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Posts posted by zxckakel

  1. Civil war, have east and mid node and the whole team says let's get grass and abandons mid. Mid gets taken and I say


    Me: you guys abandoned mid what's wrong with you..?


    Player: I'm a peacock you gotta let me fly


    Funniest thing ever.


    I certainly wish that I was in that moment to capture it. That's the greatest way to use a movie reference. I envy the dude.

  2. Two things I want say:


    1. I agree people do complain too much on this game... It does seem that no matter what BW does they cant win.


    2. Although people did complain about the name changes... I was not one of them and would like my Legacy name to stay unique. And I have to admit the change kinda of threw me for a loop.


    Now with that being said, am I going to leave the game because of it? Not at all

    Am I going to sit around and complain about it on the forums over and over again? No I have better things to do with my time.

    In short people this a game and the point of a game is for recreation . You bogg down the fun with all the complaints and if you don't like the direction the game is taking.

    You have one of two choices: accept it and continue to play or cancel the account and be done with it, move on to a game that you feel is better suited for you.

    But please stop all the complaining because the only impression you make when you do that is: Your a miserable d*** head and want everybody else to miserable with you!


    Thats right I said it! :p


    what server are you playing? LOL

  3. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/5cd48d26-1023-401d-a166-527b62574fe8

    Next, VINDICATION VINDICATION VINDICATION. Every one of you guys who have made the mistake of getting the full Weaponmaster Armor all I can truly say to you is I'm sorry. 10% more damage after force charge is the way to go, not 15 seconds off the Undying Rage CD.


    Well, as a Carnage myself, I am geared with 4 WH Vind armorings. But the 10% damage buff is better for Annihilation than for Carnage. I don't think it's 100x better than Annihilation, I am more comfortable using Annihilation on raids, I play Carnage in pvp.. It's just a matter of preference bud.

  4. My top 3 funny pvp comments would be DUN DUN DUN....


    1. s t f u, i was doing 50 wz, while you were on taris". (made me stop fighting and LOL).


    2. A sage and a scoudrel fighting, "Oh yeah your hardcore, because you can throw rocks". (another LOL moment).

    Whats your funny PvP comments?


    This is the winner!

  5. I find this one funny. Most of the players experienced getting roflstomped to the depths of oblivion with their recruit gears. Heck, pre 1.2 it was much worse. Imagine a deception assassin with only a recruit gear fighting off War Hero geared Marauders/Sentinels and Vanguards/Pyrotechs, it's that painful.. But I don't qq about it because I believe it is a rite of passage for every new 50 characters to go through that phase.



    Btw, PVP in 10-49 is the worst.. It's a deathmatch.

  6. The only point you proved here, is that you have no idea where the Fatman server forum is, so bask in the fail you swim in.


    Again, nobody in the general PvP forum cares, gg.


    LOL. You win.

  7. ^

    ...it's also because you get people thinking they can make informed judgments about a class at level 32.




    Thing is, like I said before, don't complain about our DPS since we're a DPS class. I do agree to some extent that UR should have the same CD as Saber Ward.

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