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Posts posted by aerockyul

  1. I forget where I read it, but one of the most major issues is with something BioWare hasn't come right out and stated, but apparently believe internally:


    They are perfectly ok having a business model where players take a break and then come back.


    I can't remember where I read it, but I remember reading that this was an official BioWare/EA mindset regarding the game.


    And without outwardly stating that, it leads to a disconnect, where players don't want to take that break, but instead want content to keep them here, but the developers are ok with players leaving, counting on them to come back when major updates occur.


    Can't say I agree with the BioWare business model, but if their hands are tied, not much can be done. The thing with Final Fantasy and ESO is they are run by the companies that own the product. In SWTOR's case, EA is the owner, BioWare is the producer - so BioWare doesn't have the freedom to scale up production like the other 2 entities do.


    I remember that, too. I believe Eric admitted it in a gold post a while ago. Not only do they know that the game gets gobbled up by quick-to-unsub locusts, but a lot of their planning for future content is catered to those people almost directly in opposition to the people who stick around between content releases.

  2. As I recall, the choices made during SoR have no impact on anything past it. I don't even recall the events of SoR even being mentioned. I could be wrong and if I am I hope someone says so.


    However, given the issues they seem to have with story skipping I'm not sure they would want to implement something else that affects story flags. I'm not saying they won't but it's probably not a priority.


    Several references are made to the events on Ziost

  3. I don't see the achievement-gating nearly as much as in the past. Of course you'll see it for HM/NiM, but I've definitely come to appreciate how this is not because they're trying to be elitist, but because random people WILL join groups without good gear for the content (there's no bolster in HM/NiM), no augments, no idea what the word rotation means, no knowledge of any fight (even struggling with trash), never speak up that they're new or even speak about ANYthing, really, and when given clear instructions they very clearly ignore and even sometimes act against what is instructed.


    It is VERY time consuming to put up with those people when you're trying to tackle HM/NiM--randoms and a lot of newbs picked up on fleet are really bad at self-awareness and end up massively wasting peoples' time.


    You shouldn't have to worry about this in SM--any "elitist" who wants achievements, gear, lvl, or almost anything else for STORY MODE is not an elite player.

  4. "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger." :p


    I quite enjoyed his recent appearance and moments with my characters but that's just me. I look forward in seeing where it goes.


    Actually, I agree with this as well. I liked how he acknowledged my superiority after our battles and also talks you up a bit in front of the troops and Anri, and also gives you a warning about Acina and her leash. You're also one of the only people on the planet who doesn't cower in his sight, but stand tall to his face, even when you're seemingly two feet shorter than him in some of the cutscenes.

  5. by this you mean the Theortika and/or the Lord of Agony part? The components from the flashpoints are available in story mode, which is extremly easy with a companion.

    soloed this last week on a marauder. i think the most time consuming part was the search on taris.


    It was initially required to do in HM only. That has been changed since then so it is now solo-able, but it didn't start that way. That's what he meant in terms of doing harder content related to that quest

  6. They recently allowed us the pleasure of previewing items directly from the guild bank, something that was never possible before, even though previewing items from any other source WAS possible. The guild bank now has a bunch of new bugs, from simply implementing something that should have been easy due to its existence/utility in other parts of the game.


    And you want them to mess with the engine?

  7. I wouldn't say I liked KoTXX a lot, but I don't think it was all terrible. There are some chapters I hate universally, but I've actually found that I enjoy different chapters as different classes. The chapters that dealt with the Force were pretty stupid when I was playing my main, an imp agent, but I quiet enjoyed the chapters that involved missions similar to things she did as a spy. On the other side of it, some of the Force focused chapters were fun and interesting when playing a Jedi. I haven't taken any Sith or Troopers through yet, but I'm assuming this will hold true with them.


    Admittedly, it was a struggle to find any sense in my smuggler being head of the Alliance. I'm guessing the same issues arise as a bounty hunter. Of all those classes, those are the ones that really don't mesh with any of that stuff.


    Ironically my favorite playthrough was with my smuggler. She's sarcastic and annoyed as I am about the whole thing and seems to realize how ridiculous it is for her to be in that position. I was surprised how much I enjoyed that experience after running too many Sith and Jedi through beforehand.


    The bounty hunter made absolutely zero sense. At all. It's not even tangentially related to anything a bounty hunter would do or want to do, and there's no real outlet to describe how dumb it is like there is with the smuggler.

  8. Going to necro this thread because it's the first listing if you Google "SWTOR Toothpick". I'm looking aft ther GTN and there are several for sale now, all over 20 million credits! I hope you saved that toothpick. I'll give you 10 million credits for it right now LOL.


    I bought mine in June for 2.5mil and there were several similar listings. Looks like someone bought them all up and is trying to make a big profit.


    *it wasn’t me, I bought mine and moved on

  9. I've said it once I've said it 1000 times--people will run by a burger joint and drop $15 on a large drink, fries and burger multiple times a month. They might gripe about how burger prices have gone up, but they still do it. But GOD FORBID they spend $15 a month on a game. That's where they draw the line.


    Even if you make minimum wage less than a day's work will pay for your SWTOR, Hulu, Prime, Netflix, Crunchyroll etc. subs for the month. The rest of your money is gravy. Why do people continue to complain about this?


    It's possible the majority of people who are always complaining or bringing this up are kids who don't have their own credit cards or jobs and their parents probably don't view a video game subscription as a good use of the parents' money, so the kids are trying to get around the middle man and ask Bioware to give it all to them free like they've received mostly everything else in their life up to that point.

  10. For me, until recently, playing GSF did nothing for your character so I didnt' play. Meaning, I didn't get upgraded gear or components for my character(s), only my ship. I'm not sure if you can level your character up; ie: going from level 10 to level 30, but I don't think so. It's like logging out of already established MMO and playing an entirely different game.


    The idea behind them making GSF an Ossus weekly is the first time you actually get something for participating, a Masterwork Crystal, which are needed to upgrade your gear. Other than that there was no reason to play it, except for the fun of it. They should have enacted that a long time ago so people would get used to playing it in previous expansions. If they don't do it again, in 6.0, you can really expect to see a droppage of players participating in GSF.


    I think similar results for the previous space missions on rails. Again, there you only got stuff to upgrade your ship, not your character.


    I agree both are kinda fun, however, without a free space simulator that allows you to practice flying and shooting without your teammates yelling and cussing at you or vote kicking you out, there is not much reason to play it. The tutorial for GSF is broke and doesn't really help you learn either.


    This is one of the few things I appreciate about GSF--the GSF pilots are NOT like that, by and large. The only people that are like that are generally the same people who are like that in ground pvp and the trolls in fleet chat. Even then it's not nearly the same because unlike in ground pvp where they can go hide and not help and type out insults, in GSF they'll crash if they do the same.


    A lot of pilots know they're in a niche part of the game and want more people to join and have fun. They understand it's already hard enough for people to get over the steep learning curve and severely wet-noodle starting ships that they don't need to make it worse by chasing people away with standard PvP toxicity you see elsewhere.


    I've seen a lot of times where these guys will ask/suggest their own team to lay off the spawn points of the opposite team because they understand how deflating it is to be on the other side and it's really hard to get those people to want to come back.


    If anything, lately the toxic people are the people farming those Masterwork crystals who are pissy because they "have" to be there and they get angry when they can't get 3 wins in 3 matches.

  11. I'd place some certainty that there will be some double XP/RXP time when it launches (or perhaps delayed by a week after the release, as they've done in the past(1)), but I'd be slightly (but *only* slightly) surprised to see it beforehand.


    (1) It's not a bad idea to do that, to reduce the complaints if there's a major hiccough(2) in the actual release, and it stabilises *during* that first week.


    (2) For some reason, this word is spelled "hiccup" in American English(3).


    (3) I'm not American. :eek:


    Onomatopoeia are like that. To me hiccups don't sound like coughs. In Japan, I could never understood how their sneezes sounded like "hakkshun"

    At least our cows don't say "shazoooooooo"

  12. It's just free cash at this point. I never go out of my way to grind CXP.


    I've recently been thinking about this--should I just melt everything to UC's or should I be vendoring it all, considering the changes to gearing coming...I'm not going to grind 14/16 alts for 252/258 or crystals knowing everything is changing soon, so I have thousands of UCs I don't really need or care enough to buy crystals with. I've just been on auto-pilot disintegrating 99% of everything in crates that aren't gifts, I've probably been flushing free credits down the drain...

  13. I also like many of the new rewards and the fact that I can save certificates to get some of the older ones also. I look forward to getting the Gamorrean companion and collecting the personel decos (and hopefully winning the Rodian along the way).


    I do have reservations about the stage however. Although it looks great, given that it is a center piece that that it does not support other decorations on its surface, it has limited usefulness.


    Also the Cartel Market Certificates are pretty much worthless junk to me since anything I could buy with them is also locked behind Cartel reputation. If the rep requirement on those items was removed it would be great, alternatively if I could convert them to Golden Certificates that would at least give them some value (at a rate corresponding to their relative chances as prizes - about 3 or 4 to 1 by my limited estimation) [if this is already possible I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction]


    I thought they recently merged those old reputations into a new one that covers all of them? That was earlier this year, IIRC. I haven't checked the Cartel vendors in the Bazaar since then, are the items still tied to the old reputation or to the new one?

  14. As for group vs solo content:

    Before the overhaul of the game and introduction of levelsync there were way more H2/H4 quest on each planet. Until everyone was vastly over leveled with 3.x it was pretty normal to group up for planetary quests and such because a lot of them weren't that easy to solo and it was fun to have two or more different characters influence the story and conversations. Today you even might get insulted for wanting to do stuff in groups that doesn't absolutely need one.


    The dichotomy of this game as an MMO is pretty well summed up there, and reflects a lot of the elitist themes you see when people profess to struggle with "solo" content and "group content that can be solo'd by a HM-NiM raider"

  15. I'm just glad that the ignore function actually works in flashpoints, unlike PvP (ironic because the most toxic people are in PvP, not flashpoints).

    Just report them and ignore and you'll never be grouped with them again.


    You probably already know that, Op, I'm just posting it for anyone newish who doesn't know what they can do in these situations. Reporting is important because Bioware isn't going to act on anything without it, and whether they do or don't, you can make sure that person or persons never cross your path again (unless you and they also PvP, but then at least they'll be muted even if the game still puts them into your matches).

  16. I'll start this post by complimenting Bioware on the clever solution to a lot of issues in conquest, when they rolled out the conquest points for kills algorithm,.

    I can see, on many points, how this system will help even things out between guilds and reward hard work doing rampages etc, which I always thought was too low of a yield in terms of conquest in comparison to the work you do and the time it takes.


    So all's good there.... but the system needs improved because you've just totally f'd over conquest orientated players who play solely PvP in this game. That is to say, PvP only players (of whom there are many) who are in public guilds (of whom there are many).


    The new rewards make things brutal for someone like me.

    I can pull 200k a week individual conquest just from my normal pvp queues on my main toon.

    Now with this update, people are getting 100k a day slaughtering adds on a run that used to only yeild 50 or 60k.


    the difference is dramatic and this mechanic is only implimented in instances of player VS environment.

    I get no points for any kills of any kind in a warzone.

    I should be getting the jackpot reward if i get a solo kill in ranked because its so unlikely.

    Ranked matches should reward more cqp than unranked.

    Some kill conditions should also grant more or less points dependant on the scenario, for example if its a 6 on 1 the points awarded from one kill are split six ways to avoid people abusing the system in pvp by farming kills.


    You have to understand that to improve this one aspect of the game, which I can agree from my personal perspective needed improving - but that doesn't mean its ok to sacrifice another aspect or category of the game to make things work.


    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and I hope you'll review this rewards system and consider the minority too instead of just feeding the majority.


    Occasionally a conquest will have the player kills from warzones objective--maybe they should include that one every week and increase the conquest reward to be more in line with PvE kills?


    Or give PvPers a Galactic Rampage for warzone kills just like PvE rampages? That'd be pretty fun, too, imo

  17. I was experiencing ability lag on the SS server last night. Then it started lagging while doing something simple like move around inventory. It was annoying enough that I just decided to log out and do something else.


    The highest amounts of lag were on Dantooine and Balmorra. Oddly enough (/s) those are probably the two most crowded places in the game right now. Not sure if lag was anywhere else since I didn't have much reason to be outside those areas (was not participating in the bug hunt exploit, just doing heroics for conquest. Other areas of the planet were laggy, too)

  18. The neverending give and take between the playerbase (Goldilocks) and the devs (Just Mama and Papa Bear. There is no Baby Bear and never will be. Goldilocks wouldn't have ever been satisfied with Baby Bear anyway)
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