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Everything posted by Decalin

  1. Aye, repeatable for x kills + assists would work nicely. Would give new pilots the same chance as they wouldn't need solo kills and could achieve over multiple matches, may even discourage people sticking to the bottom of satellites like ticks. It would run the risk of people ignoring capture points though, and in my experience a LOT of people do that already. Perhaps we could split into 2 objectives? Something like; Starfighter Assault: Achieve a combined 8 kills or kill assists in GSF.- infinity repeatable - 2200 conquest points Starfighter Support: Achieve 8 medals for healing and node defence in GSF.- infinity repeatable - 2200 conquest points Played well, you could work on both at once. I like to stick to defending one of the control points and find that though you may not be in the middle of the action, you still manage to get a few kills as often 1 or 2 people will peel off and try to get a sneaky capture, so it should balance out for low/mid skill players and not only the top tier guys (I like to think I am average, but remember well what it was like starting out) (I'm pretty sure node defence and healing give medals, aye? TBH I don't pay much attention to the after action screen as is either a win or a loss as far as I am concerned.)
  2. Looks good. How about we continue on this path and let losses count towards the quests in PvP again?
  3. So I understand that this is designed to be a carrot for MM Ops and Team ranked, but for myself and the majority of people I know in game, we cant farm MM Ops being mostly casual players, and Team Ranked is just not happening as people don't want to get involved with the toxic players who reside in ranked, especially after losses stopped counting towards the quests. If you want this to have any success then the losses are going to need to count again, but even then I think most of us (At least in my circles) will just have to accept we wont be getting these as farming MM Ops is just not realistic for us, not exactly "Play your way"...
  4. Have to admit I missed that one when it was in, probably as I don't do GSF with conquest in mind; but ye, if it were something like an "earn 8 medals" repeatable for those 2200 points and it actually carried over between matches, that would be ideal for new pilots, none of the feeling like time was wasted if they were 1 medal short. I really like that, in general the more inclusive these objectives are the better for all of us, but with GSF having that learning curve, ensuring people can still work towards the objective like this would really be nice to have. @Davidstaats Please give this one some consideration, it would be a win all round! For those worried about nerf's, I do agree that increasing the objectives which need it is the better course than nerfing, but I mean honestly the only ones we have seen so far are the pretty cheesy ones being lowered. If we are honestly looking at balancing based on time spent, hopefully using the heroic dailies as the benchmark as that seems to be the point most people are comfortable with, I can live without the ones which are basically free as far as time invested giving as many points as they do now, as it will open up more activities which are currently not worth doing for conquest points. I guess we shall need to wait for the full list to find out though.
  5. Thinking about the weekly for GSF; if we are talking about time investment from different activities providing a similar reward for conquest, then from the initial post stating that the Iokath weekly is moving up to 22,250, I would expect to see a comparable number for the GSF weekly. Admittedly its been a while since I ran Iokath, but I know I used to be able to do it in less time than the GSF weekly takes, especially if you have long queues and a bad streak with the matchmaking. Making the matches them selves more in line, I think if we could have a infinity repeatable for obtaining x medals giving us the 2200 points rather than the objective mentioned in the initial post, it would be a good start (Really wondering if that was the intention and the list just named the wrong objective?). It still wouldn't be as fast as playing the ground game, but it would make it viable IMO, at least to the point I wouldn't feel like I needed to complete my objectives on the ground before I went to play GSF, as it is now. It may even get us a few more pilots if we can make it worth while for the conquest; I find a surprising amount of people have never actually tried GSF, some as its perceived to have such a high learning curve, but for some it is as they don't see the value in it over other activities which offer more reward for time invested, it certainly couldn't hurt to wave a carrot at this group of players to entice them in. As for players joining because they think they can afk or some such for easy points, so long as the repeatable is based on medals that should not be an issue, they would have to actually play to obtain them. As to the number of medals required, may be make the target 6? That should be an easy enough target to ensure that people are participating without making the bar to high for new/inexperienced pilots I would think?
  6. This pretty much sums up what I was going to say, standard PvP has repeatable objectives, no reason GSF should not, it generally has longer queues and is more time intensive than unranked anyway. I don't really know how to go about comparing GSF to running heroics and the like. I do know I can finish personal conquests running heroics and kill x enemy objectives somewhere in the same region of time it takes to play 1 or 2 good GSF matches. As it stands now I don't play GSF at all if I am working on conquests due to the lack of points, it would be really nice if that were to change as it is one of my favourite activities.
  7. So I am still not doing much PVP as its still not much fun for me, but just reading through a few threads tonight I don't get the mentality of many of the self proclaimed "good" pvp players regarding unranked, people who can finish multiple weekly's in a day, carry 8 man teams, etc. That mentality seems to be that if you are not "good", not willing to group up before you queue, then you don't deserve to play/win and should just piss off. My question is, shouldn't you lot be of in ranked with all the other "good" players? Isn't that the point of the ranked and unranked? Somewhere for the unskilled to run about whacking each other and somewhere for the serious PVP players? It's nothing but elitism, one of the things most people hate about PVP, and one of the reasons the majority of players wont touch it, so ye, well done contributing to the downfall of the entire game mode...
  8. Excellent post! I am just through replying in another thread that I have recently returned to the game and already given up on PVP in its current state. If these suggestions were implemented it would at the least get me back to give it another chance.
  9. I agree, I really don't understand who is supposed to benefit from this? if we are talking about solo-unranked, you are going to find the new and less skilled PVP players here by design, its just demoralizing losing repentantly and not even progressing your quests for the time spent, all that will accomplish is to drive players away from PVP. For me; I have just returned to the game and was initially very pleased that queues for solo unranked and GSF were both much shorter than when I left (In fact that was one of the reasons I did leave). After a few days though, I gave up on the PVP side. While matches were coming up much more frequently, the majority of them were just one team facerolling the other, and I mostly found myself on the losing side, even when placed on the winning side it's not actually that much fun when it's so one sided. I don't follow the issues of the day and all that, all I know is that its not fun for me like this, and if its not fun, I'm not doing it. GSF on the other hand is a lot of fun right now, so I'm just spending my time there instead.
  10. Just returned from a break and have found that the changes to the conquest system have had what seems to me must be an unintended impact on the H2+ mission objectives. I have attempted to research but found no mention of this specifically within any of the discussions, hence flagging it here as I believe it was unintended. As it stands the H2+ missions are listed as daily; however, with the system changes this now means you can only complete a single H2+ mission each day, rather than complete each mission on the given planet daily. The missions themselves provide the once per day limitation, as such adding them as infinitely repeatable rather than daily would allow each mission on the planet to be run once per day, which I have to believe was the intention when labeling this as daily.
  11. Unless I am mistaken, only the Ops component can drop from Command Crates? If both do then I am even more confused as to why they have added them like this rather than just following the same path as the rest of the gear :/
  12. Its not really about needing them, its about adding in new progression in a way that pisses people off because its locked to specific content, something the game has been moving away from and just started to get right.
  13. The thing that I really dont understand is that they have been moving the GC system in the direction where you can legitimately aim for the best gear however you choose to play, i mean the biggest change was in this very same patch where you get UC's from gear in boxes. I think pretty much everyone has been happy with this direction, and at this point, lets be honest, we need to try and keep the majority of the players happy and paying their subs, not pissing them off by forcing them into content they dont care for or giving up on progression. I dont get why we couldent just have stuck with what was working, its not like getting full sets of these would have been instant if we stuck with the same system the rest of the gear uses, crafted purple with existing exotic mats and then legendary through GC/Ops/UC's.
  14. I have only recently returned to the game and am on Progenitor. While I wouldn't say the Republic win 95% of the time, I would say they are FAR more organized in my experience over the past few months, I often find only 2 or 3 of us on the Imp side are actually attempting to achieve objectives while everyone else just runs about trying to get the most kills or whatever, which leads to us losing most of the time. That said there are some really good folks on the Imp side, its a night and day difference when you get in a group who know what they are doing, and a very nice change from trying to defend objective points on your own as a fairly squishy Marauder when the other team always move in at least pairs. I have been pleasantly surprised that it never takes very long to get into a match though, was worried as I heard the server was really low population. Not once have I ever managed to get into a solo ranked match though.
  15. FWIW; I have only recently returned to this game after taking my first break from MMO's since I started playing them in the 90's. I picked this game up back near launch and had great fun playing through the class story lines, but found that I then became board at "End Game", something I had found common in most modern MMO's. I believe this was in no small part because I had grown board of grinding raids for gear, to then grind the new raids for new gear, as the idea of what "End Game" should be. Since returning however, I find I am actually very curious as to how things will progress. It seems like the game has taken the first few steps down the road of becoming entirely scalable, by which I mean there is more content now which can be accessed by more than 1 player architype while varying the rewards they receive based on difficulty. This could tie in with the GC way of obtaining gear, as any content solo through raid is all working towards the same goal, though I would just get rid of the unassembled components and make unassembled gear pieces purchasable directly with command tokens, that way everyone has the RNG and token paths available, you just gain additional command tokens as rewards for PVP, GSF, harder content, etc. Turn them into a legacy bound currency and it would solve some of the alt issues also I expect. One thing which I have seen which has been a bit disappointing to me though is some systems with what seem like a great deal of potential which have been abandoned. The eternal championship is probably the easiest example, I had great fun playing through that, I'm not going to pretend I didn’t get frustrated with a few of the fights at the time either! That system though, I would have loved to see it expanded upon for different group sizes, or even 1v1 or 2v2 PVP, it just seems like a lost opportunity to me. GSF, though I do play a match every now and again when it pops before a warzone, I still think should have had some kind of PvE added also, though I expect that isn’t as easy to address as it is for me to say. PvP on the other hand I am finding a LOT more enjoyable now that I don’t need to have PvP specific gear, that always put me off in the past, I just wish everyone didn’t have such a massive health pool, it can make things really unbalanced if one side has no healer, and a bit boring if there are too many healers as you just stand and whack each other for most of the match. So ye, overall, I am having a lot more fun, and feel I have access to a lot more content whether playing on my own or with my preferred small group, if more content continues to be made available whether newly developed or past content redesigned to allow different playstyles access. If the game really is going to continue down this path, I can see myself sticking around for far longer than I did originally, as I just have a lot more to do without repeating the same old content until it becomes stale. Also on a side note; Strongholds, probably my most wanted feature in SWTOR as it stands, a personal GTN sales vendor I can place in my stronghold which people can choose to visit rather than purchasing directly from the GTN, which will then bypass the GTN fee as it is bought directly, and allow me to place items for sale for longer than 2 days. Would help strongholds become a more utilised part of the game and add some quality of life for crafters. Also an opportunity for selling the personal GTN terminals on the cartel market (I suppose you could use multiple?) and generating a bit of extra revenue.
  16. I missed the bonus chapter, which I was a bit pissed at myself for, but IMO that is the end of it, you cant just go and make it available again if it was given out as a subscriber reward during a specified period. That said, while I actually think sub rewards are a good thing overall, I do think using bonus story content which will never again be made available is a really bad choice of reward.
  17. I have always thought that in story based games like SWTOR any content which ties into the story or enhances the lore should be made available to everyone, regardless of playstyle. If you switch out the loot and exp tables for whatever a solo flashpoint has, I think this would actually be a good idea, let people experience the story without taking anything away from the raiding side of things, which is all about the loot.
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