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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by zxckakel

  1. Thing is, if you're complaining about Marauders being OP in terms of DPS then that would be outrageous since this is a dps class. I do agree to some extent that our defensive cd's are a bit buffed but when you face a good range player, that's our only way of not getting kited to death.
  2. because half of carnage/combats skills are craptastic, that is why no good marauders/sentinels play anything but annhilation/watchmen.


    Yeah, hitting 2k to 2.5k massacr, 1.6k gore, 4k FS is crap. Your ravage with gore buff can hit 12k with ravage alone. oh wait there's more, ataru strikes albeit you are snared... oh wait, healers won't be able to cleanse your bleed because you don't need bleed... oh wait, predation's speed against kiters.... oh wait, the roots... oh wait, how you can beat a pure tank class in 10 secs... Yeah, Carnage is bad

  3. This is literally the same game you left 6 months ago. A handful of new bells and whistles isn't going to change that. It is still WoW in space, and until they remake the game from the ground up, that is never going to change, and the people that expected different from this game will never be fully satisfied, whether they stay or not.


    To be honest, the game was misrepresented to the majority of people that purchased/pre-ordered it as something new that wasn't necessarily going to remake the genre, but that would at least bring something new to it, which it really hasn't. Story driven MMOs have been here before, and pretty much everything else that this game has done, WoW paved the way for, it has added nothing new to the genre, and thats what a lot of people expected.


    I'm happy that we finally have the game they intended to give us at launch, 7 months after the fact, but most people that were even somewhat interested have given this game a shot already, the hype has already come and gone for this game, and it wont be back.


    In short, the game will never reach the level of success that it was projected to reach pre-launch, and it's great that you're hopeful that people are going to start flooding back in after 1.3, but they wont, feature heavy patches don't really tend to draw eyes or reel in the subscriptions.



    heyyooo, we have a buzzkill over here

  4. Don't ever use your cc breaker unless you have full resolve because as General Ackbar once said, "It's a trap". Scoundrels/Operatives want you to use that CC Breaker at first so they can stun/crit lock you til you die before you even hit UR. Hit intimidating roar to make him use his cc breaker or make him take the damage you'll inflict in that 6 seconds.


    Edit. I thought you were referring to Scoundrels/Assassins.

  5. My faith in this game never wavered. Lack of players to play with, or this game is mired with game breaking bugs/normal bugs... but I always thought this game is still fresh and it's gonna improve soon. It's like playing WoW for the first two years, I'm that happy with this game.
  6. merc healers are tricky to kill. you need to save your CC for when they pop their shield. If you can keep em stunned for the 6s of intimidating roar while their shield is popped and then force choke for the remainder of the duration you should be able to kill them fairly easy


    True. In my case, I usually wait for another dps to gang up against a merc/commando because chasing a merc/commando for a good 1 min is almost losing the battle anyway.

  7. Perhaps, but a Juggernaut can shift the fulcrum of a battle in more ways. You can control the pace of the battle and "tilt" your opponents if you're Immortal spec'd, or you can deliver just as brutal in strikes if you're Vengeance or Rage.


    I have a Veng Jugg and a Carnage Marau.


    With my Carnage Marau, never had any problems against Rage Juggs but against Veng Jugg, I'm 50/50 depending on the cd of my defense abilities.


    With Venge Jugg, never had a problem against Carnage but I get owned 6 out of 10 times by an annhi Marau.


    A slight upperhand to Marau's because of UR, why? UR+Pots, heck even UR can turn the tides a lone as vicious throw won't even tickle a Mara in UR

  8. Against tank sins/shadows at first I was having a hard time as an annhi. So I switched to Carnage.

    What I did was first i'd use intimidating roar on them upon clash to make them use their cc breaker if not free gore+ ravage!. I usually start my defensive rotation with Obfu so they can waste some force, Cloak of pain @ 90, SW @ 60, UR @ 20%(this is the time I use medpack/wz pots).


    Try popping gore+ravage as a trap to make them use their CC on you, now it's up to you whether or not to use the cc breaker at first cc, i usually use it on the first so I can set up my defense rotation easily.


    I always pay attention to how much I'm damaging him, if you can't hit him for 3k/pop, then it's time you force camou yourself outta the way and wait for the CD. I always set up with ravage in order to bait him to use a cc on them, by the time he has no more CC to use or my resolve is full, the ultimate combo of massacre+gore+ravage+FS would be available. I always spam BA>(Gore)>Mass>VS>FS> while waiting for the cd of ravage. The success with assassin is popping up the Defense abilities at the right timing as well as baiting him into CC'ing me in the early phase of the combat.

  9. I fought a merc healer 1v1 as veng spec... we fought for 10 minutes strait before I finally got him.... It was just one of those 1v1 fights in a wz where everyone left us alone.... after a few minutes it was a joke between us we wanted to see how high our damage and healing could get. Literally noone bothered us... we fought for 10 minutes strait before I finally got him. scored 400k damage that wz he had 400k healing lol. And yes that was through me interrupting him as often as I could and popping all my CD's as they came up.... same for him lol.


    yeah, about that.. I was focused more with sages/sorcs operatives and scoundrel. commandos/mercs are tougher to kill unless you have all of your boosts available.

  10. Really? Venge for me is the best anti-healer esp against Sorcs/Sages, as Impale with pooled hatred can give you a spike from 3k-5k, outside pyrotechs/carnage marau's because of its sustained damage. One good rotation of Vengeance can hit around 17k+ damage
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