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Posts posted by Merc_Cmdr

  1. Grav round is now here to, hopefully, proc CoF. That is our new rip faces ability, demo round hits like a truck sure, I've been getting 5k crit medals today when they were very rare before. Unfortunately the presence of any kind of melee still wrecks us pretty nicely, good thing our burst and survivability were nerfed as the only imp teams I've been facing are 6/8 sith warriors be they jugg or mara.


    Obviously the commando reliance on 1 button to dps with no means of resisting melee was far too powerful. Hence our lack of interrupts and additional nerfs to survival.


    I feel it is time to accept the inevitable and reroll to something with a glow stick, but the sadist and sloth in me doesn't want to reroll from a nearly war hero commando >_>

  2. My issue with this is, that several hybrid builds were destroyed by this change. One might argue that we are squishier than ever before, but with our massive class overhaul that seems like a null issue.


    However, my roommates shadow which only experienced tooltip changes received a free respec while my own commando was left with only a broken build. To this I wonder, what the hell? If you're handing out respecs you might as well make it even across the board. I realize that this game is trending towards Star Wars: The old lightsaber republic, but you could pretend to care about us blaster wielders.

  3. PvP server. Infinite Empire. Quiggley DownUnder


    Full BM with 2 piece Rakata for Grav Crit



    Not a troll, not a joke. If you cant out dps someone thats a problem you need to work on. You dont want to believe me thats fine, I love my class.


    Full BM with 2 piece rakata tells me nothing about your ability. For the record I have the same setup but with 2 piece columi.


    I can out dps many things, but if you have a decent melee dps on you I doubt you're doing all that much damage. If you are focused at all you're not going to do all that much and you're not going to live very long.


    On both my Guardian and Vanguard I have 0 problems with shredding arsenal powertechs, they very rarely get any kind of time to get abilities off on me. It is by no means difficult to lock a dps commando down, and in rated wzs that will happen very frequently.


    I like the class too, but that doesn't mean I am intentionally ignorant of it's weaknesses.

  4. Couldn't possibly disagree w/ the OP more. Sorry, but my experiences w/ the trooper (Commando AC/Gunnery to be specific) are essentially the polar opposite of what you describe.


    Heck, I just found out this weekend by being a little fly on the wall that me and my pvp teammates are hated.. by name... Can't do that w/ a class that sucks..


    You might be hated but you are very easy to lock down and wreck.


    OP if you want to be successful in PVP hide behind your melees and stand in hard to see locations. You'll probably get jumped by multiple juggernauts or marauders at some point, but provided you are very nearly left completely alone you will be able to punch out plenty of damage and/or heals.


    They could make an imperial trooper with a nice storyline. You are a trooper on Korriban and when sent out on your first mission you run into a level 50 champion sith who kills you and your entire squad because he feels like it. That is the end of the story no option but death.


    Both the Bh and agent stories show a great deal of disdain for the Sith within several layers of non-sith imperials. Though the BH storyline so far seems to show the character doesn't like the empire any more than they dislike the republic, all I seem to do is kill sith or imperial officers.


    I would have liked imperial troopers, they could have been specforce like the repub trooper and they would have been fine as far as "respectability" from sith. But that would require the BH to be completely different and then possibly the same deal for agents and smugglers.

  6. I really dont care what abilities you have to counter mine. They dont work, so you can lock down every single attack I have huh? No you cant. I will stand toe to toe with anyone and mow them down. Commandos are just fine, it was not a fairy tale when I said I was number 1 dps every single WZ. It is a proven fact. Unless I (Yes, I) somehow choose not to be.

    (Like say I want to run without a weapon or try heals out a match) The class is easy like that.



  7. If Gunslinger is mobile, then why all the posts on the Smuggler forums about how immobile Gunslingers are?


    Reading comprehension, what is it?


    That was an example of what they could have done for differences between same faction smugglers and agents. So instead of being mirrors, gunslingers would be mobile dps, while snipers are not etc etc

  8. While vik is up make sure you use your cryo grenade when the dude starts hitting on your companion with stronger attacks. Once that wears off go ahead and use heroic stand or w/e it's called (the 20min cd that needs a comp), that will keep vik up for a bit longer while you both dps. You can drop a heal or 2 on him as a dps commando but I just burned the boss, and cryo'd him again when vik got rather low.


    It was a pain that took me 2 tries at 40, but the second time I got him with 70% hp left for me and vik down. And I had only viks default gear on him at the time >.<

  9. Because republic, republic commando, and battlefront. Though not in that order.


    Also because while I don't mind making dark decisions, playing a character who kills parents in front of their kids and saws off heads can be a bit much. Though I also didn't realize I had alternatives to that when I started my bh.

  10. I would, they're play a bit more fluidly than the troopers do.


    I do not understand why there were not imperial troopers and republic bhs to begin with. This would of course extend to SIS agents and Imp smugglers. Mirror classes could have been just that, and the presence of all these things in npc form makes me wonder why it didn't happen.



    Not to mention some of the imperial trooper npcs have some pretty sweet looking armor.

  11. since when didnt armor mean anything?having heavy armor helps alot for the trooper/bh, the changes that are coming for these classes is needed...just kids thats going awal since they cant rampage as they wish anymore and have to acually think and react. :rolleyes:


    and yes i have a lvl 50 merc, arsenal. and will continue with that after patch hits.


    As you have a 50 merc you should probably realize that most attacks are not mitigated by your heavy armor, you can even read that in the tooltip that displays when you mouse over your damage mitigation. I doubt any kids playing commando or merc were going on rampages anyway considering the ease with which the class is locked down and destroyed if you just sit there spamming grav/tracer missile. The changes don't really even affect commando pvp, you still spam grav round and now you full auto a bit more. Weeee

  12. i can tell you dont use interupts much. the cooldown is twice as long as the actual effect of the interupt. meaning you can grav shot me twice before i can interrupt you again. and two grav shots often amounts to over half your target's health.




    You're not getting grav rounded for half your hp as a guardian/juggernaut at 50. Maybe 2 grav rounds a demo shot and hib.


    In the meantime if you can leap on me and smash me for 3k 4k 5k+ back to back to back. There are about a dozen juggernauts on my server who can leap to me and kill me in about 3 seconds because they're hitting for 5k plus while in tank stance.


    As other posters have said if you're getting 1v1'd at 50 because you can't lock down a commando thats pretty sad.

  13. I really don't think you understand what I am saying at all. I really hope they just trash grav round completely. It is super op and boring.


    Grav round is hardly op, its easily locked down. Every class has a primary attack, grav just happens to be the one for gunnery commandos, it is boring but thats because you have to just sit there and shoot. If assault got some sort of insta attack that would make it a lot more usable I think, some hybrid of grav round and the vanguards pulse attacks, just weaker than grav and stronger than pulse.

  14. Commandos are probably the easiest class to beat in a 1v1 as they are extremely easy to lock down. I don't feel that our aoes make up for a lack of interupts and as you mentioned we have no way to resist interupts.


    I've already dumped my commando for a vanguard, its both a funner class and much more capable in pvp. As for pve, I don't see the patch harming gunnery commandos too much, though your change for cover fire sounds interesting.

  15. well its them the game is based around or the lore/story of it all :) they should be superior to the rest...commando and BH are mere puppets used as tools.


    Not sure if srs


    Even in the lore/story troopers could take down sith. But you and all your lightsaber buddies can sit there and highfive each other after everyone else stops playing.

  16. Lol, no one likes to get nerfed, I play a sorcerer as my main. Yes, I don't want nerfs to my class, but I realize they are needed. Apparently you have never gone against a commando in pvp. Commandos are hard to kill solo, especially if they are a healer. And I have seen commandos spamming grav round and getting 500K+ damage in a wz, that isn't right at all. Nerfs needed to happen, basic end of story. Something is wrong when all you have to do is spam grav round and get huge dps numbers in a wz.


    They're not just spamming grav round if they're doing that much damage.


    Also that means no melee ever bothered them, if I'm left alone during a match I can punch out those numbers if it lasts the full time period. If anyone decides to bother the gunnery commando then that commando isn't going to do that damage.


    The same could be said of your sorc though, I see them doing massive amounts of damage with 2 abilities spammed throughout a match.


    It doesn't matter to me though, I've got a bit longer left on my subscription and I'm out. I have no desire to play a game that favors the lightsaber users over other classes.


    As for the dps rotation. Grav ground x3 > Demolition round > High impact bolt > Full auto(Only if full auto spec procs) > Then occasional Grav round for crits resulting in ammo gain and debuff > Demolition round everytime it comes up along with high impact bolt > Queue full auto anytime it procs as well.




    His question was for an assault build, you replied with a gunnery build.


    That said op, assault is a waste of time for commandos the sooner you figure that out the sooner you can grav round with the rest of us.

  18. At 50 the 4 man heroic daily on Belsavis will give you the option to choose a weapon for your companions. It's just a 50 blue in Yuun and Viks case, but the quest is repeatable so you can get them each a 50 blue at least.
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