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Everything posted by DWho

  1. Yes, some areas are excessive in scope currently. However, limiting the no mount zone to only the room the vendor is in (on the fleet) or a small zone around them elsewhere, wouldn't dismount people going by (since they would exit the dismount zone before the dismount occurs) and would take only a second or two to run out of to activate the mount after dealing with the vendor (hardly an inconvenience).
  2. The thing that would cut into the inflation the most is limited reselling allowed on Cartel Market items. Set it up so it can be sold/traded once and after that it is bound to legacy. That way you can still convert real money to credits (if you really want to) and it prevents the use of Cartel Market items as an alternate currency. You might need to do the same with rare crafting mats.
  3. In the Volcanic Mesa Republic Landing zone, one of the turrets is sitting on top of the "wing" of the shuttle.
  4. Please make the areas around vendors no mount zones (zones where the character is automatically dismounted). With all the large mounts now available, the vendors are often obscured (sometimes intentionally) by these large mounts. A Particular problem area is the vendors around the outer ring at fleet where lots of players congregate. Obviously there are some zones where this isn't really possible due to limited space and high through traffic, but certain heavily congested areas would benefit from dismounting players when they approach and interact with the vendors.
  5. Unfortunately, that issue was reported in depth along with lots of numbers to go with it. Bioware is either unable or unwilling to fix that issue. Influence 30 to Influence 50 companions perform almost exactly the same in all content so there is no point to leveling them above influence 30 at this time. They are hit twice with level sync (like health is, Endurance is "capped" and then the Health total is "capped" again). Your base Presence is hard capped (unlike almost all other abilities in 7.0 which suffer a percent reduction based on where you are rather than a set value) and the companion's abilities are caped further based on their values relative to the content you are playing.
  6. Companions using CC abilities are back to the issue the had after 7.0 launched. They are CCing an opponent and then immediately attacking that opponent, breaking the CC.
  7. Three more un-harvestable slicing nodes in and around Castle Alde on Alderaan. Server: Star Forge, Instance 1, approximately 9 am Central Same as before, they show up on the map and glow blue when hovered over but cannot be harvested.
  8. That's not quite what I am seeing. For example, I have a character that had the full Lana Beniko set stamped (all of the outfitter slots have exactly the same items in them now). Now only the leggings are stamped and the chest piece from the gear (which should be the appearance baring any stamped items) is missing its texture entirely (the character is "topless"). It's just a pain when it is an unlocked cartel market set which I can just pull out of collections and re-stamp, but I do have characters that were wearing older pieces that I'm not sure I even have anymore (or for that matter if I have them, where they are in 65 characters inventories and holds). On other characters everything is fine. It seems to be hit and miss which makes me wonder if it is specific items or just a random issue. I've seen it on at least 5 characters so far with 4 more being just fine.
  9. As I am working through my characters since the updates, I am finding quite a few of them where their outfits are broken (missing pieces). It's generally individual pieces missing and not whole outfits. Is this a general issue or should I be making a list of the missing pieces and submitting them all as bugs?
  10. Another GS3 bug/error: The light yellow deep yellow dye modules say they are dark green and dark brown in their descriptions.
  11. It's a bug that exists across all content, not just that operation. Sometime a while back with one of the graphical upgrades, an error was introduced that allows NPCs to fall through the floor making then immune to attack from the characters (sometimes a companion can still attack them). It appears to be a flaw in the underlying floor meshes (the skeletons not the visuals) that leave gaps for the NPCs to fall through. I don't think they have a good way to identify these gaps, so it is hard to fix.
  12. Hopefully during this time of subscription issues, they are suspending the lose your guild if you're not subscribed mechanic.
  13. Additionally you have to put them on a character or companion at least once as a full set (which binds them to your legacy and makes the unsellable on the GTN at that point) unless they are already a bound to legacy set.
  14. One issue is unlocked character slots. These are not added together in the merger while the number of characters is. If you have a base of 24 "free" slots from your subscription status and bought 6 slots on two different servers you have 36 slots on the merged server (24 for your subscription status and 6 from each of the servers that you bought). If you had a full stable of characters on each server (for a total of 60 characters), you still have 60 characters after the merger but can't create any new characters until you purchase enough slots to go over the 60 characters or you have or delete enough characters to get below the 36 slots you have in the example. People who have been through several server merges at this point have a number of characters far exceeding their available slots so they are unable to create new characters. It's simple enough to transfer a few characters to a new server or just create them there so we don't need a server merger (you can boost a new character to 70 easily and level 70 to 80 is pretty fast with the new content (7.0) rewarding obscene xp). A sale on character transfers might be in order but that would depopulate the smaller server even faster. Too many of the people wanting server merges are looking for free character transfers.
  15. Please make the prototype (blue) and artifact (purple) 320 gear world drops upgradeable along the Flashpoint and OPS tracks respectively. They are very rare drops as it is and are worth nothing to sell and give out mats that are useless because there are so few. They are so rare as it is they would not in any way undercut the monopolies group players have on the "better" gear but would allow all players a path to that gear, albeit a slow one.
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