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Everything posted by Mayorsaide

  1. Any info on changes to the Mercenary/Commando PVP experience? or any word on giving the only class in the game without an interrupt, an interrupt? especially on content like HM EC where you NEED interrupts or the content auto kills.
  2. I understand that's it's easy to say just be patient, and when my server started dying I was on the same page, two months later 3 people in fleet 12 in the whole game it's a tad harder to remain as cautiously optimistic. With a decent population with actual pvp queues this game is pretty sweet. Without it and watching my guild members drop like flies to Diablo3 and Tera is quite vexing.
  3. You make little sense friend, my problem is everyone on a low pop's problem.
  4. I joined in early Febuary-ish, I've been playing pretty heavily ever since. when my server started to ghost-town I thought, hey it's fine they'll merge servers or have character transfers. That's what they said and I've been strung along for 2 months paying to play the 30% of the game I least like. Leveling alts with 0 pvp queues and running content way below my gear set just to do something a little different. This isn't cool Bioware, whatever department made this a thing, I don't like you as people.
  5. Mayorsaide

    Dueling Zone?

    I'm looking for a quick loading zone that me and a few chums can queue from, and duel in between warzones. does a such a place exist? is it nice? can I go there?
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