pics of my records(i'm bad at winning regs lol :p)
















    I only want to transfer one character for ranked, so if any guilds are interested in recruiting me just state which role you would want me to play, and the faction as well!


    Thanks for reading!


    Jaango whisper me on my pub toon. Renpa

  5. i think we are waiting until 3.1 maybe...?... we put a strawpoll vote up to transfer or to stay and it tied :|


    for some reason people want to stay on a dead server lol.


    Is this the REAL JAKE???

  6. For serious pvp, you'll want G-Quit or Crescendo. There are a select few players from other guilds who are good, but the largest concentration of good players that actually give me a challenge in Yolos are from those two guilds.


    GQUIT AND CRESCENDO are no more. We merged into one guild.

  7. Just wondering what teams are planning on trying fours this season? As much as we like to play against Clickers and Friends. It would be nice to see some other teams Q more often. If anyone is interested in playing fours just whisper anyone in G-Quit and we will try and set something up.
  8. hi iChopiin


    u mad about S2 rewards is funny cos ur cheating/queue synching didn't pay off. maybe play a game ur good at. k thx bai


    Dude why do you come into the forums then talk crap without even saying who you are?

  9. <Tihaaroholics> will have a team here. We'll be queuing more often once our other tank has his comp fixed. We will run double madness if Burdok is on your team, especially if he is playing hybrid PT tank.


    Honestly I don't have set team or anything. Basically it's whoever I can find.

  10. LOL


    IT IS SIMPLE MATH... reread my post. I reread my post again to make sure I was explaining it correctly, I did.


    In short...


    It would have to be that way EVERY SINGLE TIME-WITHOUT EXCEPTION... it is not. Hence, there could not be more groups than solo players in WZs. As we all know, not all WZs come with a premade of 4 on each team.


    Unless you are not claiming that in every single WZ, each team has a 4 man premade in it?!


    I am not claiming anything I said prove it with facts. Where are your facts. You are assuming everything. You don't know for fact who is grouped up or not. You are not asking in every warzone "are you grouped up or solo." You are just assuming. NO FACTS JUST ASSUMPTIONS.


    I will also tell you in season 2 I was the highest rated guardian on server. I also play on one of the best four's teams on multiple servers. I also play a **** ton of solo regs, premade regs, solo rank and group ranked. I do all aspects of pvp in this game. Even if I play every aspect of this game I still don't know in regs who is grouped up or solo. I just play and try to win. I don't need an excuse when I lose.

  11. Do you even math bro?


    Your statement is one of the most silliest in this thread. It is MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for there to be even close to the same amount of groups as there are solo players.



    Works like this:


    8 people on a team. Say 4 of them solo q and 1 premade group (also consisting of 4).


    In order for your statement to make any sense... WZs would have to have at least 2x4 man premades every single time. And if you think that is the case, well, I have to question you even playing PVP in this game at all.


    You might as well demand to see proof that the sun exists.


    Dude you don't make sense. With your logic it is still 8 people that solo q and 8 people who are grouped up. That's still 8 people each. What are you even saying? It's the same amount of people. That is still 8 people for both who are q'd so how do you even tell yourself that your logic is correct?

  12. A game that is invested in with both an extraordinary amount of money and time.




    You realize when people say that they don't want premades in pugs they know that also equates to them not having a premade on their team as well. I don't see anything hypocritical with that.




    I dont drop when I am against one either. If you dropped out everytime there "might be" (as you put it) a premade on either team, you might as well never q up because "might be" is a loose way of wording it.




    Ah the ultimatum, I get it. it's "other people" that need to leave to intensify and exacerbate the issue before anyone thinks about making it more fair. Thus killing the population and pvp itself to prove a point.


    Let me just ask you. How do you get a bigger population of players when you are splitting the population?

  13. ROFL


    Look, "bro". I earn a living as a personal trainer so I know all about struggling, overcoming obstacles, challenging yourself and all that crap that makes for great Facebook slogan pics, but terrible real life advice. So spare me the internet tough guy talk, "bro", because I have actual real world first-hand experience in helping people improve at things that are not quite so trivial as a video game. Comprende?


    What I'm really saying that making it enjoyable for people to learn and progressively improve at an activity they partake in purely for recreational purposes is going to result in people staying for longer, becoming more invested, and getting more people to try it thanks to the wonderful phenomenon that is word of mouth. Getting your teeth kicked in WZ after WZ is most definitely not enjoyable or a valuable learning experience, and it sure as **** is not something you recommend to your friends. And, as a PVPer, a larger pop is something I would really want to see.


    So what if you are personal trainer. Do you tell your clients to give up if they can't lose the weight? I coach teams who have won national championships in sports. If we quit after a few losses then we would never be national champions. You say that is bad real life advice, but how can it be bad when I basically said don't ever quit. You sure you a trainer? How is that being a tough guy? Aren't you the one taking it personal? Did I hit a nerve or something? Is telling people not to quit a bad thing?


    For your second paragraph. Nothing but opinion. No facts. How do you know it's only pugs who get there **** kicked in? You assuming that only pugs lose. Again opinion. If the person is losing WZ after WZ how do you know it's because of PREMADES? How do you know it's not because the player is just bad and needs to learn? Nobody knows is what I'm saying. You can only control things within your grasp. You can't just sit here and assume that your opinion is greater than anyone else's.


    The premade issue will never be fixed because bw/ea do not think it's important. So if you really wanted more people to play you would encourage people to group up instead of splitting the population. How does that logic even work. You want more people to play, but want to separate the players?

  14. I've made it pretty clear in every post I make - premades in pug queues are carebears. I'm not sure what you think I'm trying to spin, I've never deviated from this line in any way. Also, premades are the minority. I've openly agreed that premades in pug queues aren't as big an issue as many make them out to be. But it doesn't change the fact, that if you're team stacking in pugs you're a candy ***.


    And for your info, those 'tourists' are the majority, the solo pug players are the ones that fill the queues. When your geared premades spawn camp pugs and jerk each other's e-peens on Mumble, you're chasing off the queue fillers. I know you're too bad for ranked, the guys doing ranked know you're too bad for ranked, and the tourists know you're too bad for ranked.


    Until you can prove that there are more solo q' people compared to premades you have no argument. Everything you are saying is opinion driven. Not one comment is based on fact.

  15. Wow, just wow.


    So, since, for whatever reason, you stuck with the beatings and soldiered on (badarseoverhere.jpg), that means everyone should follow suit, and the system works perfectly fine, right?


    And people wonder why the PVP pop is so small and has the reputation it does. :rolleyes:


    Conquests was the perfect opportunity to get more people really into PVP. But thanks to the way objectives are set up, (a few) premades farming pugs, and the non-existent matchmaking it's another wasted opportunity that will result in "tourists" permanently remaining so and not ever giving a flying **** about PVP - while also making life miserable for the rest of us. The least of these issues is premades farming pugs in regs, but when it happens it blows big time. And people tend to remember bad experiences much more vividly than average or even good ones.


    They really need to do x-server queues.


    That just because majority of people are weak mentally and do not challenge themselves. Of course the bad experiences always stand out, but if you can over come those experiences. These are the people who will become mentally tougher in the future especially when they hit tough times. You are basically saying that if a kid is struggling in school it's okay for him to quit. NICE LOGIC MAN. Keep defending quitters bro.

  16. Just going to pop in here to say a couple things.


    Besides no cross server the ranked scene has died for mostly these two reasons.

    •People can't take a single loss without feeling defeated and decide never to queue again

    •People complain about you when you win.(sportsmanship)


    Both of these issues have to do with our own egos.

    I understand how important these games may seem.


    I understand when people lose their first thought is not ,"alright what can we do better as a team?".

    Instead the first reaction is,"This was not my fault, the reason my team lost was because the other team was SO overpowering that there was no other outcome possible besides my team losing"

    This is the line of thought that leads to threads about nerfing classes and stopping premades.


    I applaud Rahc for coming out and saying if he had more practice on his dps they could have stopped us. Because Llightning Sorc and an Arsenal Merc are in no way overpowered and within the realm of possibility to beat. The fact of the matter is I enjoy playing a Sorc and Deal enjoys playing his Merc so we played the class. It was one of the first times we played that comp and we happened to win with it. Complaining because a support class does their job of off healing is rediculous and unreasonable. Complaining when a random comp like this wins is something that really irks me.


    Another problem is complaining about what strats are used. I hear almost everytime we win,"don't stand on the ramp, fight us in the middle, of course double madness, you've got a sorc, tank tunnel". This is a common psychological technique used for hundreds of years by people who are weak, in order to manipulate people who are stronger into lowering to their level. In the words of Darth Bane, “Glory is of no use to the dead.”“Honor is a fool’s prize” . I wont feel better about losing just because I played by my enemies rules, I accept losing when I did everything in my power to win but just get outplayed. There is no reason I should stop playing classes I've enjoyed since almost launch because other people have a tough time fighting against it. That is THE purpose of ranked, to push yourself to the limits of what your classes can do.


    My guild runs 4s about half the week.We have a good time because it is the only form of pvp that has any real challenge to us(yolo seem a waste of time with all the trolls, wz are just relaxing killing grounds). We do not win most of the matches (half of the losses someone on our team is d/c or comps are shutting down lol,the other half are synergy issues/enemy skill). You will not see us complaining about what sorcs people may be in, whether its double carnage, carnage/snipes, OP healer vs Merc healer, tank tunneling. Because we don't care. We believe with enough skill you can take out any comp. When we lose we will keep queuing, constantly striving to work on our teamwork until we win. So you can understand the frustration when we finally get into the groove and win we get people complaining and rage quitting matches. Take your losses like a man, learn from it, find what you can do better and work from there. You weren't complaining the 5 matches you beat the comp don't complain the first match you lose.




    I assure all of you, if this kind of sportsmanship continues there will be 0 teams queuing 4s. With an expansion coming around we have a chance to create the environment that encourages teams to queue 4s as more people come back into the game. However it is up to the 2-4 teams that queue to make that ranked community a friendly place to play.


    Lol people who cry because they lost. Playing fours on the Harbinger when the pot5 teams, bastion teams transferred over the team I ran with VOSSEN would get tank tunneled hard by the pot5 teams. I was the tank. We probably lost like the first 5-6 matches. We didn't sit there and QQ because we lost to tank tunneling we eventually figured out a way to win. We didn't win them all, but we won many of them after. People who QQ that you lost to tank tunneling because it takes no skill. Basically you just said "we lost to someone with no skill." How can anybody be proud enough to ***** about losing to someone with no skill?

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