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Posts posted by Veeius

  1. Right now, I'd say you must not face any good rage juggs. I generally tear up mercs with no trouble at all. After 1.3 though, I may agree with you.
  2. High level PvE recipes are a PvE drop.


    It is just ... dunno MMO basics.


    The first part of what you're saying is fine. But you ignore the fact that you can *PURCHASE* better items simply by doing dailies. This makes no sense at all. If you want to argue that crafters should have to raid to get raid level patterns - that's a valid argument. But if you want to argue that without ever setting foot inside an op, you can still purchase gear superior to what a crafter can make - no, you're wrong, it shouldn't be that way. That is what the OP is complaining about and he is 100% correct.

  3. You're unlucky. Keep trying. There is no 100% of getting a schematic even in 100 tries, only 99%.


    In some cases I had to re 50 times to get a schematic, an sometimes I got one almost immidiately.



    It's not just "you're unlucky." I just had to RE 23 *GREEN* armor inserts to get the blue pattern. That should be about 1/2 of 1% of the time on a 20% RE. And if it was just that, I could chalk it up to really bad luck, but the last 4 or 5 RE's I've done have been similar. "Oh, 20% chance, well, you only have to RE 20 to 25 of them." "Oh, 10% chance... well... my advice is to forget it, and do something else." After 40 or 50 tries, I did exactly that.


    Something is DRAMATICALLY wrong with the % chance for RE's.

  4. Focus does better damage, Vigilance has better survivability while still having perfectly acceptable damage. I prefer Vigilance but both are valid choices.


    Vig is far more durable. And I'm not sure that vig will have lower single target damage. BUT, vig (to me, ymmv) doesn't have the force spike damage that rage does. W/o that force spike its difficult to panic a healer or worse, catch a healer unawares.


    That said, the key thing is the last thing this poster said - both are valid, there's a lot of personal preference at play.


    Lastly, it may be the case that when 1.3 drops, rage (focus) will be dead as fried chicken. Lowest durability, lowest damage, and low spike potential. We're ENTIRELY too dependent on relic+adrenal for big numbers, and the nerf is going to hurt pretty bad.


    Edited to respond to:

    This really isn't true. 60% health to 3% health implies over a 9k Sweep on a target with 16k HP. The most you're ever going to see on a decently geared healer is 6k or so, and that number is going to drop in 1.3 with the nerf to relics and adrenals.


    You're right, I don't see 9k smashes. I see 5 to 6k smashes with 3.5k screams to get to about 9ish-k in the span of 1 gcd (smash is T-0, one gcd later is the scream). You're also right that the nerf is going to hurt rage more than any other spec of any other AC in the game. Honestly, I don't believe we had it coming. Yes, we can spike big. Outside that spike though, we got almost nothing.

  5. You play focus so you can bring in fat aoe crits. W/o the 31 talent, you're not doing your job. If you want unremitting, go vig or do a vig/hybrid mix. You'll be far far more effective.


    Also, sweeps missing due to KBs, CC is an issue for ALL specs, not just 31 focus.


    While I wouldn't do it w/o 31 points in the tree, it CAN be done. All you're giving up is force crush, which, while it does have the shortest cd, it is still only 1 of 3 ways to max your force sweeps. That said, I wouldn't do it BECAUSE force crush has the lowest CD.

  6. I'd expect to have to make a video if it was something that is rare. But I am deadly serious when I say a GOOD 30% of my pushes go up to 180 degrees away from the way I intended (yes, I have, on MANY occasions, thrown people BEHIND me). And there's almost no way at all to tell when it's going to go an unintended way.


    The engine is HORRIBLE at getting things correctly. I can force choke a ***MOB*** and it'll go up, come down, hit me, then go back up - AND THE FREAKING HIT GIVES ME KNOCKBACK ON MY CHOKE! Force choke, more often than not doesn't affect players at all. I understand people will use their get out of cc free card (though I wouldn't bother), I understand that there are things that would make a player immune. But I'd guess around 70% of the time Force choke simply does not stun the opposing player.


    The key problem is that the engine prioritizes animations over effect - which is utter, utter fail.


    What BW *MUST* understand is that there is only so much slosh players will put up with before they simply give up and go find a game who's engine ISN'T trash at timing.


    If you think this isn't an issue, then frankly, you've NEVER EVER EVER pvp'd as a juggernaut in any way shape or form. I recognized the problems after about 30 seconds in my very first match.


    Lastly, I have very low ping times, it's not my WAN.

  7. But post 1.3 will that still ring true? And more importantly burst isn't everything. If it only happens when the stars align or it isn't controlled its not viable...


    But I know nothing of DPS Jugs anyway.


    Prior to 1.3, no, it's not a "stars align" to give you 5k smashes on geared players. Its getting the right mods, and firing adrenals and relics.


    From 1.3 on, yes, I have serious serious concerns about rage juggernauts in pvp. They're knocking the heck out of our burst and giving us absolutely nothing to make up for it. This wouldn't be a problem if our damage outside smash+scream were any good, but even if you fully talent viscous slash, we really hit like a wet noodle.

  8. Ok, so 23 RE's of Skill Armoring 20 (green) to get skill armoring 20 (blue). Which, unless my math is off (which may well be the case) The chance of that is around 1/2 of 1 percent.


    That's SERIOUSLY getting to the "no, I really don't think so" area.

  9. 15 - 20 is about the make you should have to do to get your first blue schematic from a green. If you are going for purple, I'm not sure if the 20% rate is correct or not, I haven't done enough of them.


    I am nearly certain 20% is not the actual number for crafting the second and third blues from a given schematic (Artificer is my experience, not Armortech, there could be differences).


    I'm RE'ing a green armor insert. It is a 20% chance of success. I've RE'd 20, that's statisically unlikely. If that's all it was, I'd chalk it up to bad luck, but I've ROUTINELY had to RE 15 to 20 on Greens, not blues. I'm telling you, something is wrong.

  10. I'm now working on my 3rd batch of 5 armors to RE at 20%, I've noticed a serious decrease in re successes. I know people are going to say "oh, it's fine." it's not fine, I really think something is wrong.


    Just went through another 5, which makes 15 Reverse engineers on a 20% RE.

  11. Yeah force push is so overrated in the other warzones where you have a guard/healer combo and you want to ruin that set up so you push the healer away and wreck him. Yeah overrated.


    Force push WHEN IT WORKS is really good, I won't lie.


    However, using forcepush in huttball is EXTREMELY damagerous. I've seen up to 3 seconds pass from the time I hit force push to the time it goes off. Meaning that instead of throwing someone off the ramp, it pushed them safely over a fire pit.


    There is nothing mara's have that will help the opposing force because of a broken engine.

  12. They don't have a knockback. They don't have any CC immunity. They don't have taunts or an AOE slow. Do you want to go line by line through what you have and they don't? Different classes are different. Marauders are dedicated to DD and lack a lot of utilities that Guardians have, the things they do have are oriented towards doing damage and staying alive long enough to apply that damage. They can't swap stances to a tank stance and get an instant armor buff or guard people.


    You have tons of tools as a guardian. You probably don't use many of them but that's a player issue not a class issue. And as a tank stance saying not to talk about your 45% passive armor damage reduction and 30% passive defense stats in a discussion on defenses is lame. They're extremely relevant and make a big difference especially against marauders.



    Ridiculous stance is ridiculous. There should be almost no circumstances at all where a mara/sent is more durable than a guard/jugg. I don't care WHAT is going on. Your class can do VASTLY more damage than a jugg/guard, in return juggs/guards are ALSO more squishy? Really? Sounds like a pretty crap deal to me.

  13. It's a buff to rage, actually. A buff to force damage means 6% more damage on crush, smash, push, scream AND choke which are all more important than obliterate and vicious slash. The big thing is that it forces even more damage into force attacks which I find odd considering they want to provide a means to work with other damage.


    The big nerf is when we go defensive in soresu, we'll actually be dealing 12% less damage in it as vengeance. It also effectively murders soresu-rage as you'll be losing on too much damage, period.


    No, it's a massive, game destroying nerf. I'm honestly astonished that you don't get that. Being unable to use adrenals or relics means that our spike damage won't hit that hard. And a 6% addition to nearly nothing is still nearly nothing, because our damage OUTSIDE smash+scream is VERY VERY VERY VERY low.


    Honestly, it's bad enough that they're destroying smart game play by making us kittens when we're in soresu (hey, welcome back to sword & board warriors in wow!), but even when we're in Shii-choo, our smash damage will go through the floor without adrenals AND relics shoving them up. Seriously, just look at the math. Rage will not be viable if there are no further changes, not for pve, not for pvp.

  14. It was 3 rage to use, now it's free...unless it was reduced by more than 20-25% this should not be an issue. Can anyone on the PTS please give us some numbers to compare before/after?


    Unless they change the threat modifier, this will be a useless move on mobs/bosses that aren't stunnable (read as - any mob that is an actual threat). Forget about the pvp implications (which are quite dire), it wrecks the move for pve.

  15. I'd like to go veng, but I just don't see where veng has good burst. It all seems like nice, smooth, sustained damage - the damage is good, don't get me wrong. I just don't see how you can consistently make a healer scrabble b/c someone is at 60% health the way rage will.


    Edited to clarify: I'm not bashing veng for pvp. It just seems to me that it's lacking a burst mechanic to scare a healer into reacting badly. If someone could show me otherwise, I'd be happy to play with veng - though videos don't really do that - they tend to go "zomg I got 3 back to back 3k crits" - ok, that's nice, except you crowing about that implies that that's not something you often see. I'm bad - I admit that, but I can scare a healer by routinely getting 4.5 to 5k smashes with a 2.5 to 3k scream 1 gcd later. They see that enough and they try really hard to keep everyone over 60% health, which inevitably means they will fail at doing so on themselves.

  16. Focus does better damage in terms of numbers on the scoreboard at the end of a match. Vigilance is better at actually killing people, which is what you want to do in PvP.


    I don't agree. Focus has excellent controlled burst. vig, not so much. Vig is better sustained damage on one target, but sustained damage is EXTREMELY easy to heal through because you can predict when you need to heal someone. Focus will make you go "oh, he's at 60% health, he's - HOLY BEER HE'S AT 3% - DEAD."


    There is a niche for Focus, on a team that already has a couple of good single target DPSers, you put massive pressure on a healer when you lay down a nice Sweep and catch 3+ in it. But in general, Vigilance is going to do a better job at the more important things, such as staying alive, or killing a critical target like a healer.


    Vig is better at staying alive. Focus is MASSIVELY better at killing healers.

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