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Everything posted by UmbralSpirit

  1. And you know what else has been around since forever? Drop in quality, not only do we get games with day one DLC for our 60 Quatloos which over the next couple months add up to more $ than the base game they also more often than not contain content that should have been in the base games to begin with. And if that wouldn't be enough games these days are so incredibly riddled with bugs (often game breaking ones) thanks to the release now patch later (which often never happens....fixing the bugs that is, seriously take a look at how many "tripple A" games these days need community patches because the devs don't do sh*t) mentality that it's not even funny anymore. And the gaming industry seriously has the balls to whine about income and pirating.....yea, no sympathy from me here, do a better job if you want peoples money.
  2. Don't get your hopes up, pretty much every MMO in the past years that has been praised as the new "bestest thing of all bestest things" beforehand has been a disappointment. At least i'm not very optimistic anymore.
  3. Oh please, stop this virtue signaling. The people you are talking about are a tiny minority the majority is simply lazy AF.
  4. Of course it doesn't, with the jedi gone who would even know the term "Sith"? Noone. He probably says that because the Jedi ARE a religious order.
  5. I'll explain it to you. 1) Light Side is a mental illness. 2) That's it. 3)
  6. Only because he chose the perfect hiding place....politics.
  7. I think it doesn't matter, it's not the customers job to worry about the workload of the people you are paying for a service and in fact in the majority of professions you won't encounter any such behaviour of customers like that. But for some odd reason game developers get revered like higher entities.....and that's somewhat disgusting. As for the money discussion, give everyone 1 Cartel Coin and i'm happy, it's the thought that counts, but i don't see that with EA it's more like "Pffff who cares about them".
  8. It's kinda funny how the ammount of money lost is always "negligible" when it's on the customers side....
  9. I want the following compensation: No Patches for the next 6 months. (if they don't patch they can't break anything)
  10. https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/5/57/Golden_T21_CU_plaque.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20060622174758
  11. You are lucky force choke isn't a real thing, if that answers your question. Of course it makes it worse.
  12. There you go... http://katha-kocht.de/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/J%C3%A4gerschnitzelMitKartoffeln.jpg
  13. Do me a favor and stop trying to speak for "most" Europeans, thanks. There is huge difference between something "awkward" happening and utter incompetence. if they weren't in such a rush to fix something beneficial to their customers this wouldn't have happened.
  14. More like a glass arrow......covered in tissue paper.
  15. Not the first time they break the entire game in an attempt to "quick fix" something (usually something that is beneficial to customers, how horrible....) and people are still surprised?
  16. And they will keep nerfing Sorc/Sage' because the Devs don't learn new tricks.
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