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Posts posted by johnnyreece

  1. Yes, we dont descriminate against bad players as long as your willing to improve. Now if you are a bad player that thinks hes god's gift to sage dps DAS BOOT!


    God's gift to sage DPS? Eh...nope. On my best day I topped 700 DPS. That was full-on DPS spec. I now run a bubble-DPS hybrid, and my best games are probably 500 DPS or so. But 'dem bubbles are so annoying, aren't they? :rak_03:

  2. Neldiahr I haven't seen you in the people on the orbital station, normally if you are there on time, we accept everyone as long as they have full WH gear or close to. If you want to join before the teams are formed you shouldn't be refused, although you might end up on team undesirable :(


    Yeah, I'm not complaining. There was just one spot open at the time, and Devil said he needed good DPS. I never made it to the orbital station since I didn't hear back. I'm willing to join up with anyone, though. If you ever want to see my DPS bubble-stun in action, lemme know. I'm at least relatively well-geared. I pug a lot, and have been on my healer mostly (trying to gear her up...SO much easier than it was on my main).

  3. Awesome! Any Imp-side queuing up tonight? I think I'll be in for a late night, if anyone wants a DPS/bubblestun sorc. :rolleyes:


    Or, I could bring my WAAAAAY undergeared Op healer. Ran into a group with Vasyel, Candygurl, and Cheerleader the other day on that toon...THAT was fun...Can't wait to get into full WH. I've got about 2,500 ranked coms and I flat-out refuse to trade them in for regulars.

  4. I'm all for both. i pvp on imp side now too and there are many imps that I like, so all are welcome. again... we just need to be respectful of one another.


    Hah! If I'm not going to be respectful, I just don't hit the PTT button. :p My guildies would be shocked if they heard some of the things I neglected to say "over the air"!

  5. That's awesome! Maybe imp side will have enough players to start doing kickball night soon, with uncensored, unicorn, try hard united, dark eclipse, teamluckyseven, hydra and transcendant. Of course pub side will probably have higher quality players but this could get somewhere!


    I'm sure Vengeful Malice would like to throw a couple in this mix. I'm interested, at least. ;)

  6. OK, but what is the definition of a stun then, if you are able to act while remaining stun? Do you honestly think that is the design intent here?


    FWIW, I currently am playing a sage. I just think this is not by design and regardless of it being affective, it opens things up for clicking off buffs for odd reasons and I am not sure that is a mechanic I can get behind. the "thing" should be something else.


    Gah! I'm sorry doing exactly what I intended to not do, which is create a bubble-stun nerf thread in the middle of a mostly unrelated thread. I'll answer this and then shut up about it.


    Honestly, the definition of stun doesn't matter to me. Nor does the intent of the developers. What does is, that without this ability, I'm much less likely to be able to hold of an attacker while guarding solo. As the OP mentioned, everyone just takes off running to mid (not just this, but other WZ as well). Since most other DPS classes can top my best DPS without even trying, I sacrificed numbers for utility. When they nerf this, depending on how they do it, I'll have to adapt. Most likely that adaptation will involve playing my Operative (which, unlike my sorc, I rolled specifically for heals), or maybe even some forum QQ. Anyway, until they do, I'll probably keep running this spec. I'm sorry to anyone who is annoyed by it, but just think about how much more you'll love killing me when we're nerfed to the ground again. ;)

  7. nerf operatives?


    Problem solved! :p


    Seriously, I've sacrificed probably 1/3 of my DPS to pick the bubble stun up, so I've gimped myself, too. I may not lead scoreboards, but I'm useful. If that usefulness is just negating an operative, so be it. And, there is a cooldown on the bubble, too, so I can't just spam it on myself. And that's a survivability cooldown that's gone once I use it. Trust me, I still die! ;)

  8. What could possibly be wrong with being able to stun while stunned?


    Hey, other classes have their things (such as what we've just mentioned; classes who can stealth, sap, and cap or effectively solo guard). I don't see the problem with one class having a tool that other classes don't have (although, I agree being able to throw that bubble on teammates with the stun is OP). I'm not trying to turn this into a bubble-stun nerf debate; just explaining a mechanic that works.

  9. As a bubble-stunning sorc, I have my own method for solo guarding - I keep my bubble up and stay as close as possible to the pylon. If I get sapped, just wait until they start capping, and I click off my bubble. They'll be stunned long enough for me to not have to use my CC break. That usually takes care of me long enough for help to arrive.
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