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Posts posted by DarthAeonis

  1. idc wat others think this is the greastest news ever. yea im a lil bummed with the possibility of old companions not bein SGR but since it wasnt included in launch not surprised. like i said before when we get new companions im sure theyll be SGRable. and kudos for bio puttin the info up for all to see. this is wats happening so everyone get over it :)

    now to make that lvl 50 grind.

  2. i think this could be a possibilty of bein implemented in the future tho it would be difficult. like instead of faction changing (cuz that would be fine but it would most likely f up the companions) if u have certain alignment parameters u could take on certain quests from Empire aligned npcs or since they are adding new story they could include a small story mission that allows u to switch sides and basically "prove ur worth" and even in kotor when u did changed sides the outcome was still generally the same. i mean ppl already reference ur corruption or purity in game as is.
  3. There won't be a heart left beating.


    lmao!! i kno right that used to irritate me soo much lol but i realised it is more of a sub for a more preferred line. like ive retried a few missions before and the other answers are often more unique. i feel like these lines are often reused when ur aimin for a certain alignment option.

  4. anyway as i was trollin swtor.com i was lookin at the companions page and noticed something. when giving companions gifts some gifts tend to differ on effectiveness depending on the gender givin to them ie. courting gifts and while some companions are indifferent to same sex ppl givin them gifts others tended to not mind (as in actually like or love them regardless) like Doc (which him bein bi not very surprising) point is is made me wonder if they had planned on truly implementing gender check romances and just locked them at launch. havent actually tried courting all companions in game so dont kno how true it is or if im just grasping at straws but i found it interesting.
  5. Facinating *raises one eyebrow* ...


    You will have to excuse me, given how many "punny" names I see in MMORPGs (not just SWTOR) on a daily basis and all the kerfuffle that errupted with people not getting "their names" a few months back with forced server merges, I thought you were serious. ;)


    oh dont get me wrong i did spend some time thinking on it but im seein more negativity than i wanted so just wanted to put it out there. if i were an altoholic i would most def use those names but i could never take myself seriously if my crews calls me the "Purrminator" all the time lol

  6. Just curious ...


    Why post threads like this? Aren't you all worried your names will get sniped before you get to use them? If you don't get your names this thread may be to blame. :p


    the point was to make a fun thread and relieve ppl of other stressors. my names were merely for fun, i would never actually name a character it as well as several other posters im sure think as well


    Dead or Alive

    Species/Race: unknown humanoid-type

    Name: Goes by Darth Aeonis

    Middle Name: unknown

    Last Name: unknown

    Alias: Has been called the "Lord of Passion" by locals and other sith

    Gender: assumed male

    Date of Birth: unknown

    Place of Birth: unknown

    Age: possibly mid 20s

    Height: around 6'

    Weight: muscular build probably around 200lbs

    Hair Color/Style: long and dark from what eye witnesses claim

    Facial Appearance: unknown, apparently always wears a mask

    Eye Color: unknown

    Body Appearance: muscular build

    Home Planet: unknown, though often seen in the core worlds

    Current Residence: last seen on Coruscant

    Allegiance: appears Sith

    Profession: Sith, vigilante, renegade, murderer, thief, and apparently artist (see case report)

    Armor/Clothes: modified sith robes/armor kinda reminds me of that Starkiller guy case from the old records

    Primary Weapon(s): Violet Lightsaber is only one seen used from witnesses claim he has others in possession

    Case report 10773-48: during the terrorist attack on a local township by the Gray Gales (see file 10342-11) he was seen in the crossfire. witness reports say he was attacking the Gray Gales and slaughtering them. granted the Gray Gales are terrorists he is still committing murder. the lone sith took out the group then attacked their cargo pod and took what looked to be some remote device. after leaving he destroyed everything the Gray Gales brought with them in the raid. the damage was... extensive. after the scene settled he disappeared but the ground was scorched with his insignia. this weird tribal looking design. we still dont know his plans or motives but he is extremely dangerous. anyone who sees someone resembling him (as vague as it is) should be cautious.

  8. Actually no game thats gone f2p or has a cash shop feels as cheap or as much of a blatent cash grab as SWTOR now does it wouldnt be so bad if you could vendor the 80% garbage that you get in the cartel packs but you cant so its just outright insulting.


    DCUO has THE WORST cash shop ever imo. atleast theres good stuff to buy. i mean they have to pay for expansions, we get ours in FREE updates. and i blow my money like in the cartel shop like it aint no thang (not that i have money to throw away) i understand u peeps "problems" but it is how it is. every week its a new complaint and im sure BIO has like 300 to sort thru and prioritize. just enjoy wat u got. cant make everyone happy? atleast right away

  9. i dont particularly care for republic ending much cuz they always end up on top for some bizarre reason but with the build up for empire classes they are just too bad*** to end up dying off story wise. and if scourge was given the immortality ritual its likely the SW may get it too. def seems more loyal than Scourge. i mean u got over a thousand years of a blank slate. it would be pretty cool if SW became canon Dark Lord of Sith. like how SI has a canon Darth name.
  10. just curious on what new story for classes ppl think should be added based on the first 3 chapters

    for example

    based on the ending of the SW story line i def think he should end up bein emporer at some point especially seein the weak state the emperor was in from the JK story. in fact it would be pretty epic if the FINAL act had the JK face off against the SW



    what ideas others have?

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