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Everything posted by Sorn

  1. If part of winning is getting cool stuff. Then this is Pay2Win btw.
  2. Sorn


    Love playing with companions, would love to see more mechanics, systems and even gameplay oriented around them: 1. A more involved companion skill system. This could be simple skill trees for companions (even 5 bare-bones trees for the arch-types similar to WoW Hunter Pet trees would be nice). Examples: Do you want your melee tank comp to lean more toward dmg? Survivability? Lower the cooldown on your healing comps main heal or give their dmg abilities an aoe component? Choices could be fun and hopefully allow for more synergy between characters and their companions. 2. A Unify Colors option for Companion gear 3. Either allow companions to ignore class restrictions on armor or perhaps give certain companions class status. Skadge and Torian are bounty hunters, Lieutenant Price is a trooper, etc. 4. More 2player dailies that can be soloed with a companion. More 4player dailies that can be duoed.
  3. Heh. Really liked the look of the Tionese-Rakata Merc gear. Have to agree with you about the Blackhole look though. The helmets the weak-spot I think. If it was less of a COBRA visor I think that'd help.
  4. Kind of agree. The nerf to augment strength really boned the bonus that augment slots would've been. It's also pretty lame that you have to raid the new operation to be able to acquire the removable set bonuses. Are the people who don't raid not supposed to use augmented gear?
  5. the reality (which is a wonderful opening that infuses your comment with undeserved gravity) is that people like to argue about pointless and silly things.
  6. This pretty much encapsulates why people dislike "clickers". Additionally nobody is rounding up people who click their skills and sending them off to camps, get over it. Stereotyping is useful. It's unfair, but useful.
  7. While I'd rather have his size be more like Lieutenant Pierce's I find myself liking him more than Blizz. Please give us an option to show helmet for him Bioware
  8. Sorn

    400 Armstech

    Agree with the OP As 400 Synth I can make money making bracers and belts (especially with socket procs) but that's it really. Everything is ultimately eclipsed by PvP gear that takes a hell of a lot less time invested than my Synthweaving or FP/Op gear.
  9. As your tank-pet is the point at which you're directly meeting the Elite his gear is arguably more important than yours in this equation.
  10. He's referring to something else. He means the "Bonus Series" quest-arc. You're referring to the Bonus Quests given off of other quests or from specific areas. I'm wondering the same. It seems like when I clear an entire planet + the Bonus Series I'm perfect level for the next planet. But I don't PvP or do Flashpoints. So that might be the scale tipper.
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