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Posts posted by LordSemaj

  1. For me when I get invited back to tank, I feel that I am getting re-invited because I'm good not just because they need a particular class.


    Eh... wouldn't be so sure of that. Some players have no friends... if you're a tank, you're a tank, and they will spam you with requests.

  2. No they aren't.


    On civil war the edge turret caps aren't even short enough to complete before someone takes a speeder right back to your face.


    The speeders also don't drop you on top of the point.


    Stuns work. Solo caps should not. Team game. Yadayadayada.



  3. The idea to have dots interrupting objective capping imo is the most backward idea ever.. you clearly beat the opponent who is defending the point you want, therefore deserve to cap after he has been killed.. if he hasnt called for help or his team has not responded then they should lose watever objective it is.. seeing as all you people are pushing a point through saying its team game dispell others and dont run solo.. then surely defending shouldnt be a solo job either where u can put a cheap DoT onto the other player cause you just epically failed to defend a point and are incapable of calling for help (or maybe you do.. after its been capped) or your team isnt a team at all.. just my opinion.. :)


    Do you play a necromancer usually?


    Because you totally pulled a NecroThread.


    This thread is over a month old.

  4. Even if they made armor not effective against force powers... they would just introduce more resistances to counteract it.


    The reason force powers ARE affected by armor is for a more even playing field balance approach. Rather than hard counters like X class always beats Y class.


    If they were to change this, sorcs would become a counter to tanks, but they too would get countered harder by smugglers, shadows, and sentinels.

  5. So turn Ilum into a warzone.


    Nah. I prefer the frontier approach. Know the difference?


    People who waste the time to go there ACTUALLY WANT TO PVP.


    It's not just something they do when they're bored.

  6. If a Jedi Guardian hits for 4600...they should no longer be able to use heavy armor and get the benefits from that.


    The heavy armor is basically because they are a melee only class. They take damage easily and from more sources. Your light armor is because you're a ranged class. You are able to do damage from a safer distance and are not supposed to be getting beat on.


    You either need to move away from them or rely on your teammates to help you. Easier said than done at times.


    If you want to spec your sorcerer as an anti-heavy caster, spec full Madness.

  7. you're terrible i need not say more, im going to bed, but one last thing, skilled team vs skilled team in this is exactly like rated bg's in wow, nobody dies. which COMPLETELY contradicts and supports your idiodic statements at the same time, the games were i've reached 700k+ as a jug have been vs the best teams we can possibly vs. i'm out, argueing with you is a waste of time you're like borderline troll except being serious, just moronic.
    Actually you've only helped my point with each post you make, proving once again that inflated AOE damage numbers are meaningless, that screenshots are telltale and seldom reliable, and that there are many factors that go into how the numbers get achieved. It's killing blows, not damage, that matters in PVP. Doing 700k+ damage and killing no one does nothing for your team other than pad your own score (and their healers), and becomes much easier when you never die... let's see that in instant replay!


    skilled team vs skilled team

    nobody dies

    games i've reached 700k+ as a jug have been vs the best teams


    which COMPLETELY contradicts and supports your idiodic statements
    You mean this one?

    Staying alive increases your damage. It's a fact. Juggy's have little trouble staying alive.
    Or this one?

    No, staying alive adds damage. First rule of PVP: Don't die.


    games i've reached 700k+

    nobody dies

    nobody dies

    nobody dies



    And.... crit. Killing Blow. :cool:

  8. lol you obviously don't pvp much, since you just linked a powertech at 500k damage in voidstar, which btw is incredibly sub par as powertechs were reaching 700k a month ago being the most overpowered class right now. also now a month later vs'ing 50's it's a joke to get 500k damage in voidstar, the only above average thing about the screenshots i linked were the medals which if i wasn't farming them i could of easily gotten to 600k+ vs'ing lowbies that die in about 2 seconds.


    and anyone who thinks people did more overall damage vs'ing lvl 10's who die in 0.5 seconds, are sadly mistaken, you don't do dps to a dead target.

    You obviously don't pay attention to details much.


    You linked a screenshot of dominating a PUG group. I linked a screenshot of a skilled team vs a skilled team, not of a vanguard facerolling fresh 50s for a highest damage pic.


    Staying alive increases your damage. It's a fact. Juggy's have little trouble staying alive.


    And let me continue being the most highly regarded warrior on my server, while you go pretend you know how to pvp.
    Of course you are, sunshine. I'm sure your entire server agrees too. Meanwhile, why don't you go fetch some more screenshots of you doing less damage than every other DPS class in the game? Against more pubbies too, gotta love them pubby screenshots. Preferably with pre-nerf Biochem.
  9. Yep everything you say should be disregarded, what you are saying is... even while warriors are being stunned, knockedback, slowed, focused and just all around kited, we still do more damage then sorcs/mercs who are standing still turreting all game while were taking the above. and your arguement is that staying alive will naturally get warriors higher damage...............................................................................NO sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


    Meanwhile, your argument is that a picture of high damage where that is clearly not the case, where sorcs and mercs were interrupted (gasp no high numbers from them!) and warriors stayed in range, is somehow solid evidence that the class is working above and beyond measure, despite the foes you encountered literally taking double digits in deaths while you suffered next to none. All this WHILE abusing the Biochem with Smash to pad your damage count with high critting AOE damage?


    How is anything you say to be taken seriously?


    To top it off, you don't even post particularly HIGH numbers despite the pre-nerf buff stacking, against a team that was clearly inferior and losing badly, while making use of an inflated Rakata medpack to keep yourself in the fight for extended sustained damage like any melee class can do.


    http://i.imgur.com/YI56W.jpg <- Staying alive increases damage


    Here's a hint about knockbacks... Force Leap is NOT an opener ability. You use it AFTER you are knocked back.

  10. I'm not going to deny that this match was a faceroll, but the fact is if I'm not topping the damage done, means I did something horribly wrong or acted as a ball-carrying-whore :p


    Yep, and as I mentioned above, often in MMOs warrior classes do large amounts of damage just by staying alive. If you are melee, you naturally do more damage than a ranged class for balance sake. Ranged often tops charts through DoTs or AOE damage.


    It isn't a wonder that the highest Merc or Sorc records come from AOE specs. Smash is an AOE... correlation...


    Captain Obvious at your service.

  11. Adrenals add 50k protection points and 500k damage, YEA OK, go be bad somewhere else. and considering damage and protection only gets easier to stack vs'ing 50's you're arguement is invalid, only thing i can't get now is 1 medal, which is 5k heal.
    No, staying alive adds damage. First rule of PVP: Don't die.


    Warriors and Tank classes in MANY MMOs have topped damage charts before. It's not necessarily a product of damage output, it's a product of continuous damage. As you snapped those before Biochem nerfs... it says little about their current state.


    FYI - I don't even have a Juggy, nor have I said they were weak or overpowered, so your comments are quite laughable. I'm not even on either side and you're treating me like an enemy. :D

  12. Dunno about cassp's, but mine was taken yesterday :p


    And you did quite well for yourself! Against a team of scrubs. Notice how your team suffered a total of 4 deaths the entire match.


    A picture says a thousand words. :rolleyes:

  13. And Operatives didn't inherently get more surge rating than anyone else.
    Class differences lie in the skills, not in the gear. Any class can wear another's gear by reslotting, that doesn't change Guardians having higher Defense than Vanguards, or Shadow tanks being the best shield absorbers.


    If you don't demolish tanks as a PT, you're doing something wrong.
    You mean the one class that is LOADED with elemental abilities that bypass armor is good at killing tanks?


    all of this can kill tanks fairly quickly and light armored classes even faster.
    Light armor classes die a lot faster when a Marauder or Operative is in their face. Bypassing armor has the drawback of doing the same damage regardless of who you are hitting. It's still good damage, but other classes can do it faster with more utility.


    Powertech and Marauder are kin. Both are the frontline DPS classes. The Marauder is better at killing squishies while the Powertech is better against tanks, but they are still DPS and can kill either one effectively.


    Operative, to QUOTE the developers, was causing "significantly faster than intended kills in PvP". PVP's about burst, total damage doesn't matter, killing blows do.

  14. Well all the sorcs spells are counted as kinetic, except deathfield and the insta cast dot, it ignores armor.
    Kinetic does not ignore armor. The more you know!


    Yea ok, i run the premade on my server that destroys everything. when our team see's us they know we win, when the enemy see's us they know they lose, and that includes the apposing **** crew on our server. but have fun with your stupid roman tactics, you obviously know how to pvp.


    The people "destroying" everything right now are the ones who farmed gear to be ahead of the curve and are basically fighting impotent players. Have fun crushing players who have less stats than you. Try not to ragequit in a few months when the gear levels balance out again.


    Happens in every game after DAOC... at launch Rift Defiant dominated Guardian. Then Guardian farmed the pvp gear earlier due to quicker queues and dominated for months. Then gear caught up and Defiant dominated again. Gear can only make up for skill as long as the enemy doesn't have gear. But that doesn't last forever. You'll need to learn big boy tactics soon enough. :D


    FYI - They're not Roman tactics, it's the simple art of war, used in every large scale battle in every MMO. The ones who die are the ones who mindlessly run into the enemy zerg over and over again.

  15. Lol, got some reeeeeeeeeeeeeally defensive Pyrotechs in here. Like I said, potential is all that matters. I mean, that's why Operatives were nerfed; because of their potential damage.
    No, operatives were nerfed because they had the highest single hitting ability on a class that has the highest crit and surge rates. They were nerfed because Acid Blades was penetrating half of all armor AND throwing out an armor-bypassing DoT. They were nerfed because they were destroying tanks like their defenses did not exist while bursting down squishies who literally had no defenses.


    In short, Operatives were killing everyone and everything. Now they only kill wizards.

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