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Everything posted by Sknn

  1. Hello I'm a bit confused about the scematics for the crewskills. I've gotten artifice up to 122 and have the advance [type] crystal. however i've created at least 50 red ones and still haven't recieved any new scematic. So does it stop there and I need to buy another scemathic? and if so where? Is there a level requirement to buy\get new scematics?(level 25 atm).
  2. So every hilt model exist with an orange counter part? If so then it's fine, if not then customizeable for it would be very beneficial, hilts have always been a personal thing in star wars after all so apperance ability on it is just as important as clothing.
  3. Yeah heard that they had the possiblity to change color on gear in beta? As for the hood, not only that but would be great for RP\immersion aswell, some situation\times you want a hood, other times you don't.
  4. I would like to see a hood toggle trough a /hood command, similar to Dark age of camelot used. Annoying to see my hood hanging on my back and can't even pull it over my head... Also an apperance tap for not only clothes\armor, but also for weapons(Especially with the thought of lightsabers! I mean, losing our favorite hilt model just because the ugly one has better stats :\). and last but not least, ability to see non gear items with the control-leftclick function. Such as weapons, speeders etc.
  5. \signed, however I'd like to add on the chair part. Instead of clickable chairs just create a chairsitting emote so you just type like \sitchair or something (like EQ2,AOC), this would allow us to sit pretty much on any ledge we want aswell as chairs! Also while on it, throw in an animation for the \sleep command!
  6. Preferibly having complete control over the spaceship(and not eves point and click with waiting style), at the very least for PVP spaceship combat, Also I believe it should be optional(for those that prefer the loading screen flying).
  7. This game desperatly need a hood toggle, especially since the models already exist for it!
  8. \signed, also what would be cool would have the master\apprentice system to reflect at least the side, so imperial = apprentice and Repulbic = Padawan.
  9. Agree really bothers me how they suddenly dissapear and re-appear.
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