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Everything posted by Sickdreamz

  1. Im fully geared and have need of nothing save for some sport to hunt and kill. If i wanted competitive team PvP I would have gotten one of the crappy madden games or some other BS sports crap but craptastic WZs so far I can deal. Ranked war zones are a huge ego-fest of kiddies and haxxors,you can keep it. When I started SWTOR Ilum was popn,Save for the lagg it was acceptable. Going to planets and ganking is a very short lived thrill. Gimme epic Empire V Republic battles in OPEN WORLD that have value and meaning please like realm rank and relics do,since you bought out that game to you should know what in speaking. Since I to have started this regime it takes less that 1 hour to complete daily's 2 hrs tops for weekly. Why help those who will not help themselves? It is not hard to spot the fail in 30 seconds or less in a WZ. I start off attempting to assist but very quickly one discovers how "in it" the rest of the team is. Don't like quitters? Life is filled with many things none of us like. As far as reputation I can care less if no one groups me from the commoner pool. Give me open world and I will stop with the WZs dropping.
  2. Also with DAOC Realm Rank was always worth something. With each full real rank ding you got +1 to all your skills base. Valor IMO should be like 1 Valor = 3 Base Expertise or some such reward since purchasing of more abilities as in DAOC would really upset the apple cart.
  3. It getting to the point every huttball has one or two people that are immune to all forms of damage and CC. Yet there are zero buff indicators up. 2 shot 20K+ HP? SO this is what I pay for? To play with bunch of hacking cheating peons? This is NOT subscription worthy. Alt-F4 /Delete C:/Starwar Hacks of the old repugnant.
  4. I love playing my main an OP. Those that do have good reflexes I can not stun lock. I promise you there are those whom I cannot beat and it is not a "Class" that I have problems with but a certain type of PvPer,The situationaly aware type insta reacting to my every move. Sorc, Marauder,Powertec,etc all have the capability to counter OPs your just not doing it right. To the most that do not either posses the reflexes,intelligence or ability to counter said stun lock. I <3 you keep doing that thing you do. To the rest I declare,know your abilities and buttons! Never ever,ever,ever,ever mouse click ANY ability and expect to beat one such as I. Buy the proper tools for a competent complete job like a 10 button mouse and a gaming pad/keyboard and get familiar with it. Learn to counter and live the first 15 seconds of our relationship and you will walk away with my farm. In a sustained fight Im OOP blastering peeps with a marshmallow cannon. See this happening and there is your free meal. In my SW the operative's job is to select ONE target and TAKE IT DOWN and GET OUT. Gone in 6 seconds........ Learn to counter and you will have Ops vanishing to the respawn instead.
  5. I bet it was just another player this stinks of the "Scruffybunny Incedent' back in my DAOC days. Was a great /rofl then too.
  6. 4 Wz 0 wins not 1 cred. ops nerf much??? I do NOT want to be social is the whole point of a stealther. 1 garenteed kill or 2 when you take the right opportunity. Now its looking for stragglers to catch and finish off /fail. Ops class is worthless to me now thank you for taking away my fun. I shall take away my business in kind. 1.2 PvP Ops change = Epic fail.
  7. Hey BW here is a hint. I play "games" for "Fun" The only "Fun" in any game for me is Decent PvP with a good non mandatory perma PvE grind AFTER cap lvl. Take any Fun/Decent PvP out of any "Game" and Implace PvE grind and it becomes a CHORE worse than slave work cause this I am paying for and it is not even taxes ><. Prior I could after getting multiple losses I could go craft a bit and come back "Rested". Now its all about smashing my surgery modified hands on my keyboard for NOTHING. Then I have to ask myself, Do I REALLY want to PAY for this WORK? Do I really want to work 8+ hrs a day and come pay to work for BW for what few hours of waking conscious I have left? If this was FtP I would tolerate it but not when I spend 1 dime I demand What I deliver for my dime and that is complete satisfaction. With this new porked up system PvP is a working chore I refuse to continue. Make it like 250 creds a medal 4 medal minimum that would be satisfactory. Thank you and have a nice day. Sincerely Your employer.
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