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Everything posted by Ramahospitality

  1. Rift had a scaled down version of this. There would be regional events where people in the area would automatically pick up the quest and it would be for destroying things while collecting a certain items that mobs would drop only in that event. It was a lot of fun.
  2. What do you all think about chats that are accessed only by players of certain levels? It think this would be a great idea. Note: if wanted, you could manually join other level chats.
  3. RIFT had those level channels and they were AWESOME. I'd love to see those.
  4. Communities help enable people to experience content, nuff said. I'm done arguing with you, you obviously will not explain yourself and just believe your wrong and offer no argument to support your side. You've stated your opinions and conclusions but not your reasonings. This is different from faith, this is arrogance. I'm done arguing with you to free up chat again for a serious debate where both sides can present their side of the argument without being called an idiot.
  5. Nope, you have the right of it. AC = classes in wow AKA mage and rogue and paladin. Changing ACs are like being able to switch between a Warrior and a Warlock at will. An example of WOW doing something like AC is from level 1-10 you level up as a general magic user, but at level 10, you can choose to be a mage or warlock, or shaman.
  6. For one, each server will slowly build there own in their own time. Usually when the level 50 populations get going communities really start to take off. By the first major expansion, we should have decent communities. I told you this was long-term, not instant. But since BW is building a game to last years, communities should be nurtured not diminished.
  7. DUDE read my f-ing posts. I said communities take time to build and you shouldn't hinder them coming into existence. Its a long term entity, not something that can be formed. Communities are beneficial for reasons I have stated over and over again. As for my reasoning having no merit, I'm thinking long term, not present quick satisfaction that'll make things easier now, but harder or worse in the long run. Stop trying dude, my reasoning is sound, it's just you don't want to listen and give credit to something well thought out over years of playing. We have just come to different conclusions and you should stop trying to discredit me and actually just try to prove me wrong with proof of your own. THAT is what's known as a discussion or debate, your just slinging mud. Simply saying it doesn't make sense isn't an argument, give your own reasoning why it doesn't make sense. And I'll say this again because you probably didn't read the first two times. Communities take time to build and hindering them is bad for reasons stated in the past.
  8. I enjoy gear score it a great progression tracker and helps build stronger teams while cutting down on the annoyance factors.
  9. My server is Jedi Covenant. And no, it doesn't have to much of a community right now. I never said they happened over night. Like all things they take time to develop. But taking actions that hinder or remove community makes the game not live up to its full potential. Again, these are my ideals and not absolute truths. I don't have a problem believing in something I cannot see but can feel and know it exists. Its called faith, belief without proof. Nurturing community should be on the top ten to do list of devs. As I have already stated, I am all for single server lfgs, seeing as how its unavoidable, but I strongly and firmly believe, unless hard overwhelming evidence that is absolutely true without any contradictory evidence is produced to change my mind. I am always open to discussion, but am hard to change my mind without good reason. My final statement (as we're getting off topic, something the dev asked us not to do), single server good, no cross server.
  10. Communities are intangible. You can't quantify a community with a figure. As I said, community isn't about people talking in chat but actions on the server. With a cross server lfg those actions are spread across multiple servers. I also said that guilds are mini communities that make up a larger communities as most guilds I see and have been apart of in many games tend to work with one another. As for a community being so strong that a cross server lfg wouldn't effect it? A cross server lfg can be equated to full scale civil war where everyone was on their own side. Making alliances then immediately disbanding and starting all over again with a different group of people. That kind of society cannot exist. A cross server lfg will do similar things to the communities on the server. The fact that you don't believe in a larger community as a whole is not my problem, but don't insult me like you have in other threads because my ideas and ideals are different from yours. Our world views are different, it doesn't make either of us wrong, just are perceptions of reality differ.
  11. Obviously you don't understand the role of community in MMORPGs. They are what makes them different from all other games. Communities do exist on larger population servers but they are larger and more complex, much more segmented, much like RL, then a cohesive whole. It isn't about someone random not talking in chat anymore. Its about knowing who your playing with. Having faith that the people your playing with won't fail you and you won't fail them. Guilds are the mini communities on larger servers, but who needs a guild with cross server lfg's. Most people won't need them for anything other than community and guilds completely lose their power as a raiding force on the server. I know there are guilds designed on nothing but social, but with a Cross server lfg, the raid based guilds lose power, respect, and ability. People in guilds feel proud to be in their guild because of group accomplishments. And people who play on the server feel proud to be on their server because the sever as a whole as accomplished x amount of things. Communities are a huge part of MMO's and without them its as social as hoping onto your ps3 or x-box and playing halo or CoD. Where its all a sort of cross server lfg and the communities are weak if not non existent.
  12. I completely agree, I just tested this out on my Sage, on full health mobs with my comp on passive and the damage did not take until Project hit the target which took about 1.5 second. Either make the damage instant or give it a 1 second cast time which would last the length of the animation. However, the animation lasts about the same time as the GC, in projects case the same. So regardless if the damage has been received, you should still be able to cast the next ability. This is a little glitchy however. When I have tidal force on my sage and cast telekinetic wave I keep my arms in the air after the ability is cast and sometimes have to wait longer than the GC to cast my next ability. A smoother transition between animations and next casting I think is more needed than a damage collaboration. I feel that the only way you'll actually need the damage to take instantly is if your class has a mechanic that pros from taking the kill yourself and not just the mob dying by group effort.
  13. As with the above posts and what they bring I have only this to say. A single server lfg is welcome since it works basically like a chat and ignores can be done to compliment my disliking of those who abuse the system. However I am completely against cross server for reasons already stated. It ruins the community and thus the game. It is a MMO, meaning that you play with other people, and those same people play with you and that's who you will always play with as long as you remain on that server. Therefore knowing the community and being apart of it is a very important aspect of MMO's and I believe that cross server will take away that aspect. For low population servers it is also my personal belief that server transfers or mergers are the best solution in the long run. Done correctly, servers will not over populate and the LFG tool will be more effective. So it is for this reason that I say cross server lfgs are not needed. Communities are the essence of MMOs. Why else play a MMO if not to paly a game with other people that share a common interest. MMOs are a great way to meet new friends and create relationships all over the world. Through gaming and RL I have relations in Canada and all over the United States. Without a good gaming community I would never have these connections. Therefore, any actions done that risk disabling or destroying the community of a MMORPG should be considered a direct contradiction to what its all about. I hope Bioware continues to make a quality game that everyone will enjoy playing and that allows the community to grow more and more. I look forward to what the future brings and anticipate a long relationship with SWTOR.
  14. Single server only to me is the way to go. Since it seems now pointless to debate whether to even implement one or not. Single server LFG create a freedom of the game that can be hindered by the sitting in fleet and spamming chat. I am completely against X-server lfgs since I'd rather run with people from my own server who I might know and can ignore if they turn out to be abusing the freedom that the finder allows. This is also one of my main points against LFG tools, which, as I have said before, should never go X server. With low population communities honestly, it is probably better to re roll instead of looking for a X server lfg tool. This would create a more harmonious environment in the long run.
  15. There where way to many servers on start up, Trion had the opposite problem, funnily enough.
  16. Believe what you want, but to me, Blizzard will always be a screw up in my mind, same with Trion. And I hope BW doesn't join that list as well. I've gone through all arguments that have been presented and stated my case, its pointless to go on with this discussion as neither of us will back down. I'll leave it at that.
  17. Yes, but Newer also means less time for people to acquire it. I know its a been a few months, plus beta, but at the same time, the demographic for Star Wars is a lot smaller than the demographic for Fantasy. So it's not surprising that SWTOR doesn't have 10 million subs yet. And that 10 mill your posting represents the drop in subs, they had a lot more than that before CAT was released.
  18. This game is kinda a lot newer, and 10 mill is a lot less than they had post CAT.
  19. I'm calling them idiots because instead of making a good game great they dumb it down because people complain it's "to hard". Nothing was hard about it people are just lazy and don't want to put in the work. Instead of giving into the lazy nubs, they should instead strive to make a great for all. One that is challenging and fun to play. Its rated T for teen, which means that 8 year olds shouldn't be playing it and complaining that they can't figure it out, it wasn't meant for them. I only call them idiots because they took the easy way out instead of making a game of which they can be proud of. For example, just because they have x-number of subscribers, doesn't mean its a good game, it just means that they have a lot of people who needed a dumbed down game because other games are "to hard". If you didn't notice, after Wrath ended, Blizzards subscriber count went WAY down. That sounds like they did something stupid to me.
  20. You have got to get over our self, I'm not being narrow minded or selfish. Forums are a place where people of like and different minds can meet and discuss things openly without fear of persecution. You flat out calling me narrow minded and selfish for one ruins the integrity of the forums. My opinions are just as valid as yours and you need to get over your egoistic self and learn the value of others ideas even if they differ from your own. Single server LFG's are great because it keeps the social aspect of playing an MMO. Closing down servers is honestly the best thing to do, yes it looks bad to investors, but what they should realize is that one, the benefits of consolidation, if done correctly will mean that the quality of play is better which makes their customer happier, which means that they make more money. LFG's are really not needed. A LFG chat is just as effective and reduces the cons of the LFG tool. I am against cross server period because in all past experiences it has ruined the game and community. And again, why play an MMO at all if not for the social aspect of it. A cross server LFG tool seems like the correct solution and years ago I was all for it. However the long term consequences are way to big for the short term benefits. BW needs to take high road and make the difficult choices that will make this game great and not reduce it down to the level of those idiots in Blizzard and that spineless Trion.
  21. I like everything you said, but the point of having a FP finder would be to not be on the fleet and be doing other stuff while getting into a group. While this is convenient I do not want a Cross server tool. NO NO and NO. A server only finder would be better if one is being implemented in the future (and unfortunately one probably will) so keeping it as just the one server will not repeat the mistakes of other games. BW please be smarter than your predecessors and DO NOT do cross server. Instead offer free transfers for low population servers only. And then only to Mid-population servers. That way high population servers don't get over populated and mid populations get a boost. This way maybe the finder won't even be needed, and if it is still implemented, then we don't have to do cross-server.
  22. I like the 4-mans, and have never really had a problem with them. The only time I ever had a problem with them is the bonus series on Balmorra. Most of that bonus was 4-mans and no one (at least at the time) was doing the bonus series so I screw it and left Balmorra for that hell hole called Quesh. Mabey less Heroics in the bonus quests, one or two maby, but not so many as in Balmorra.
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