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Everything posted by Barachiel

  1. I wish that were the case, but he was a lead writer on the original game. I get disliking Obsidian's entry. While *i* liked it, it'd be understandable that he'd want to chuck the Exile and any other elements OE brought in that he disagreed with. But between the Revan novel and his arc in TOR, it *really* seems like he despises the fact that many fans *love* Revan, even more than some of the original SW characters. It's the only thing that tracks. If they just wanted him as an advisor character who didn't steal the spotlight, or even in the game at all... then he coudl already be dead! It's been three hundred years! I honestly didn't expect to see him in the game. Force Ghost him for a few cut scenes, so fans can be happy, and then let him shuffle off. Everyone wins.
  2. I'm not normally prone to nerdrage (I survived the prequels, enjoy Clone Wars, and even bought the Saga on Blu-Ray), but this... this has me angry enough to be spitting neutronium nails. What, did Kapyshyn hate the fanbase that sprung up around him and decided to completely **** and demean the character? Cause really, there are about a hundred different ways this character could have left the saga that would have paid respect to the man he was, as well as his fans, instead of this freaking travesty. This entire arc strikes me as "Armed with Canon" mixed with "Executive Meddling."
  3. You just click the Respec button on the talent tree screen, I believe.
  4. I know mentioning this might get me stoned, but the best example of a Sentinel in A-Level Canon is Ahsoka Tano v.2, the older version that cropped up in late Season 2. She dual-wields two blades now, and has a fairly aggressive, if agile, style.
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