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Posts posted by Dustychild

  1. pvp rewards still fail and you guys know it. You are also allowing pve events into the pvp world that should not be allowed. Our pvp world does not spill over into the pve world. Theirs should not spill over into ours.


    Unless we can start bringing buckets of acid from hut ball to splash all over the pve player. Now that would be fun and good pay back for their plague.

  2. I am against removing it. I hate the fact it effects pvp. But there are many players that want to take part in the event and they rightfully should have that choice.


    There needs to be a way that players that dont want to take part if events like this can opt out of them.

  3. Please next event you guys make leave me out of. There are a number of players like my self that have no desired to deal with events in the pve world. As just about a strickly pvp player I found my self a victim by the event and had no desire what so ever to join it.


    Please in the future make these event so players like my self can opt out and not have to be rudely interupted with it.


    As an almost strickly pvp player this was a real pain and exspensive one as well. You did not even make death a way out of this unless you were about to blow up anyway.


    Only pve content I do is class mission and some to help level new charaacters. Other words, as little as possible.


    By exspensive. I play from 20 to 30 rounds of pvp a day. Times that by 2k credit to cure myself at the end of each match if I was sick. Just yesterday that was 50k credits for the 33 rounds of pvp I played.

  4. Logging into a lot of pvp wz that are half or more over because of all the drops over the 3 badge rule. Fact my first pvp match today I logged into just as the other side won. 4 players did not have any badges. and of corse i had no chance to get any badge because it ended as i logged in. The rest had very little action on their scores. Leaving me to beleave they were caught in the same void as i was.



    Thank you for this ruined game experiance wow what fun it is to have no fun at all. Cant wait to see how bad you mess up the next patch. Here looking forward to a huge fail again.



    Oh and as far as that warnning goes. I really dont care. I am going to keep posting what i beleave to be true and if no one likes the way i word it to bad.


    For bashers i really dont care what you think. you know they dropped the ball on this 1.2 magical patch and i am going to keep posting my complaints on it weather you like it or not.


    And to all have a nice and pleasent day. If your eyes was harmed by my words then don't look.

  5. If this is your way of trying to get us to stay and play this game you fail.



    Up the rewards for win or lose and make sure every character that finishes the wz gets at least 3 badges.



    Up the pvp rewards. Drop this 3 badge required to get a reward. Or make it easier for every class doing what that class is suppose to do to get badges.



    Make X damage for damage class a badge.

    Make x healing for healers a badge.

    and so on. omg I cant beleave you are not smart enough to figured this out. Instead you would rather punish players for trying.


    You need to reset the pvp rewards how come you cant see that? Reset the dang rewards.

  6. The legacy gear in this game is crap. not worth getting. You can get better gear and lots cheaper gear as you level. This so called legacy gear does not even scale with the character.


    That is the whole point in legacy gear. Its suppose to reward a player for getting to level 50 and then make it easier for you to get more charaters to level 50 as well.


    This compainy fails in so many ways its not even funny. Just sad what a waist of time to make all the crap gear.

  7. 3rd post and i am going to keep posting this. There needs to be a 3 badge reward for completeing a wz.


    Win or lose if you dont have 3 badges youi dont get any rewards. Healers should be all over this board complaining.



    This compain needs to learn it can not punish its paying subs.



    Sick and tired of fighting my *** off in 4 vs 8 or 5 vs 8 games and not being able to get the kills for the badges.

  8. 3 badge reward for player that stay till the game ends and a 45 sec kick for any afkers or any one that does not have some from of action in conflict with the other team.


    This forcs players to stop sitting on the side and makes them interact with the conficting team and not just hit their spadce bar every so many second.


    This crap of healing a wz and not getting any reward because i did not kill some one is crap. As I heal many players and not just one. I am not getting credits for any one elses kill that i heal them threw. So I am not getting badge win or lose.


    If your in the game at the end of the match you should get a 3 dadge reward reguardless.

  9. There need to be a 3 badge reward for completing a WZ. This is getting really old not getting wz point or valor, for a not getting 3 badges. I only have this problem on my healer. I will healer for over 200k and still wind up with only 1 or 2 badges. This is getting F-en old really fast.


    As and Imp bounty hunter I have no problem scores into the low teens at times but as a pug healer it hard to get 3.

  10. Simply put, every one should get 3 badges at the end of each WZ so there is not playinga full wz and only scoring 2 badges and not getting any wz coms.


    This will also encourage players to stay the full game knowing they get 3 badge at the end of each wz no matter what as long as they stayed to the end.


    Sick and tired of only getting 2 badges and no wz point, or fight a ungeared character and ending up with nothing.


    This is poor costumer service and leads to people getting tired of this game faster. That leads to cancled account like mine. Straiten this stuff out and I maybe back but Why am i even posting this. You dont care if you did you would have straitne then out your self. :mad:

  11. Cancled over 2 weeks ago just thought i would hang out and see how good this 1.2 was suppose to be. It ruined many things i enjoied and confirmed that i am done with this game.


    Going back to wow i guess. what a bummer. I dont like that game much more then this one.


    10 day left on this account and its 10 waisted day. I wont be back unistal running in justa few sec.



    Good buy and good rediddens swtor..

  12. Leaving wz will be come common play now with no shut down. I see a lot of players leaving now even with full team if there side is loosing. I can only bet those same players will be bailing even faster now.


    I meen for goodness sakes who wants to waist their time being the kill count for an uneven match or stand far away because there is no chance of fighting let alone winning any thing. Stupid move. Thats my 2 credits worth.

  13. I have looked for a vender to trade in Champion and Centurian comidation but can not find any where to trade these now out dated coms in. Would like to see a a place to buy wz coms with them. Its would not have to remain. It could simply be in one patch and out the next and give players that happen to have some of these still on the list chance to trade them in for something. Guess its not really that big of a deal except now these things are going to be there on our list forever with no use.
  14. First off, you're about the only person whining badly about this, so I'll just clarify a few things. Bioware never stated that mercenary commendations would be worth alot post 1.2.


    Secondly, having 1000 mercenary comms takes about 6-8 hours, which is barely a full day of gaming.


    And may I just point out that noone forced you to farm mercenary commendations. They were pretty useless at patch 1.1. Now you got to have 2000 warzone tokens which buys you a ton of BM gear.


    FYI the conversion ratio is 1:1. Every 10 merc tokens is 10 wz tokens in patch 1.2.


    As for the red part in your quote, I don't know what ***** you're pulling that **** from, but thats wrong information and you're currently making stuff up to drag attention to yourself like that little girl in the supermarket rolling on the floor screaming MOMMY I WANT THAT LOLLIPOP.


    As for the yellow part, clearly you have issues with math, and you did make me chuckle a bit.


    FYI, if you're honestly complaining that farming 1k merc tokens got you a 100% increase of warzone commendations at the launch of 1.2 (I'll just point out the math, because you're a special invidual : 1000 merc tokens gets you 1000 warzone commendations which is a 100% increase over your 1000 warzone commendations, 1+1 = 2, as in 2000 commendations) yet you're crying over this like a little girl? You shouldn't be playing this game if this really is an issue to you and you shouldn't be playing mmorpg's in general.


    What a butt kisser you are omg your boss must love you. The merc com sound be an even trade and not a loss.

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