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Everything posted by ambitiousapple

  1. GL shutting down TK with AP + Leth dps lol. It's not as if we didn't pressure him when we tried, and indeed opfotm died on occasion haha, but his positioning and kiting were solid throughout. There's also not enough interrupts to stop every turbulence proc (and honestly they're usually better off used on their healer). Right, so they aren't exactly "globals", but it shows enough damage that either you get killed in 4-5 secs, or you're low enough that it's quite difficult to recover especially due to the scoundrel/operative healing changes. The clip when we have their healer mezzed, and (attempted) to push their tank out of guard range to kill the shadow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOQZIbCC7b8&feature=youtu.be --- In any case, it's all good. Not crying for nerfs as such, it just takes a while to get used to the new-found reliability of TK damage. It's not as if all classes don't have DCD's, but rather you just have to rely on them more-so (even when you were at full health 3 GCD's ago, apparently)
  2. probably because you're moving deeper into the depths of pvp in swtor. I've heard it's even worse on potpie
  3. It's almost like you're suggesting that this doesn't happen on your old server
  4. doubt they have any answer for engi, or any hype
  5. Can't remember the specifics of it anymore, but the original owner of Midian had a big rationale for the name posted on the original guild website back in the day. That website is long gone, as is the original owner (plays rift now?), but I'm pretty positive it wasn't based on a album title --- opfotm best PT in swtor. probably not best PT on twitch doe.
  6. what are your toon names on this server?
  7. press... buttons....? It all depends on how hard you click your wz medpack
  8. Sniper would just out-heal it tbh
  9. do you use sweet potato to record, or just regular potato?
  10. No answer for Engi in two different games now. Games are Hard.
  11. Midian runs ranked every day at every time. Just whisper B-ry, Metrik, Shockone, Loadstar, Driftking or Netsky when you're g2q. Oh, and Midian is also recruiting for ranked, regs and PvE. Again, whisper any of those toons for invite.
  12. This has been possible since launch. I've done it before, both intentionally and unintentionally. It happens when you're close to ding and a achievement pops you over to max level. Or you complete a quest, hand it in, but don't claim the reward until after you've taken a pop (you leave it in "pending" state until you enter the WZ). You can also put on any of your lvl55 PvP gear if you have it in your inventory already via legacy shells for lulz. Now, with that said, it's possible to do this for one, singular game during the entire levelling process. And you can't claim any lvl55 skill upgrades while in WZ. And everyone else is bolstered anyway. If it really matters to you that much, leave the game and requeue. It's one game. And if you're that butthurt about this one instance, PvP probably isn't for you.
  13. Fair enough. I look forward to meeting some Ascendency faces other than ones I've met previously on Bastion then. I believe those guys simply follow the pops, regardless of the server. In my experience, they'll run with whoever they can, whenever the can, wherever they can. Hopefully they'll make another 4's appearance on Harb this week, providing people are willing to queue against.
  14. So specifically speaking, Ascendency queues with the same 4 people on the same 4 toons (except Vullesh who may choose to mix things up)? I still think there's motivation around, personally.
  15. what comps are ascendency prepared to Q 4's with?
  16. A couple of things: - Sniper isn't high skill cap haha, although I wish it was (I speak as a launch Sniper) - All 3 specs are ranked viable, although engi is the hardest to execute due to poor build design. - Moveable entrench will be valuable mostly to those who weren't thoughtful about popping it in the first instance. It's a noobifier, rather than a game-changer. --- I don't care about the nerf to flash nade. It was filling too much resolve anyway. The change to dodge is a bit of a bummer, sniper still sorely lacking in yellow damage mitigation when yellow damage is consistently getting stronger (TD, HS, TB). Alternatively, the strongest hit by a Sniper is white-damage-mitigatable, or cleansable, depending on spec. Sheild probe can't be buffed either because it's shared between AC's, unless the devs are willing to make changes to low-tier talents to increase absorption which will further exacerbate Sniper OPness in lowbie. 2cents
  17. (all the following is from a PvP perspective) Class designers intend for this to be a AoE spec, yet the AoE potential in the post-2.0 state of game is limited. OS is gone obviously (in itself leaving your area denial capacity as a joke), frag grenade is still producing roughly the same damage as it was pre 2.0 when everyone's health pools were smaller, and plasma probe is effective almost exclusively due to the SINGLE target stun it can provide (rather than the damage it produces or any area control capacities). Honestly, the only threatening damage it produces in ranked environments is via cluster bombs + explosive probe and SoS, which are of course single target damage. Outside of this, exploiting wallbang is pretty much required to put pressure on the opposing team (which will obviously only work against mdps 99% of the time, unless you overcommit to the enemies backline and blow stuns/KB's to properly position a rdps or healer for a wallbang). As a disclaimer: I'm not talking about rollbangs as opposed to wallbangs because rollbang (roll in place out in the open) was classified as a unintended effect, and also requires a low ping to reliably execute in my experience (was easy when I held <10ms, but >165ms is very different). I'm more than happy to discuss my own proposed changes to the class if anyone with the power to change the spec will actually take on suggestions rather than "doing their own thing" per se. The one thing I will say to the general community is I think it's time to look past the raw dps numbers and start looking a bit more at what sort of damage is heal-able / easily handled by competent players. More importantly than this however, is the need to look more carefully at the control held by a AoE spec and where "AoE" applies to abilities which don't necessarily produce damage to be effective (protip: half the reason why smash is such a effective move is because it keeps opposing groups focused on spreading out and not clumping together, which in itself can be leveraged for potentially greater effect that the damage potential it holds. Tanks move away from their guard recipients, healers don't throw static AoE heals around, enemies in general attempt to move around more frequently). Anyways, this is all just my 2 cents. Sorry for any typo's throughout.
  18. might be time to bring out "the secret weapon"
  19. LOL! logging in. please change guild name tho.
  20. I wouldn't recommend Imp 55's for pvp during apac primetime, unless you're very calm and patient
  21. To be fair, some people on the Harb are ex-Bastion ranked players who've done quite well
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