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Everything posted by HathawayBrowne

  1. Is the Star Cluster Night Life pack still being embargoed tomorrow? I don't see any mention of that in the patch notes unless I missed it?
  2. They should keep it rare by not releasing it again. The game needs limited items, instead of taking those away or cheapening them, just make new rarer items for people who are here now. Instead of releasing White again, release Black-White or another variation.
  3. I don't think they should change the requirements for purchase. The pets are a symbol of achievement, it would cheapen the effort if anyone could purchase them prior to being the proper level even if they cannot use it. The pets might not be around forever, if they do retire, its a nice perk for those who put the time in. A similar argument was made around the time the Korrealis Prince/Soverign mounts were going to be retired prior to patch 1.2. Their valor rank to purchase and use was 65. Many people wanted to purchase them to save until they reached the level but the change was never made. I think if thats the direction they said they were going, they should continue on that way, it wouldn't be fair otherwise. Valor 70 takes time, but it can be achieved in two to three months. The system is fine the way it is.
  4. Does the Midnight Rakling pet ever drop from Normal mode or is it exclusive to hard mode?
  5. Making it bind-to-legacy would at least be a reasonable compromise as well. There is no point for someone to have more than one if the spare is destined to take up space in inventory.
  6. Wish the pet would become Bind-on-Legacy, since I bought one, then later ended up with another one that was looted one from a smuggler crate.
  7. With the new free-to-play model being rolled out, will it still be possible to get the refer-a-friend mount?
  8. One of the pictures they posted today in the update had a black-core cyan lightsaber, perhaps that and the black-core white will make it into the store.
  9. Does the friend you referred have to sub? Or can you get the reward if the person enters a 60 day time card?
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