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  1. I guess its more that I don't feel powerful... the fact that I have to channel a heal is not a big deal, the fact I take enough damage that if I pull 2 consecutive packs I die (or hopefully have cds and medpacks available) and that my damage feels very low, really ruins the feel of playing a Force user for me. I have already unsubbed so if the game doesn't pick up for me I will just be another statistic, thanks for the condensation though.
  2. Im Level 26 now... I have completely lost interest in leveling through side quests, as it just takes soo long to take down packs and you end up channeling 3-5 seconds after every one. I am an immortal jugg with the dps companion. I am thinking about starting an assasin or marauder too.
  3. I am only level 26 but this is my favorite warzone. I guess its just an advantage of ranged to be able to sit on a platform, try LOSing or engaging from a better angle. The goal is not to kill people its to score, CC/snares are generally a better approach then killing some one in the middle and having to engage them again when they re spawn. And pass instead of running.
  4. I want a completely new story set after the events of episodes 4,5,6. But with the stipulation that none of the characters of 4, 5, 6 be allowed into it. A war film, something about how in the absence of evil the force will tear the universe apart (and consequently create a new stronger form of evil).
  5. I think there is not enough information on the classes and how they play (especially at higher level) but the game is still very young so you cant really expect too much out of it. Personally there is no way I am playing a starwars game without using a lightsaber so that really helps narrow it down.
  6. I am new to this game. A major barrier for me is trying to work out which gear goes where and where to actually get the upgrades from, coupled with a limited amount of space to even store gear and it becomes quite a tedious task. Generally I look to see if it is an upgrade for my character (thats the easy bit), if it is great I take that one. If there is not an upgrade for my character I then have to check if there is one for my active companion or if there are upgrades for my inactive companions, figure out which one is the best upgrade etc. This seems to stop quest flow and story, I am sending more time analyzing items then enjoying the game. I made a decision awhile ago to ignore anything but my character and chosen companion. If this penalizes me later on, or if I cannot easily gear up my other companions when needed I see it as a potential game design problem.
  7. Get off your high horses. RPG classes have existed for decades, There is not going to be exact copies but many gameplay elements will be reused and combined in the new classes. Some classes may feel very similar to wow. With allot of subs bleeding from wow, allot of us wow players will be migrating to a new game, the community attitude could very well effect how easy or difficult that transition is. I played a warrior in wow... I play a warrior in SW. The resource system is quite similar. In terms of wow rogue I guess you could try marauder or assassin.
  8. I have a Sith warrior at level 24 that I am leveling as an immortal Juggernaut. It just feels very slow, after every engagement I have to stop and channel for 4-5 seconds. I want something with abit more grunt that I can skip from pack to pack while unleashing devastating yoda style slips and assaults. I am contemplating rerolling a sentinel/marauder or an assassin. Does the assassin require use of stealth to be completely effective, as mentioned I want fast paced gameplay charging/jumping/flipping from target to target with little downtime as opposed to cautiously sneaking up to enemies and having to set up every pull strategically. I am thinking marauder/sentinel with a healer companion might be the best thing for me, but then I lose out at max level because I cant tank. Any thoughts? Is there a big story difference between empire/republic or am I shooting myself in the foot not being able to share crafting mats / same side alts?
  9. I really enjoy space combat and do the dailies regularly. Its like a mini starfox game. I hope they expand on this feature and add new rewards, after all whats a starwars game without a war among the stars?
  10. I doubt forum posting will make much if any difference. The most effective weapon you as a consumer have, is your wallet. Simply cancel your subscription if you are unhappy. I did and I got a customer survey 2 days later about why I quit, what it would take for me to come back etc, individually its meaningless what one consumer thinks but if enough people are canceling subs because of this it becomes a trend and gets auctioned. Forum threats and whiney posts probably wont amount to anything but retaining subscribers is paramount to the success of this game. Don't post about quitting or give ultimatums, "I will quit if X isn't done" etc. Vote with your wallet.
  11. Is there anyway to change the position of her abilities on the bar... I want her to lead off with an aimed shot then ill jump into the fray... but to do this I have to maximise the bar due to its positioning.
  12. So what stats should a Juggernaut be gearing for, assuming they will be the meatshield and vette the dps? Endurance def shield rating? I have hit abit of a roadblock mid twenties where I am not sure where to get the gear (outside of quest rewards/commendations) and I feel very underpowered, if I engage two packs of mobs I could very easily die.
  13. If there was no subscription this would be a fine approach, but having played several server based online games (post wow) this is the first time I have had such an unbalanced distribution of players (one server out of what 30?). The fact that Bioware is unable to redistribute the load is alarming. This first month is the month I decide if I continue playing or cancel and go back to wow (I have the 12 month agreement anyway). I will do a bit of research and find a more stable server with an oceanic presence but Bioware has to win back my subscription, so far this feels like a single player game with mmo elements "tacked on". My perception will probably change at max level (if I decide to level that far).
  14. Not so much just for a red saber... more the RP factor. The easiest way for me to explain is, I like playing the chaotic Neutral... the guy who just does whatever the heck he wants on a whim... some one who is only guided by his own erratic moral compass. I previously though that light side/dark side would have a very large impact towards the end of the game (usually these are binary measurements where you have to work towards one extreme or the other, the fact they are meaningless is great news to me). I thought I would like Sith but then leveling its all about negative emotion and generic cartoon villainy at every turn, its evil for the sake of evil. I like the idea of respecting power above all else, but then you have all the "no you cant use the light side because it is really evil blah blah destroy its teaching". Probably the wrong forum to have this conversation, just wondering dialogue-choice wise do you have more freedom as a Sith or a Jedi.
  15. Damit... now I need to reroll. I assume this is what a director feels like getting half way through a movie then realises he has to refilm everything. Is there a big difference between playing jedi/sith? Like a jedi who does what he wants vs a sith doing whats right?
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