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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Another bump. It's been two weeks since the expansion dropped and EA refuses to even acknowledge this bug exists. At this rate I see no reason to stay subscribed, since having access to my credits to buy decorations for my strongholds (where I hold regular RP events) is really the only reason I'm still subbed. If this isn't fixed soon, I'll discontinue my subscription for the first time ever. If I can't invite people to my strongholds, there's no point in continuing to upgrade/redecorate them.
  2. The only "transitory period" we're in is moving from having a few interns left working on this game to full out maintenance mode. There was less playable content in this expansion than we've had in some patches. Posting over a dozen shilling threads on the forum trying to convince other people how all the garbage we're being fed is actually gourmet fare and blaming solo players for somehow ruining everything does nothing to help the situation. EA doesn't care about Zion's praise or our displeasure, only our money.


    At this point we have to vote with our wallets. I know I will be doing that soon if they don't fix the stronghold bug ASAP. I already decided against buying cartel coins for the first time in forever; I was going to buy some to get both the Onderon decoration packages, but after seeing what a half-baked horrendous Charlie Foxtrot this "expansion" (in massive sarcasm quotes) has turned out to be, and the lack of patching bugs or even acknowledging said bugs exist? Nope, EA doesn't deserve any more of my money.

  3. Bumping this thread AGAIN because EA continues to be silent on this issue. People spend real money unlocking strongholds and real money to decorate them. Taking away the ability to invite people to something you spent real money on is absolutely unacceptable. This bug is incredibly harmful to the RP community as well. When is this going to be fixed?
  4. Today's patch introduced a new stronghold bug! :mad: The airspeeder sound effects outside the Coruscant stronghold have been seriously increased in volume and pitch, so much so that you can hear it everywhere in the stronghold, not just outside it. These sounds should NOT be inside the stronghold, and they weren't until after today's patch. It ruins this stronghold, because instead of a nice quiet apartment or home, you feel like you're standing in the middle of a major US highway.


    Another note about these new incredibly loud speeder sounds: they are NOT attached to the Ambient Volume slider (like they should be) but to the Sound FX Volume slider. You have to turn off ALL Sound FX to make them go away, which doesn't make sense as they are ambient outside noise (or at least they were until today!). The normal subdued speeder sounds are still attached to the Ambient Volume slider, and said sounds muffle/go away when you leave the outside balcony on Coruscant like they should. So it sounds like they decided to add more speeder sounds to the Sound FX "layer" in addition to the Ambient "layer" in game? Why would you do that?! It has to be a bug; those sounds haven't been on that "channel" for 6+ years. Take them out again!

  5. Bumping this thread as these decorations STILL remain broken following the latest patch. People have spent real money on obtaining these decos, EA, either through packs or direct purchase. Please don't leave these broken like you have so many other decorations and stronghold issues over the years.
  6. Seems the price increase was not a bug. Please split summons into it's own tickbox option on the guild bank manage panel so we can safely increase the allowance without benefiting guild bank thieves.


    Remember when Eric Musco posted on these very forums that all undocumented changes were bugs and would be treated as such, that EA wasn't trying to sneak said undocumented changes by us, oh heavens no? Pepperidge Farm remembers! That keeps proving to be yet another lie from EA employees. There's been a number of undocumented cost increases in this expansion, from things like guild ship summons to the credits decoration vendor. Shame on you, EA.

  7. Can confirm it too, and it is extremely bothersome. The no permission prompt only appears if you don't have a key to the SH, even though you were just invited and not on the banlist.


    Exactly! The options to send an invite and accept an invite are still there, but it never works! And you can't invite anyone to your stronghold who already has a key, you get an error message yourself notifying you they have a key, so it's ridiculous either way!


    EA's silence on this issue is positively deafening. RP is the only thing keeping me subscribed to this game. If they kill off the RP community by not addressing this bug, I have no reason to keep giving them money.

  8. Don't forget yet more decorations with duplicate names, so you can't use half the pair.

    After so many, you'd think they'd scold the dev to search existing names before creating a new deco.

    It doesn't get more basic than that.


    BUT on this topic -- even when I'm in the very small range, it sounds "muddy" -- distorted, unclear.


    Yeah, that deserves a whole other thread in and of itself. The fact that the devs don't spend a whole 5 seconds determining if a decoration name has already been taken is shameful. We still don't have any fixes for the decorations they introduced in the last Nightlife event and it's been 5+ months now!


    Also, I thought the noise quality was just a me thing, but if you're also hearing the 'muffled' quality then it looks like it's part of the same bug. Hopefully this will be fixed along with the issue of the decoration ceasing to broadcast noise when you walk a few steps away from it once issue, but I'm not that optimistic.

  9. Game is great.


    Devs are doing a great job overall.


    Please make the game even better by fixing this: the new look is ugly and confusing.


    The devs are most certainly not doing a great job overall. The only major positive about the new expansion is the story which is... acceptable? Not amazing, not awful, just fine, I can deal with it (ignoring the game-breaking bugs that keep people from completing it). The planet designs are also good; Mek-Sha and Onderon have definite visual appeal, I will say that. Everything else they introduced with the expansion is either an acceptable idea that's badly implemented (like the mats vault) or a broken dumpster fire (absolutely every single change they made to crafting, RNG gearing that charges you millions of credits for a single spin on the roulette wheel, the multiple stronghold bugs that prevent you from even inviting people to your strongholds AND break many decorations, the other bugs that make people unable to complete the 2 hours at most worth of story content, etc.).


    Changing the UI, inventory icons, and the icons above NPC heads/mailboxes and cargo bays seems to be just for the sake of changing things, and it's all awful. The ugly flashing low rez clipart icons are headache inducing, and now I have to mouse over every damn piece of gear in my inventory to see if it's legacy bound or vendor trash, which I used to be able to tell at a glance. The tiny bar they put on the side of modable gear just makes my inventory even more visually busy and confusing and wasn't needed or helpful in the slightest. The new changes to some UI elements clash horribly with the UI elements that weren't changed, and look like something more appropriate for a Z-tier mobile game interface rather than a AAA MMO. Whoever designed these changes should be fired.

  10. Would you have preferred they didn't offer it at all? It costs approximately the same amount of coins you get for free if you subscribe for six months which is how long people had to subscribe to get it before. So I don't see how that's unfair.


    It's not unfair. In fact they're getting a steal of a deal. But choosing beggars will always inevitably complain if they're not handed over everything for free--and even then they might still complain!

  11. Can I ask what data or sources you have for making such a ridiculous, sweeping and fairly insulting supposition?

    lmao, is this guy the new 'Andryah' of swtor forums ?

    been away for a long time, so I'm not familiar with the current top tier white knights


    The irony is that this OP goes into other people's threads to complain about those OPs making multiple threads for their complaints about the expansion, calls it spamming the forum and harasses them for it, saying they should keep everything they have to say within one thread... and now this OP is making dozens of threads themselves. :rolleyes:


    Some players will defend every action EA takes no matter what, just as some players are going to hate every action EA takes no matter what. Don't let pro-EA trolls get under your skin, it's not worth it. Make your case and don't engage with them.

  12. Thank you, I did not see that when I had glanced at it before.


    That's so dumb though. :mad:

    Agree. They want people to spend real money. Sadly i cannot afford it.


    I had to spend more real money than the chapter is currently priced at on the Cartel Market on the several months of continuous subscription required to get Shroud of Memory originally. Seems like if anything I got ripped off for being a loyal subscriber and you're getting a steal of a deal. Suck it up, buttercup.

  13. You are applying a human perspective to this non-human race's appearance. I am glad they don't totally resemble humans they aren't humans nor are they related to humans.


    I don't want them to look more human. I want them to look like the dozens of Nautolan NPCs we already have in game. The NPC Nautolans in the game look great, which is why I was originally excited at the prospect of getting to have them as PCs. We didn't get that, not even close. Instead we got cheap rubber Halloween mask looking versions of those NPCs. I want their faces and eyes animated properly. I want their skin textures to not look so low rez. I want their tentacles to not go through their chest or into their back. I want the Nautolans to be up the standards of all the other races already in game, and they're not. They look like an unimproved alpha version that was thrown out the door because EA couldn't be bothered to spend more time or money on them since subscribers were getting them for free.

  14. I just don't understand why entry level greens require isotopes.


    Please, make it make sense.


    End game schematics should require special materials, but now virtually everything does and it makes no sense at all. I'm someone who has made most of their credits by crafting and selling things and right now I can't do very much of that. The system as it is right now is functionally useless.


    At least I can still sell old dyes modules.


    This, this, 100% this. Only end game gear should ever require end game materials. Full stop, end of discussion. Green armorings shouldn't take 20 fracking isotopes and 8 purple conquest-only mats to craft ONE when the RE chance is somewhere around 5% at best.


    I've heard someone say there are DYE SCHEMATICS that require end game mats now and that's even more ludicrous if it's true. End game mats for purely cosmetic items? Go home, EA, you're drunk.

  15. I have several of the Ambient Machine decorations set up in one of my strongholds that I use for a weekly social RP event. The Ambient Machines have very little volume behind them and only cover a small area (both issues which multiple people have reported on before and which have received no dev acknowledgment) so I need to use multiple ones to try to "saturate" all the RP area. I spent a large amount of credits getting all the copies I wanted to produce the proper atmosphere for the stronghold.


    Today I was going through activating them all in preparation for my RP event only to discover they are ALL broken. You can still activate them, and they will start to produce their sound effects. However, as soon as you move your toon a few steps away out of the radius of the sound effects, they will stop producing sound, even if you move back into range of them! The decorations still show as activated, but no sound comes out. You can deactivate and reactivate them to get the sound effects going once more, but they will cease as soon as you move away from them again. And since the radius of effect is literally just a few steps away, that makes them absolutely useless unless you're going to just keep all your toons in one corner of one room the entire night.


    This was not happening before 6.0 dropped. I set these all up last week for the event with zero issues. C'mon EA, how does a patch that has nothing to do with strongholds manage to break decorations AND the ability to invite people into your strongholds at the same time? What are you doing over there?

  16. I've posted about this before on the user-compiled 6.0 bugs thread, but I worry it's going to get lost in the shuffle and I'm honestly desperate for the devs to address what I sincerely hope is an unintended bug, because it's really hurting the RP community right now.


    You can no longer invite someone to your own personal or guild strongholds (or any strongholds of other players you have a silver key for) if they do not already have a key. The Invite button still exists in the Stronghold Interface, and it will allow you to send an invite to another player, and they can accept it. However, instead of being transported to the stronghold after accepting the invite, you get this message:




    I'm hoping this is actually a bug, but that in-game message makes me think otherwise. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that this issue is addressed soon, because in the meantime guilds can no longer host events at their strongholds, and social or plot RP events run in personal strongholds run into the "people don't have any more room on their keychain" issue.

  17. Wow. I must have missed this in all the controversy about gear on PTS.


    I think if I facepalmed right now I'd give myself a concussion.


    I'm starting to believe in the people who say they are purposefully tanking the game. Maybe this game has become like a "let's experiment with what we can normalize" petri dish for EA to test things out on people who are very loyal due to the niche Star Wars / KOTOR appeal, knowing they're more likely to stick through the insanity and they can more effectively gather data on them that way.


    I just... I can't even begin to fathom why. If it's meant to be a credit sink, all it will do is push casual players out of crafting, making it easier for the super wealthy ones who have been around for ages to dominate the crafting space (like the ones for whom 1.5mil per character is a drop in the bucket).


    I have a pretty good pile of credits myself, and even I'm finding these levels of mats required absolutely ridiculous. For example: the new green Resistive Armoring 77 schematic for Armormech, the first schematic you can pick up, costs TWENTY Processed Isotope Stabilizers (the rare blue mats from end game content) and EIGHT Solid Resource Matrices (rare purple mat from conquest) to make. Just a green armoring, no set bonus, not even a full armor piece, that you have to make over and over to reverse engineer. I haven't even seen what the blue or purple version will cost to create, and I'm not going to likely, because this is BS and I don't want to participate in it.

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