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Everything posted by Uber_the_Goober

  1. It's the least intrusive thing EVER. Also, it's called "Message of the DAY" for a reason. It's bound to change
  2. Anyone who's sick of people claiming to always be "at the top of the scoreboard" but not being very good once you group with them - please +1 this idea.
  3. Just noticed last night...my crippling throw animates green, like my color crystal... Which goes against what you just said here. Any idea on if the twin saber throw will also animate to the color crystal, or stay orange?
  4. Listen here you pre-owned dongbag - - When I counter everything that's said to me by minimizing the importance of the issue raised based upon prior discussion or deflect attention away from an issue and place it back on the one who raised it, I'm considered a jerk. For the record, I did pay for beard removal. I think it's stupid to have to do it. I still would like to inform the devs that this issue occurs for this particular mask, and hopefully they'll fix it.
  5. ^ So many words...so little communicated. It feels like you have something to say, but I don't know what it is.
  6. Why does my character get comments about terrorism? I mean, just because his name is Qadaffi does NOT mean that i was a dictator in the middle east. I only found out what Libya was a few days ago. This thread isnt a troll thread, i just want to know why people do this.
  7. There will be enough players who whine to Bioware to ban them...to over-ride the voice of logic. If it worked, it'd be done already. Some in-game GM's would be the quickest solution - identify the spammers, and just put in a "mute" on them so they have no idea they're automatically being silenced.
  8. hue Hue HUe HUE Come PvP with me bro. If I had stronker self-heals...I'd be strutting like Goku with the Super Saiyan swagger....
  9. I don't understand...why this is so hard to understand...Bioware what are you doing?
  10. I would love to see something where the heals would increase in magnitude depending on my health - If I'm close to 100% health, then only give me maybe .5%, but if I'm below 30%, then give me like 3% back on DOT crits. With a sliding scale up to full, so the more health I have, the less the dots heal me for. That would be a fun mechanic.
  11. So...I've been having a blast running Watchman spec. Granted, I'm only 54, so things may change at 55. But.... I have no relics, so I'm bolster-nerfed, but I still perform just fine in warzones. Better than fine actually - usually top damage, kills, and killing blows by a ridiculous margin. And people tell me that Watchman was actually beastly with the self-heals prior to a certain patch...1.7 or 1.XXX I dunno. That's literally the only thing I think I have a gripe about. The self-heals...they're a nice thought...but certainly not anything to write home about. It's not even close to being as useful as the Guardian's self-heal. How do the current self-heals compare to the ones of olden days? And does anyone think it would be better if they went back? I ask because I can see my survivability taking a crap at 55...when other 55's are blasting at me with much more gusto than the mid bracket players do LoL.
  12. Agh come on dude. This is the fracking bug forum. The purpose of the forum is to report things EXACTLY AS I HAVE DONE. The ball is now in Bioware's court. Why in the HELL ARE YOU HERE trying to tell me that what I've reported is somehow irrelevant, unimportant, or not worthy of consideration? It's clearly not intended to happen, because it looks ghetto and stupid - no game developer wants their product to look that way - so if they have the time, or the resources, they'll fix it, regardless of your opinion on it's "worthiness" or "intended" nature. And yes you are saying something. Repeatedly. Unsolicited, unhelpful, unnecessary, unwanted, etc.
  13. Voltaic Sleuth mask doesn't clip. It's almost the same basic model, but has more bells, whistles, and doo-hickeys. I like Ajunta better because there's no hoses coming out of it... If you honestly believe that the guy who designed the mask INTENDED for it to have beards clip through it...then I don't even know what to say here.
  14. The difference in dps matters, only to some skills. The difference to heals - doesn't exist. The confusion when your enemies think a vanguard is healing? Priceless
  15. So, bird=word? Then this post has far too many birds.
  16. All I want is for resolve to not decay when I'm not in combat. That's all. For the love of the Force...
  17. I see nothing here to renew my interest in the class. Bummer. I'll run it as heal spec when I feel like it, but DPS...nah. Just not fun enough anymore.
  18. Pay money to fix their mistake...hrmm...you may be on to something.
  19. Are you 12, or is it the raging Asperger's?
  20. Bro, do you even Huttball? That guy is a leech, a cherry picker. He doesn't contribute at all. It's a waste of a player. Hide in the endzone and HOPE your team gets you the ball? Nope. Go help make it happen, then run ahead and receive the pass. Don't just sit there and whine you get no action nor medals. You deserve neither.
  21. Well it stinks...I really like this mask. Fits my character's theme well. Hope it gets fixed...
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