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Everything posted by Daynna

  1. The mods themselves have a level requirement. So for level 20 you'll want mods as close to 20 as you can get. Which in your case you'll want level 19 armoring. The mods and enhancements you'll want to swap out every time you can.
  2. Such a simple yet eloquent answer deserves a cookie, u fortunately I don't have any. I did laugh though.
  3. Thanks for all the help everyone, it's greatly appreciated.
  4. It's all fine and dandy to say people need to be responsible for their own actions. Problem is way too many people don't or won't. Which is exactly what ea was/is counting on with the CM
  5. I still plan to get Bh/campaign gear for the pve content I've not done yet, I mainly was wanting to know if my WH gear would get me through HM Xeno. Currently have full weaponmaster set on my full combat specced sentinel. My pve gear as it stands now consists of the columi chest, some level 56 gloves I scored in him d7, and Bh boots and legs. Everything in both sets has been augmented. Thanks again for all the knowledge, much appreciated.
  6. Aside from expertise being useless outside of PvP, are there any other drawbacks to using wh gear in ops? Thanks
  7. Oh sweet, I can actually try to find a xeno hm group now. Was going to ask if WH would work in place of BH.
  8. It was more the concept of doing something you might not care to do, pve for social points or pvp to grind warzone comms for what are basically pve stat crystal schematics. Which I believe is the main point of contention here. To answer your question I personally don't see the harm in it at all. I just recently got into pvp, so while I'm out there getting roflstomped in recruit ge:ar I still give it my best as I grind out my comms for the previously mentioned schematics and gear. But you can see why pve players feel the way they do after being told to go pvp if they want something from the pvp vendor?
  9. Sentata, I'd like to know what your response would be had I came to the forums asking to either have the advanced yellow crystal schematics removed from the pvp vendor or added to the daily vendor. Would that response have been to go pvp, which I have been doing, if I want something from the pvp vendor? I admit that's not necessarily the best comparison but it's the same concept of wanting something tied to a different play style than we would like. I've started tto pvp so I wouldn't be opposed to this happening.
  10. Sent, Based on my observations and experiences in this game and others, I believe the opposition to social points for pvp to be blow back for the times that pvpers have told pvers to go pvp if they want something in a pvp zone or vendor. Especially since social points are currently tied to pve activities. At least that's what it looks like to me.
  11. While I can't say I'm against this, I'm also reminded of the old saying, "If you want something related to pvp, go pvp". Which I've started doing to get the three primarily pve stat advanced yellow crystal schematics only found on the pvp vendor that I know of. I've found pvp to be an entertaining break from leveling other toons even though I get my 4th point of contact handed to me routinely. I guess for now, you'll have to pve for your social points as long as they tie it to pve group activities. I suspect the devs did this intentionally to force people to do something other than pvp. Just a thought since I have to pvp to get the schematics I want.
  12. Get the xp buffs from the cartel market. Use the generic ones, I believe they work for everything. Unlike the class mission or space mission ones.
  13. No, I don't think you are too far off in feeling that way. They pretty much killed any chance, what little there was, for cybertechs to make money selling mounts.
  14. You know, the sad truth to that is that I came to the exact same conclusion.
  15. Any idea why the advanced yellow eviscerating, hawkeye, and indestructible schematics are only available from the pvp vendor when the red/blue/green versions are available from the daily vendor? I can see the war hero crystal schematics only being available on the pvp vendor, as that makes sense. Just not the 3 primarily used in pve crystals.
  16. When I see the vast majority of the end game armors, especially on the Imp side, I think Shogun, as it looks to me more like something that belongs in a Shogun:Total War based MMO than Star Wars.
  17. It's not just the outfits on the Imp side, a good majority of them look like crap on both sides, especially the end game armor sets.
  18. I did say that I do help people, sure I may crack a joke, but I will answer the question. Even if it's to say, "Look in your codex. If you don't know how, bring up your quest journal and look for the tab that says "Codex" along the bottom."
  19. Yes, I've seen this as well. However, you also need to take into consideration that most people get tired of seeing the same questions asked repeatedly in chat. Especially questions like, "I'm a Jedi guardian, what is my primary stat?" Or "What gathering skills go with, (insert crafting skill here)? You know, questions they already have the answers to, if they took the time to look in their codex. I have no problem with helping someone, but after awhile it gets old. Yes I have on occasion fired off a smart *** answer, but I've also offered up the answer to the question asked.
  20. Should I go with might or guardian? Closing in on the end of chapter 3 and want to update his gear the best I can. Thanks
  21. Do they meet the level requirement for piloting 3?
  22. Thanks. I see they're shutting them down again when I get off work. Yay me!
  23. Just curiuos as they had been down for 15 hours when I had to leave for work at 3pm central.
  24. Add 3D space and space pvp and keep the boring starfox space system we have now for those that like it.
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