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Everything posted by Juithtin

  1. I neither like or dislike it... Although I do feel sorry for the other team when I keep leaping to the same derp sitting on their goal line to score 3-4 times in a row. Not to mention the ability to leap from the very bottom up to the top seems a little poorly designed imo. The only issue I have is a graphical one... my frame rate goes to pot on this map, not to mention other bugs. (like falling THROUGH the middle tier and getting stuck in the floor at the bottom) It needs some tweaking, otherwise it's not all bad (I'll take it over AHG any day).
  2. If you're level 28 and going against anything 10+ levels higher than you in open world pvp, they're probably going to wipe the floor with you. Inside of an arena/warzone, Sentinels are perfectly viable and Watchman is NOT a bad specc for PvP - I play it on my Sentinel and I have no issue with it. And like the other guy said above, Sentinels are late bloomers. Just chip away at warzones and ask people on the fleet for advice on how to play the class. Good luck.
  3. Unless you have my horrible luck and always hit that invisible mid air wall while leaping to said idiot Great for the other team, infuriating for me..
  4. Actually, it shouldn't impact too much on survivability and focus. If you're aiming for that increase Dispatch crit you could go; PvP: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRrfsMzZMMZf00z.3 PvE: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsrzZbMZf00z.3 - although you're sacrificing a point in Steadfast to get it... Currently I run: PvE: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsrzZhGZM.3 PvP: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRrfsMzZRG.3 - but I might give the specc I linked above a shot..
  5. I prefer marauder/sents over sages/sorcs when it comes to pvp dps, purely because I don't like ranged classes all that much in terms of dps. The only reason you "die less" on your sorc than your mara is because you can heal, and you're ranged.. in lowbies people tend to attack the thing closest to them, which is usually melee of some sort. If you're a mara, don't leap in to the middle of everything straight away. You'll just die and most likely waste all your dcd's hoping not to die. Better off letting some of your team go in first and draw some attention before charging off. And know when you use your defensives.. force camo is very good if you're taking focus fire. Also play whatever specc you feel the most comfortable with, each have their pros n cons.
  6. I disagree. It would be nice if Merciless Slash crit a little more reliably, but it still hits plenty hard imo. I don't think I've ever been focus starved playing watchman.. Your dots build focus, any direct damage abillity that crits on a dot'd target builds focus, 4 focus straight up from Leap (5 if you get lucky on a target you've dot'd), plus zealous strike which builds 6 (or 7 if you get lucky again). I'd also say timing Zen right will give you a nice bit of "on demand umph" as well.
  7. Watchman/Annihilation is NOT as bad as people always make it out to be. Does it lack the burst that Carnage and Rage have? Yes. But it makes up for it in other areas. Once you get past the ramp up, it has good sustained damage and Merciless Slash/Annihilate can hit pretty hard (I've had anywhere from 8k+ crits on it), the self and group heal (Zen/Berserk) is good (could be better though), Saber Ward can heal you if you specc into it. Not to mention the guaranteed crits that Zen gives your DoTs. It's highly mobile with no minimum requirement on leap with a 12sec cooldown and 50% speed increases with Force Camo (also grants 50% damage red.) and Trans/Predation. Leap, Crippling Throw and a 6 second interrupt are also incredibly useful for dealing with healers and channeled classes. Will you solo kill a healer in this specc? Probably not, unless they're hopeless. Will they heal effectively while you're railing them? Nope. That being said, it could definitely use some quality of life improvements. Our DoTs are susceptible to cleanses and overall damage output could be tweaked a little. It's fun to play and you don't have to worry about RNG as much and being knocked back/stunned during your gore window. TL;DR - Watchman is fun. Carnage can be fun. I dislike focus. Play whatever you want.
  8. Also good for shutting down merc and sorc healers. I run watchman on my sentinel and I have no issue with it (feels more comfortable over the other two trees). The ramp up time is a bit of a pain, but once you get going you can deal some pretty solid hits (I've had Merciless Slash crit for 8k a few times). And the 12 second leap and interrupt every 6 seconds is good for dealing with channeled classes.
  9. Watchman isn't as bad for PvP as people seem to make out.. Granted the burst isn't there like it is for Combat, but it still hits pretty hard and you can pull decent number in drawn out fights. It's also good for annoying the crap out of healers with Leap every 12 seconds and interrupt every 6. I'd say try both and see how you go.
  10. You'll probably end up with the same answer we got when the APAC servers were shutdown instead of merged into one: "We don't want to force people into a certain play style."
  11. I don't PvP at 55 impside, but I have a 53 Merc and one thing I've noticed is that Imp queues are very hot and cold... I ended up in Huttball yesterday and we were dominating the pubs. Next round, think it was AHG, we got absolutely destroyed. This went on for a few matches where I'd end up in a good/decent team one match and win or come close to winning, then the next we'd just get destroyed. Just luck of the queue I s'pose.
  12. Guardian's only get that if they run tank specc
  13. Only things I can think of are if he had a DoT on him that broke it, or if he had partial resolve already and your sleep dart filled the rest of it.
  14. I don't know enough about it, but I've heard certain graphics cards work better for different games (AMD vs Nvidia - but I'm not sure on it), so that could be why. Or it could just be the games engine.. I just wanna know why I can run at 60fps with the highest settings, but if I drop everything as low as it goes I still only get 60fps.. that doesn't make sense to me.
  15. My old laptop used to sit at a solid 20fps on the fleet and drop to single digits in pvp... Huttball was the worst, so many games I'd float between 1-5fps on the lowest settings (that **** was messed up). Now that I have a new laptop (Radeon HD 8970 4gb graphics, 16gb RAM), regardless of having settings cranked up to their highest or lowest, I always sit on 60fps.. but with everything on high it fluctuates a little more in pvp. Never drops below 35 though. So I have no idea lol
  16. Even though it received a pretty decent buff, commando/merc heals still aren't where they should be imo. They're still way too easy to shutdown and the few abilities we have to counteract that are both on two minute cooldowns. Otherwise Watchman Sentinels and Balance Shadows aren't that common in pvp. (Although I love Watchman on my sentinel. Datleap)
  17. I agree that merc heals are pretty sad when it comes to a 1v1 sort of thing (lockouts and interrupts are poop), but overall I don't think they're as bad as everyone says (but I'm not at 55 yet, and probably won't ever touch ranked arenas with it). http://i62.tinypic.com/2jcdf00.jpg Pulled that last night, which from memory is the best I've done so far.
  18. If you're looking at the specc in terms of burst, it's always going to be on the lower end of the spectrum. Watchman was designed for sustained damage, so keeping on top of your target is key (Inflammation and Leg Slash help). I've always played watchman on my Sentinel (I'm a failure at Combat and dislike Focus), and one thing I've found is you can be a pain in the arse to a healer... 6 second interrupt plus the leap, means you can severely diminish the heals of a Merc/Commando and Sage/Sorc (Operatives are a little different.) Since the specc isn't that bursty, it's better to kind of hang back rather than jumping right into the thick of things (unless you have good healers/tanks), otherwise you can just melt. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRrRrfsrzZRR.3 That's the specc I use, which relies more on utility and survivability than damage (I'm sure someone could link you another build that can hit harder, if that's what you're after.) Anyway, good luck. EDIT: Forgot to mention; yeah, CC is a bit of a pain. Typically if I get snared out in the open I'll pop camouflage and wait for the snare to drop off.
  19. 25 losses on Harbinger on a pub toon? Ouch. I play on Harb as well, and I don't think I've ever lost more than 5 or 6 in a row. Usually the team I'm on will lose 2 - 3 matches, win one, then lose another 2 - 3 and that cycle just repeats more or less for me. If you play during APAC peak times (+10 GMT I think) feel free to see if I'm online (my regular toons are in my sig) and ask to group if you usually run solo 11 wins in a row is probably my best though.
  20. I really like the idea of Force Leap having no minimum range... and maybe have a passive ability that resets its cool down that was suggested earlier in the thread (can't remember who). But that's not much of an issue, with the changes to MS coming, Zen will most likely be proccing MS around the time Force leap would be coming off of cooldown. Everything else should be left as is (especially Unremitting.) Nothing beats having the ball in Huttball, Leaping to a target, Force Pushing and leaping to another all while being immune to CC
  21. I'd recommend going full into Infiltration specc. http://www.swtor-spy.com/skill-tree-calculator/jedi-shadow/20/?build=000300000000000000000000000000000322230021112032221022010212001003000000000000000000000000000000&ver=20 <-- That's the build I use and it works well for me. Learn to pick your fights and use your stealth to your advantage. My opener from stealth changes a bit depending on the class I'm fighting. Straight from stealth I go; Potency > Kick > Shadow Strike > Breach > Clairvoyant Strike > Project > Clairvoyant Strike. Then I just fill in the gaps.. use Shadow Strike when Infiltration Tactics procs, use low slash to trigger Infil Tactics on a separate timer. If you're trying to kill someone quickly, you need to order your CCs; Kick > Low Slash > Stun. If you hard stun them straight after a kick, you'll just fill their resolve. If the target is ranged and trying to run away, use force slow.. and never forget to taunt. Taunting is off the GCD and it reduces everyone's damage to your team mates - there's really no excuse for using it. I'm not the best shadow but I do alright.. just pick your fights and if you are a lowbie (not sure, you didn't say what level you were), most classes will shred you at the start. I had a lot of trouble with snipers when I first started my Shadow. Good luck
  22. Electronet will wreck most players. Aside from that, I don't have much issue with them on my Vigiliance guardian. And choose which abilities to use on them.. especially when they have dodge up, Tech and Force are your friends. EDIT: If there are multiple healers on their team or good tanks/peels, you're better off just getting your entire team to attack them.
  23. I usually play the objective first, but it depends on the warzone... Huttball I will always go for the objective (and get annoyed when people go into TDM mode ) Voidstar I will play the objective or run interference while attacking. If we're defending, I'm usually on the quiet side guarding the door. Since I more or less main a shadow for PvP, in ACW and NC I'll usually go for the enemies' home node and try taking that or at least pull their team to me. Hypergate I'll usually node guard or if someone else opts to guard, I just annoy the other teams healers in mid. If it looks like a lost cause, I'll end up just screwing around.. running into 3v1s with no hope of winning lol, things like that.
  24. I find the middle tree to be best in PvP, also maybe double check keybinds and things like that. I used to click quite a few of my abilities when I started my Shadow, and once I got my Naga I bound everything and did a lot better. Just choose your fights and work out your opener from stealth (it all falls into place more once you get your kick.) Also recommend not going 1 on 1 if you aren't fully comfortable with your specc/rotation. Just be that guy who hangs around on the outskirts and help pick people off who are occupied fighting your buddies. Good luck
  25. There's a speed boost to the north of the middle node in NC that he may have picked up, or a nearby Carnage Mara could have popped whatever the imp mirror of Transcendence is.
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