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Posts posted by aerockyul

  1. SWTOR suffers from a lack of care from the developers. 7.0 has driven off and upset a large number of players due to its incomplete release and broken promises, then add in the horrible backwards *** gearing system the developers implimented, followed by the news that they're moving backwards even further with 7.1 and how the gear drops will work with that operation...you couldn't devise a more damaging system if you tried.


    I am always willing to help new players and try to create a better community...but there's nothing I can do, nothing WE can do, to pretend that 7.0 and 7.1 are somehow 'okay'...they're not. Players are angry, upset and frustrated, as they should be. Players are frustrated because they love this game and wanted it to be better...I can't blame them.


    I accept no fault for how the community is...it's been created and fed by Bioware, not me. Put the blame where it belongs.


    TUXs very succinctly put the exact reason I cancelled my sub for the first time since launch. I've been perfectly fine (not thrilled, but fine) with the game and the issues we've all experienced over 10 years, but gearing in 7.0 broke my will to go on, even if I were to just bother gearing my main. I would take any iteration of gearing from 4.0 to 6.0, with all their warts, over 7.0, to come back and continue subbing. As it is I lost touch with an outstanding raiding community and an amazing guild that I was honored to work for because I was unwilling to grind out the obtuse gearing system for even one of my many alts. (I have never and will never farm gear by doing one boss (or in 7.0's case, two bosses) ad nauseum until BW shuts the farm down, only to move onto the next nauseating farm)

    It really was that simple. I also agreed with Andressan's (sp) post that there was a lot I was willing to put up with because of my connection with BW's past and the 1-50 stories. Gear really is the only reason I said enough is enough.


    I can't lay the blame at the feet of the players who, despite many of their attitudes, are paying for the game I loved, too. I used to be someone more willing to blame the players and not the company, but I did finally hit that realization point that many come to (many did sooner than others) about BW's role in the game's decline with 7.0

  2. You should get the consumable that speeds up the process, and the consumable that narrows the search bar, and run them at the same time. There are two versions of each type of consumable. You can craft the better ones with Cybertech, or just buy them on the GTN. They are definitely worth buying (and they're not that expensive on the GTN)
  3. Saw a guy complaining in fleet chat about how tanks are such **** in the game and they don't know what they're doing. Got a MMFP pop a few minutes later and this guy happened to be in it. He was a mara (of course) and constantly leaped into every fight first, not waiting for the tank to pull (the tank was not slow at all, the mara would run predation ahead of everyone and pull). Mara gets himself killed a couple times and keeps laughing about it. The tank gets annoyed and tells him to stop pulling first and the guy says it's more fun this way. :rolleyes:
  4. I didn't mind the program at all, until I started hearing from guildies and others who were suckered by the scammers in-game to click for xxxxx amount of credits only to get stiffed. There was no incentive for the person getting the free CC to follow through on their credit offers. Maybe if it had been handled somehow like COD, I still wouldn't mind. There are so many credit-poor players in-game that that "pittance" to most vets could have gotten them more excited to continue playing since they could buy cooler cosmetics or whatever. It would have made up for how one-sided the RAF program was to the spammers/scammers.
  5. When I'm leveling from 1-75 I just keep the XP armor on with empty slots and only put the mods into my weapon(s) that you get for finishing the class story on the starter planets. I don't start carrying medpacs of any kind with me anywhere until I turn 75.

    Also, I either don't pull my companion, or I keep them on passive if I want them with me for cutscenes, or if I'm doing a heroic I'll put them on Tank and never Heal/DPS.

    The only thing I upgrade are the left side and the offhand.


    I've felt like this puts just enough resistance in combat that I'm not one-shotting everything with the basic attack, but everything doesn't require going through 1 and a half of a full rotation just to kill street scum.

    In heroics I get very close to dying quite a few times but it forces me to use my full range of defensive abilities and to be smarter about pulling mobs.


    Honestly to me it's MORE effort to keep upgrading as I go, so "gimping myself" isn't actually a chore at all.

  6. The neck seam issue actually seems like it's getting worse the longer it gets ignored by the devs. It makes a lot of outfits look bad when you look like you have two completely different skin tones between your head and body. I've deleted many non-humans for this issue alone.


    And actually, it is effecting humans as well, in certain shades.


    And now, just recently, I've noticed not only is the color issue bad with the neck seam, but I can actually see through the neck seam to the other side of the body, like it happens with some of the hair models where there are holes in the hair from certain angles but no hole on the other side.


    Old Skyrim body mods had these same issues, but they were fixed by unpaid amateurs so most body mods have no visible neck seam anymore. Not sure why this issue has gone on so long in SWTOR. I've seen other threads complaining about it, but it must not be enough to register that it's a big enough deal to fix.

  7. I've been having this same issue ever since 6.1 on Satele. I can count on one hand the number of times I've been booted from any server since the game launched, and I've had multiple computers with no issues, and the current computer I'm running has not had a single issue until 6.1. Now it's every...single...session.

    I've even moved to a new city, same issue

    I will get kicked from the server at any random time. 1 minute, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, in cutscenes, fighting 3-man trash mobs, fighting multiple mobs, just standing around for much less than the kick-timer, at the GTN, opening mail, in the character customization screen, on any planet or stronghold or fleet, on imp and rep, worst of all during absolutely any and all group content. I have stopped all group content because I disconnect multiple times randomly and it degrades everyone else's experience when one person keeps disconnecting in the middle of boss fights randomly.

    I've wanted to complain about this for a while but I know all I will get is a canned response from EA, or snarky comments here that it's all on my end.

    I'm only happy to see it's happening to others and it's not just me anymore.

  8. I'm on board with the fact that I can now do conquest on most of my toons if this pace were to keep up each week (I'm sure objectives and their values will continue to change with each different conquest week as they always have...). Before, depending on the specific conquest weeks, I could look at the list of objectives and, based on my playstyle, get conquest on most of my toons to help three guilds, or have to limit to just the one single toon in one guild, maybe two toons tops, because of that week's objectives being too hard/time-consuming to do more than a couple times over a whole week. I don't think I'll have to worry about spare weeks like that anymore.


    My issue, initially, is seeing these two objectives with the same, ludicrously low value: Operation: Veteran and Operation: Master. Both (with all of the various boosts I've got on my legacy) were for less than 11k points. This used to bug me about the Veteran mission before these changes (it was about the same value). Why does the highlighted SM Op give three times the point value as doing a Vet of any Op? And now why does it give three times the value of a Master? Why are Vet and Master given the same low value? It boggles the mind.


    I'M NOT EVEN A RAIDER and I see that as ridiculous. Those point values for doing the hardest content in the game should be wildly higher in my opinion. It takes far more time and coordination than a measly 11k implies (especially in light of the content you are being rewarded over 33k for), and is expensive to boot with repair costs, respecs, and other incidental costs related to running this content.


    I think if we're going to be so generous with run of the mill, easy, solo content (which is perfectly fine for me), why are we being so stingy to the harder content? (Perhaps the same could be said of better rewarding PvP, ranked in particular, but I did not look at the PvP objectives that closely) Instead of making the MMO players mad about the "ease" of earning conquest now, why not just increase their gains, too? How is one hurting the other in either case that way?

  9. I resent what you're implying.


    My arguments rest on their own merits (as do yours) not some emotional desire for revenge.


    As I have said before, the devs can make the final call.


    I've been speaking generally but also bringing up the very examples given in this thread by those that are against the idea. Don't mean to make anything personal. I guess I'm just not buying that the position that the ban limit should not be increased has zero to do with trying to protect the trolls over players who just want to play the game without them in it.


    Now the argument that smaller and smaller dev resources should be used elsewhere is definitely a big factor in why this wouldn't get done, IF, and only IF, it really is cumbersome to add an integer to the ban number. I will freely admit to not being a programmer, and I have been witness for over 8 years like a lot of us here how seemingly unrelated changes to something billions of lines of code away can cause unintended problems. But that's a separate (yet valid) argument that doesn't need to be muddled with trying to find excuses/justifications why someone who is trolling in the eyes of any guild's leadership shouldn't be subject to being banned from said guild pre-emptively. In my eyes a troll doesn't deserve the protection people seem to want to give them here and elsewhere. I don't even care about second chances. Don't be a **** and you won't have problems, yeah? (that is another general "you", btw!)

  10. How many trolls do you think there are?




    In other words, those accounts aren't banned for actually doing anything WITHIN the guild, which I'm pretty sure was what the devs had in mind when creating this tool. Of course, only they can make a final ruling on the matter, so I we'll see.


    I don't know about the server in question, but there are a lot on SS.


    I think it's a semantics argument now about the tool being used against trolls who haven't done anything WITHIN the guild. If they don't want that troll/guild-agreed-upon bad player/person at any point, they aren't harming anyone by pre-emptively banning. That person would get banned if they got into the guild anyway, and the drama related to that person worming their way in and causing problems is avoided altogether. It's being proactive versus reactive.


    Every guild can run their guild the way they want. Maybe the guild in question in this thread has 10 major points on a checklist that they use to ban someone. Another guild could have none. Another could have 5. Another could have 50. If you (general "you") like being a troll, search for the guild that has none and you can troll to your heart's content. Why would you (again, general) care what one guild does with their ban-hammer? If you AREN'T a troll you have nothing to worry about it. Is it a "police-state" guild? Who cares, avoid it, go to any of the other hundreds of guilds that are happy to have you for different reasons.


    Again, it shouldn't be easier to troll, and harder to combat trolling in a guild. It should be exactly the opposite. I don't get this argument that we should roll over and make things easier for people causing problems versus a guild trying to minimize unwanted drama. It's getting harder to separate real arguments against the ban that don't sound like someone(s) got caught trolling, knows someone who trolls and doesn't want/care if they stop, or wants to troll, and don't like the idea that they can't share their trolling with a guild without giving that guild the wonderful experience of dealing with them during the act(s) and the requisite aftermath before getting banned.

  11. That’s pretty standard “guild drama” that they all have to deal with. It can and does fester if the leader isn’t proactively fighting against it. This ban is one of the few in game tools that can help in that fight. Of course nothing is 100%.


    The test isn’t “100% of people won’t follow the intent of this tool, therefore there should not be a tool”. Sort of like law-making. A thief would love it if the laws against theft were less effective or gone. A troll would love the ban to be less effective or gone. But they’re in place because there are thieves and trolls that need to be dealt with


    I try to see both sides of issues but it’s hard to come up with justifications for making it easier for trolls to troll and harder for leaders to keep them away that don’t sound like dismissing or excusing the troll’s behavior at the expense of the much much much larger and healthier playing-population

  12. I can understand the fear that some GMs would use bans flippantly; I don't think anything posted here in defense rises to that. They get proof, they don't seem to rely on hearsay for justification, and the officers and non-troll membership seems to appreciate all of that. This has been my experience in other guilds--I haven't seen any leader act without justification, warnings, proof, witnesses, all combined. It wasn't anything I took lightly when I led guilds myself.


    I think the only people you'd have to worry about being flippant and "trollish" and toxic with banning people for little to no reason would be other trolls, not serious people trying to run a successful guild.

  13. I will never understand why some people seem to want this game " dead " so badly.....


    I think they have a contest to see who says it the closest to it actually shutting down but they are all 100% terrible at predicting it. They love to move the goalposts and redefine what "dead" means so they can manipulate their fellow contestants into believing they won. Their reward will be to tell all of us who are in denial who are actually "playing the game" how "they saw it coming and have been right all along." When it's dead they think they're going to get something out of it but it'll just be...nothing.

  14. There you go, this is exactly the issue. You preemptively ban people! No wonder you have reached the limit. So someone writes he doesnt like gays and you are gay so you will ban him upfront if he tries to enter you guild. I mean thats a bit crazy, dont you think?


    As you said 1000 may not be enough, but where will it end? I tell you where, when there will be 10000 players in the game and from those 3000 will be in your 3 guilds and 7000 will be baned to enter, maybe then you will be satisfied. As it was said in this thread even 100 ppl limit for ban should be enough. If you however stand on fleet and read chat and ban people "just in case" then you will need an endless limit (which will damage the game in the end).


    On one side I feel sorry for you having such a big guild because its an unnecessary burden, you attract all of the scum in this game, god knows why. On the other side, thats what you get when you overdo it.


    It's his guild, he has that freedom as much as the troll has the freedom to continue alienating everyone around them. Conversely why does it harm you if you're not a troll that a guild is banning other people for whatever reason? If that offends you why would you want to be in that guild? If you're not a troll then the ban wouldn't harm you. I don't see why adding an integer to the ban limit code would so adversely affect someone to so strongly fight against it (again, especially if you had nothing to hide)

  15. The only reason I’m bothering is for the achievements, and those aren’t even behaving most of the time. I have full sets in my inventory and that I’ve put on that aren’t registering in the achievements list. It’s annoying to not only not have a reason to want to bother from a gameplay perspective but the secondary reason isn’t even working properly
  16. Wow, sounds a bit salty...


    That was definitely exceedingly sarcastic and salty and a great look from the person running the show. I can't believe so many people took that second post as a positive. It would be deserved if, you know, they actually did communicate more and he felt he needed to swat the noses of the little yappy dogs that he's constantly showering with information...but in reality we are all ravenous, hungry wolves in a pit that he tossed a single meatless, dry bone to and got mad at the ravenous, starving, salary-paying wolves who are hungry for actual information and communication.


    I never thought something outside of getting bored with the game would push me this close to unsubbing. Unnecessary and petulant.

  17. Chimera, I am shocked! Shocked, I say! Never has EA/BW customer been less than 100% attentive to all my complaints and concerns! They have always responded immediately, professionally, and helpfully to all my communications, solving every single little problem I have ever had. Truly, SWTOR has the best customer service in the industry



    That’s always been my experience, without the sarcasm. The reason people get different levels of service is almost always the way the complainant communicates. Every time these posts pop up in the forums there’s the group who gives the advice to get better service that gets ignored by the other side that thinks the path to great service is yelling, anger, and or insults. Not making any accusations at the OP. Hopefully they were respectful and patient in their dealings with the service agents and they happened to get an agent that is bad at their job, which is not impossible, but all of my experiences with BW have been over and above expectations

  18. i believe players continue to give tacit permission for BW to do nothing but focus on ways to grind something small and stupid infinitely and make unwanted “tweaks” to gearing in lieu of content, so why shouldn’t they continue to do just that? The players continually show they’re willing to run on this hamster wheel with no meaningful goal in sight other than to brag to and put down the people who don’t have the stomach or desire to do one thing ad nauseam. And other mmos do it, some worse than others or this one, and BW would get ripped for straying from that formula because a mind boggling number of people think this is what mmos should be and do as “entertainment”.


    BW had a real chance to do something truly unique and outstanding if they had continued the class stories, but instead they followed the standard mmo mold and pushed towards more mindless grinding as content. Mmo wonks continue to applaud and demand the grind, and unfortunately that also lines up with cheaper “content” creation for this too-easy-to-please demographic in EAs eyes

  19. It was whenever they dropped the heroic terminal on fleet. They were giving out insane credits, and even more insane if you ran them in a full group of lvl 70s with each bonus. Many people still mention that even years later we're still dealing with the inflationary aftermath of this gigantic infusion of credits that was so bad they nerfed the credit output (not sure when that happened, as in which specific patch it was) and so many credit sinks even now are based on all the credits that were given out at that time.


    Even when this was happening I found it a tedious waste of grinding and refused to participate unless guildies asked for a group. When that happened I did not think even that insane amount of credits was worth doing the same thing over and over and over, just like I have the same contempt for running the same two MMFPs, or the one Uprising when THAT was the thing to grind into infinity.


    I agree with you completely on your GTN advice, as I know several people that are billionaires specifically from GTN-only activities and just recently during this particular expansion I started getting serious about crafting and I've already made a couple hundred million over about three weeks. And we can enjoy the rest of the game as it comes to us rather than follow the lemmings doing the same single mindless hamster-wheel of activity ad infinitum

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