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Posts posted by sirullrich

  1. I am also a sorc healer and yes I do look at my numbers, but if I have top heals and still don't win the wz. I don't really care what my numbers look like. Ever since 1.4 came out my healing numbers have gotten significantly higher, but it could be cuz my gear is getting better. I win more matches than I lose, but if I lose and have top heals doesnt that mean my team is not doing objectives (well that part is just my opinion). Therefore if I have less heals then the op healer, but still win isn't that more important. What I'm saying is that both are important and have there own roles. Our guild runs both op and sorc healers and it is most effective when we have atleast one of each on the team. As long as I win I could careless about my healing numbers.
  2. I will say this for all the non full wh geared players. I have only 1 level 50 toon a sorc healer. I just hit 50 w/o knowing about gear and yes in my recruit gear I was getting wrecked, but I still healed well enough to be a factor. My guild helped me learn about gear so eventually farmed bm gear so little by little it got easier. Now I am at left side full wh also saber, offhand wh augmented. I still only have 17k hp, but now heal like a boss. If you don't put the work into it you will never get anywhere. In this game or life so stop crying and earn your gear like everyone else.
  3. I have only one 50 toon a sorc healer. Before I had a chance to play I read all of the crap people were saying about the changes in the forums. Mostly negative so I had to try for myself. I played for a few hours, but I must say that I've healed better than I ever healed before. The self heal is like having an unlimited wz medpac so it keeps me up longer. The stun range is shorter which kind of sucks, but since I'm a healer it is still useful to kite. The new sprint is awesome and still getting use to the overload knockback. I've never had a problem with my sorc healer, but now I heal even better so for me I think the balance is getting better, but still not perfect.
  4. I don't want to argue. I am not blaming the groups for doing it and also I am not saying its the guilds fault for doing it becuase bioware allows it to happen. What I am saying is that there is 16 players that are in a wz and of those 16 there are two premade groups, a tandem, and 6 pugs. I just feel before wz starts the two premades should get split up. Instead of spots getting filled as players que for wz. I am not bad at this game and win more wz than I lose. I am a part of a good guild that play regularly. I just want to play wz where it is somewhat competitive most of the time and so the new people who want to try PVP get a fair shake at it too. It would really help PVP imo.
  5. If you wanted to play with an 8 man team just play ranked. Does it really feel good to smash 8 pugs with crap gear. All I read on these forums is PVP is dying, but aren't you folks who try to play 8 man normals also a reason why PVP is dying?
  6. Last night I played a Hutt Ball match. I solo que, but once the game started we played a team with two premades. Both premades were from the same guild. We lost in a 1-1 game, but *** BW THERE SHOULD NEVER BE an 8 man wz team in normals. Has this ever happened to anybody else?
  7. I agree with the OP. I just turned 50 as a sorc healer and yes I take PVP seriously. Not having gear to a certain extent is very frustrating, but everyone that plays this game has been there at one time. At recruit gear, yes I was not as effective, but still avg. healing 200k. Right now I am full BM gear and most wz I am top healer now. Gear is important, but everyone can grind the gear. I most of the time out heal toons with full WH gear with my BM gear. It is not gear that frustrates me in PVP, but not knowing the objectives of the wz. Skill is always greater than gear in a team based PVP!!!!! If you can't beat a 1v1 against a guy that is better geared than you just maybe you are playing the wrong game. SWTOR is team based PVP learn to play as a team and if you want to 1v1 play Streeeeeeeet Fighter.
  8. This question might have been brought up before, but can't seem to find it anywhere. Is there another website other than twitch.tv that has live streaming. If there is please lmk. TY
  9. I just leveled my sage sorc healer to 50 last night. From level 25+ I always healed atleast 100k no matter how bad I was doing. My question is this if 3 people are on you and you are playing something like civil war or voidstar how do u guys not win when your team is fighting 7v5. You have team advantage and u should be able to kite until they cap. Atleast thats what I do. TBH as a healer 58K is nothing. I mustve been like level 11 if I thought 58K is good. I'm not saying you are not good, but you need to help your team for them to help you.
  10. Is there any website that has streams or previously played matches on them. I would like to watch some high level pvp streams. If anybody knows of any please reply!!
  11. Right now I am a level 40 sorc healer and just really got into PVP. I just need to know how much I need to heal to be considered a good healer. Right now I average about 200k healing, but depending on which wz. Like I said though this is just an average. What amount of heals should I be reaching for can anybody help me. It would be even better if you can break down how much for each wz. Also any pointers to help me be a better a healer. Open to try w/e.
  12. Can anyone help me learn this. I am new to this game, but I was told that bio chem is good to learn. The problem is I dont know where to buy or get the supplies to craft the items. Please help.
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