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Everything posted by ChipHazard

  1. Perhaps, but it will always hit. I agree about bladestorm. I disagree. I'm going to spec into jedi crusader which synergies well with recompense, I've pulled the points out of blurred speed. Defensive form has nothing to do with rebuke. I am however also speccing in defensive form.
  2. I use riposte every time rebuke is on CD, because I've specced to lower it, and if I know my target has popped a defense boost ability. Personally I removed blade storm in favor of merciless strike, even then I hardly used it after getting mind sear. You could probably do without the abilities that only work on NPCs, except for the droid CC.
  3. Those skills do not work in PvP because players are considered elite. We do actually have a lot of CC, might not be on par if other classes but we do have our fair share.
  4. Players are considered elite, so it doesn't work against other players.
  5. Well my original suggestion was a force pull ability lilke the one consulars have, I really think the sentinel needs a punt ability of some kind. I am leaning more towards getting our push back instead of yet another leap. Which may very well be too powerful of an addition. I agree. I worded my thread and original post rather poorly. I still think force pull could be a potential candidate for a punting ability.
  6. It may be valid in threads about the sentinel class being terrible etc. This thread, however, is not about that. Please read what the thread is about and what has been suggested from other contructive posters, as you're post is off topic. It has nothing to do with effort, there are enough threads about that already and do NOT bring your discussion in here, it's about me thinking that sentinels need something to help them in situations like those they face in huttball where pull, push or a knock immunity would help even the playfield in regards to versatility. I don't see any real reason as to why the sentinel shouldn't have force push again, other than the fact that Bioware removed it. Platforms play a huge roll in huttball and currently sentinels/marauders can be punted around without being able to punt back. Granted this might not be a really important issue since I haven't noticed the same issues in other maps where the dominant feature isn't platforms.
  7. Did I write that? No I didn't. I don't understand what you just wrote. If you mean to imply that I think they are better simply because they are ranged then you're once again mistaken. Take the time to read what I have written in my previous posts.
  8. We do actually. People have made formulas to calculate all the stat bonuses. http://sithwarrior.com/forums/Thread-SWTOR-formula-list
  9. Not every decision Bioware makes is the right one. They can actually make mistakes. I'm not reffering to damage output, tanking capability nor healing capability. So I fail to see what that has to do with balancing versatility. Also I still don't see why you keep bring up the same tired old arugment about just having to be good with a sentinel.
  10. It's harder to learn how to use properly because of the focus build mechanic.
  11. Focus is a perfectly viable PvP tree. One could argue that focus is better suited for teamfights as it focuses more on a beefed up sweep. In that respect it is certainly better than either combat or watchman, although it is weaker in 1v1. That's my view on it. In the most basic terms. Watchman - sustained damage. Combat - burst damage. Focus - aoe damage.
  12. None of the classes suck. That is en over exaggeration of emense scale. You have to use two ligthsabers unless you want to make yourself almost completely useless, and there is no way around this.
  13. So you claim. I disagree. While I do agree that the balance is good between the classes it's just not as good as I would like it to be.
  14. Of course it needs improvement, every single class does. It's called balancing. Yes you probably do, however I see that as being your problem if you cannot see when being able to punt someone would prove useful for a melee class. Please stop using the same old tired "L2P" line.
  15. No, Hizoka I do not because there is no flaw in that. Being able to punt has always given a tactical advantage over others. So you keep writing. Telling people to just learn to play won't help Bioware improve/tweak the class.
  16. Being able to punt other players around means you can control the battlefield. There are plenty of times where being able to punt someone would be useful.
  17. Being able to punt other players opens up a large amount of tactical options. Is there a BH or agent camping on a platform? Punt that person down to ground level. Are you fighting two enemies at once? Punt one away or off a cliff etc. It's an incredible PvP tool. One which we lack.
  18. It doesn't. Atleast not from what I've seen.
  19. I don't see watchman being any different than combat in that respect. You get used to targeting enemies in combat, might certainly be an issue for those who aren't used to it.
  20. The thread title might not have been the best choice, granted. However I do understand what the two who have actually posted contructive posts mean, I simply do not agree that, that is always the case. What I would like is a gap closer than pulls the enemy towards you, failing that I would like the force push to be a base ability for the sent. Since that would allow us to punt an enemy to improve our chances in various situations.
  21. Focus is more about doing aoe damage via sweep, along with what you posted. I've seen some sents who use focus to great effect.
  22. Yes it is possible in some situations to have your back against a wall so they can't punt you off, or place yourself so you only get punted further down the platform you're standing on. However this isn't always possible. Once again stop with the pointless L2P/reroll arguments. If I think a change needs to be made to the class I'm playing then I will most certainly voice my opinion. How else is the class going to be improved? Note: Since it's so far centered around the huttball map it might not be a problem worth adressing.
  23. They can. If they are on a platform and they punt you down, you won't be able to get to them again for some time unless you have either leap ability ready.
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