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Everything posted by Arvig

  1. I know some people that wouldn't mind a bowcaster, and I like fluff pets, but I see what you mean. Having said that, the final quest reward could be worth it. I assume no-one has completed that so far. So maybe it's too early to judge also. If I could get a spoiler request, the quest "A lead" asks me to "Check Back Later with the Droid Storage Crate" and "A New Lead" to check back later with the Hutt Observation Droid. I am Republic faction, but I assume a reply on the Empire side of the quest will be similar enough to not matter. Are both time based? Do I need to leave the zone or world and come back? Or is there something else I'm missing. Anything would help!
  2. Erm...wasn't the ship terminal before it was combined a Hutt faction terminal? At least on my old server (they combined before the transfers if I recall), Hutt faction GTM was same as dead. Maybe I'm wrong, I've never used an on ship terminal but I'd think it would be a lot better to have one that can access all the markets, not the almost dead pre-combine Hutt one. So unless the on ship one works in a way I don't know about, I have no idea what you're nerdrage rant is about. (That and this happened MONTHS ago, unless you quit and just now got back into game, why nerdrage about it now?) But let's go through the rest of your post here: 1) Combining the markets was probably a very GOOD decision. Getting rid of a dead market (Hutt) and combining the two factions into one means double the items to sell and so forth. So yeah, it was "their fault", it was an improbement. 2) George Lucas will step in..yes, because I'm sure he's also nerdraging about the marketplace of a game. Yes, it's a Lucasarts licensed game, but he has a few more licensed products out there then just this one game. 3) How do you know he thinks the market or this game in general sucks? You sure do seem to know a lot about what George Lucas knows. Even the SWG AFTER all the major changes that caused people to bail from it took from..whatever that date was, 2005 to 2011 to end. And not like he decided to not do another MMO with SOE, there's a Clone Wars MMO geared more for kids that's now hosted by SOE also. That tells me that he decided to let SWG end and this one start more so he'd not be competing with himself when it comes to licensed games. The Clone Wars one again is marketed to a different age bracket so having it also active doesn't hurt potential sales of any Star Wars mmo geared more toward adults. 4) Pure opinion at best on your part. That and I don't see how your nerdrage about the merging of the GTM, something done MONTHS ago suddenly makes this a "pos". 5) Bye! Should we all weep and cry over your nerdraging over cancelling two subscriptions? If you're this angry over ONE change that was done MONTHS ago, then it's best you do cancel. I'd hate to see the hissy fit when a real change happens.
  3. Like someone else posted, the game will do that, but if it's like Fleet it takes over 200 people or so (actually fleet might even take 300 to do it). Anyway, fleet on my server at peak hours (and on weekends sometimes late at night) will often form a second instance of the fleet to accomidate everyone.
  4. And yet a large list of content has been promised for this year, including things like Makeb. I figure they have given earlier schedules about two major update patches this year. Even if F2p will count as one of them (which it might not, it may patch in on it's own), that's two update patches (call them 1.4 and 1.5) that will probably have new content. Anyway, to answer the OP they have also promised at least one new world (Makeb), one new race (Cathar), a new companion with quest(s) to go recruit him (HK-51) along with the zones you mentioned. I honestly do expect to see all of that, even with f2p also patching in sometime before the end of the year this year sometime, or at very worst by let's say March 2013. Again IMO much before that.
  5. I also played a Sub based MMO that went F2p late last year, my experience though was less then positive compared to yours. They also had a RMT store but unlike this game, the store existed for a couple years before it went f2p. The store also basically sells fluff items and gives a second way other then the game's webpage to do some account services (like pay for a subscription or one time fees to unlock content, pay for a server transfer, etc). Only items with stats were basically consumable items or temporary items, not counting some mounts that yes had stats, but nothing greater then any stats found on mounts that could be bought from the stables or quested for /dropped from a mob in game. (In fact quested mounts/dropped mounts usually had the best stats). Anyway, what I personally saw: 1) Developers, although they did still put out "real" content, focus now more on RMT items for development more so then real content. 2) Community has possibly held steady, maybe even gone up in population (I don't have exact numbers) but a much larger percentage of the community has played for six months or less. Otherwise, due to issues like #1 and others, a good percentage of the "old timers" have left. Not saying a community of all newer players is bad per-se, but it does indicate that they will possibly have issues with regards to people continuing to play for more then a few months. 3) A good percentage of people come on to play f2p, then quit when they hit a point where they must either subscribe or start paying one time fees to unlock content to continue. Again, people might get an account, but are less likely to stick with the game in the long term. 4) Maybe not a reason to dislike f2p per-se, but f2p doesn't mean "free" to play the whole game. A LOT of things are locked in the game I am mentioning, such as end game content, item quality (Imagine only being able to wear greeen quality items in SWTOR, the lock is about the same in the other game), total amount of slots one can use, total amount of money one can have, total amount of inventory space in their bank and character sheet one can have, most classes and races are locked, and so forth. 5) This actually didn't happen with the game I saw go f2p, they actually do keep their RTM store mostly fluff items and consumables, along with some account services that cost the same if done via the RTM store as opposed to via their website. But I would be concerned that they start putting items with stats on the RTM store, thus making this game slowly become "play to win" and/or have a huge easymode button for those with the largest wallet. Mind you, I'm actually FOR having f2p having many, possibly most features crippled or disabled if one never pays to unlock ifeatures or get a subscription. But I think too many people think f2p means never having to pay anything, period. There's other issues for me, but that's a start. Now will I just /ragequit the morning this game goes f2p? No. But I will be wary and concerned that the issues that I descibe will happen here. I'm hoping they don't, I'm not truly hating f2p as much as my one experience with it was less then positive.
  6. Yes, although for me anyway it took a long while. I submitted a ticket late Tuesday night the 7th for missing coms, they did refund me the coms today, August 10th. So it takes a few days, but submitting a ticket for each time you should have gotten a reward for doing a zone via group finder does work.
  7. I've encountered it also and have threads in other sections of the forums about this. As an aside it's not just 4 man pre-mades for tier 1 HM FPs. 8 man pre-mades for story mode Ops done via group finder are just as bugged. I think I read that 4 man pre-mades for easy mode level 50 FP's are again bugged and not giving out the coms one would get for that tier of FP.
  8. Others have replied, but I can't see how they are worth the money. Every time I've had a question, be it how to get to a datachron to seeing if there's a strat for a mob in a FP or a ops to anything else, a check on some of the popular wiki's for this game come up with answers fairly well. I can't see how one of these guides could add more detail.
  9. As I posted above, if you do fall through, try /stuck. It does kill you if you didn't die, but at least you can revive outside without leaving the group and reenter the instance.
  10. I posted a thread in the Customer thread section of the forums about this, but I hope you guys don't think this is only happening to premade groups of 4 queueing up for tier 1 HM FP's. I can confirm that on 8/8/2012 we as a premade 8 man group queued up for Story mode OPS, and hit the same bug. The first of two ops we did we got no black hole coms. (The ops was SM EV as an aside). We then did SM Kragga's palace (or however it's spelled) and THEN got the 5 black hole coms. I've heard people forming premades for easymode level 50 FP's for the 5 daily tokens also hit this bug, but I haven't done this personally so I can't confirm this directly. As an aside, my current assumption is that if one were to do every FP or ops in the list that one would get the black hole coms. I haven't done Lost Island since this bug, but my assumption is also that since Lost Island is the only current zone in the tier 2 HM FP list, that it would give coms regardless of if this bug is fixed or not. Anyway, I'm posting this with hope that if the developers aren't aware of this, they are now made aware. The posts I've seen do imply that they think it's only with premades doing tier 1 HM FP's.
  11. When I've done a force leap through the floor, one thing that does work is using the /stuck command. It does kill me as opposed to move me back up top, but at least I don't drop group and can reenter the instance without losing my status with the group for the purposes of group finder.
  12. I assume others have made my point, but I figured I might as well also. Yes, so? You also ignore player skill. I've been doing a lot of random HM FP's lately. I've hit a fair amount of PUG healers that might be a bit undergeared for HM FP's IMO, but did well enough since the player knew the class or at least knew how to play. I've also hit guys in decent enough gear that were complete morons due to not knowing how to do anything. So yes, a "gear check" was probably involved to pull this off, but it's not like the heal companion suddenly gained playing playing ability just because he has the companion geared well compared to most players. Anyway, this game is setup where soloing almost ASSUMES one has a companion out, at least past level 9 or 10 when one gains their first companion upon finishing their starting world and moving on to their capital planet. If someone says "Oh, I'm going to go level my alt, kind of just want to solo for a couple hours" I don't assume they are playing without a companion. So yes, I think using a healer companion vrs Malgus still counts as solo. Anyway, why bring this up? To troll? Because you're envious? Just to be anal retentive about the definition of "solo"?
  13. Uh-huh. It could be, oh I don't know..they don't want to give an exact patch number since if he needs more development time they don't have the usual unpleasable fanbase nerdraging over it? As for "having to make alts", yes it's an unusual requirment. But anything in any MMO has some sort of odd requirment or hoop jump. Mind you, I don't know how you think this game is about Bioware's characters. Every MMO has signifigant NPC's that are part of the lore. Go take a look at the cover art for EQ and EQ2 for instance, every copy of that game and every expansion shows cover art of one or more major NPC's in the game. Does that make EQ/EQ2 about their NPC's and not the player characters? Or to put it another way, if you don't want to make an alt, don't. No, you apparently won't be able to get HK-51, but guess what..to get PVP gear one has to PVP to get the commendations to buy it. Ignoring recruit gear one shouldn't expect pvp gear without pvping. To get Ops level gear one has to do ops to get the patterns and commendations to buy that. And so forth.
  14. 1) Someone else posted this, but I don't exactly see him being a healer. 2) Why would he be useless if he doesn't have multiple roles? Sure, some types of companions are of MORE use to various classes, but they aren't useless regardless of type.
  15. Gee, sarcastic much? Well...so you'll feel right at home... (start sarcasm) My, but I didn't know that you knew every single detail of everything they are adding in with 1.4 and if 1.5 is slated for this year, 1.5. You must truly have some insider information! (end sarcasm). You know, just because they revealed this doesn't mean they aren't adding other things to the game soon. So calm down. Then again, if you're not looking forward to HK-51, fine. Guess what, not every new bit of content patched in will be for everyone. Some things won't interest me, some will. I don't get all pissy just because they add in something that doesn't interest me. Or to put it another way, the word doesn't revolve around you. Plenty of people do want this companion. I do. But even if I didn't, I wouldn't pout and assume they are ignoring other forms of content. Then again, they are adding in at least one new world...obviously that means more world and maybe class quests. Logically wouldn't that also mean a good chance of a new flashpoint and/or ops, maybe even a warzone themed to that world? Anyway, I guess every MMO has it's unpleasable fanbase. You know, the sort that thinks the MMO only exists for THEM to play in, and that will complain if things aren't 100 percent what they want. (And probably would complain even if it was 100 percent catered to just them)
  16. Not trolling, but in my experience it's never "enough said" or "'nuff said" when someone posts that. If anything more NEEDS said. Sorry, that's just always been a pet peeve of mine.
  17. 1) Yes, more new races in general are a good idea. 2) I always like playing aliens/other races in both single player RPG's and MMO's. There's also a decent amount of lore on the race from what I gather, and Cathar have been major NPC's in the KOTOR games and of course SWTOR, including of course the Trooper companion. 3) Torgruta, Nautolan, maybe if they can speak Basic well enough Rodians, possibly Sullustans. Mon Calamari I think could be good. If one can go beyond races that don't speak Basic and/or aren't human sized, Jawas and Wookies. That's just a partial list really. 4) I'd have to look up their lore, but although I do see them as a "Republic" first race and would assume they would be discriminated against in the Empire, I'd have no issues seeing them in Empire space either. Not when at least with legacy unlocks we see every race in the original game that was Republic based in the Empire, and vice versa. If nothing else, the Sith Inquisitor storyline has the character starting as a former slave, obviously any race can be a former slave in the Empire. 5) No I don't. 6) Since I don't see how the Cathar compare to the "Pandas" introduced in WoW I don't see how one can make what I see to be an apples to oranges comparsion. Then again I also played EQ2 since 2005, and they had Kerra (feline race), Ratonga (rat based race), Frogloks (Frog based) and Iksar (Reptile based), and yet none of the people playing any of those races as mains or alts seemed "different" from any other player generally speaking. Or to put it another way, "cat race" doesn't automatically mean everyone playing one is a "furry". I am not one, and in EQ2 my favorite Alt was a Ratonga. A lot of the people in my guild are former EQ2 players that I gamed with in EQ2, many of them had beast races. Best of my knowledge none of them are "furries". Even if this does attract a "furry" element, does it matter? I seriously don't think it will personally, I think people need to drop what I see as an inane stereotype. I don't have a sudden urge to paint my face green just because my two favorite SWTOR characters are Mirialan. Nor do I run around with pointy fake ears just because my EQ2 main is a High Elf.
  18. Go look up EQ2. One can group with both factions, one can send mail easily to both factions, one can be in a guild with someone on the opposite faction. Has been that way since game launch for the most part, with the exception of pvp servers which were added a couple years after launch. Not saying it was the most popular game, but it's been around for about 7 years now, it did go F2P but only since last year and it has maybe 200,000 players if I had to guess currently. So, I think the VERY limited contact of having to have a fairly high level character on both factions isn't exactly horrid. That and if one has any interest in the class story lines at all, one gets some of the story for the other classes, both Republic and Empire from doing more then one class. My Sith Sorcerer is only 31st, while my two highest Republic characters are 50th and 47th so yes, I suspect I'll have to level my Sith more, at least get him to Hoth if I had to guess. So this is mildly annoying..but I think I can deal. IF one actually has to do that, I haven't read every page of this thread, far from it. But based on what little I read, maybe they just mean it's easier if you have people on both factions that can survive Hoth well, but isn't needed. Or to put it another way, don't panic.
  19. Uh-huh. *insert eye roll* Yes, I do know this. In fact, I was coming back to this thread to say I had just now gotten the pet on each of my characters. But yes, I do understand that it might be by midnight tonight. That DOESN'T mean people can't post to ask if they have gotten all the gifts with this promotion or any other promotion. Got to love it when someone plays amateur moderator though on a forum. Anyway, as just stated I did get the pet now.
  20. Hello, I do assume I'll get one, but I am curious to see if anyone else has their 30 day credit showing up on their account, yet as of this moment has no Tauntaun pet. I just checked to do crew skills on all of my characters, and no in game mail from them with regards to the pet, at least as of 12:45 Pacific time.
  21. My account right now as of 12:42 Pacific time shows that I do have the 30 days credit, but as of right now no Tauntaun pet. I do assume I'll get one, but do find it a bit odd that I haven't yet, given I do have the 30 days now. Addendum: Just got my pets, one per character of course.
  22. True, although to me that seems really cheesy for some reason. To be honest, the only time I reset a conversation like that with them or doing a quest is because I picked the wrong reply on accident.
  23. Server: Rubat Crystal Purchased? No, not purchased. Right now, I have no intention of buying it. I'm going to wait and see if others do jump on it to buy. The idea I'm sure is to make it so there's a way to access the neutral GTN without having to go to Nar Shaadaa. But I'm thinking at the price they have it at, it might be too expensive to really make it so the Hutt GTN becomes a viable second marketplace. Myself, I could buy it...but why, I can think of many other things I'd rather buy. I'm not advocating lowering the cost of it on the ship per-se, although I do think it would help. What I really think needs done is to have a couple Hutt market terminals on the fleet. I think if one didn't have to run to Nar Shaddaa to even use the neutral GTN one might actually see them used.
  24. Like Millionknives posted, it's okay gear to put on a companion. Also one thing you're not considering, blue level 50 gear would have more or less the same stats as an orange gear item filled with blue quality mods. So for those just entering 50th, especially if they didn't pvp before 50 and thus have no warzone commendations saved up, looting some blue quality gear as a stopgap until they can get better from whatever source is an option as well. Having said that, green quality at that level to me is pure vendor trash. But again for some it might be a cheap way to gear up a companion.
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