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Posts posted by LordTurin

  1. Nothing wrong... except the extra people that followed, ruined an easy cap on a Merc, Spiked into reflect AND full resolve, all the while making 0 attempts to stop any backup. You know, Assassins have CC. Totally nothing wrong.

    One of the backup was an operative in stealth. Assasin cc wasn't gonna help there. And the backup was there too quickly for an "easy cap" to occur.


    Non-stealth going to offnode is one thing, they could've had a quick cap there, instead the Operative (that was healer, btw, so not really globalling anything), started capping, within LoS, all the while the Sorc totally failed to notice a non-stealther there. Again, nothing wrong.

    The sorc actually did notice, and knocked the other guy back. Root w/ kb, now he's blown either his cc break to get there or mad dash root break, and now someone can root him or cc him and cap (though you left, so we have no idea what happened). And of course, if instead of just giving up you'd kept going, you could have cc'd him while he was around the corner and let one of the other guys going there cap, since there was clearly plenty of time to do that, but you obviously got annoyed people followed you and decided to stop playing. Which is fine, that's your right in how this game is set up, but complaining about it afterwards when you modifying your approach a tiny bit would have given a good chance for a cap...


    Probably you should stick to going mid, too.

    I'd take this more seriously if you actually knew what was happening in the vids you are posting. It's actually impressive. There are 100s of videos out there that do prove your point, and you managed to post 2 that don't.

  2. First off they should of let the op go there solo, sending 3 to the offnode at the start isn't a good move, but since there were two other stealth one of them should of sapped the merc as soon he used his breaker so the op didn't have to break his own cap and the other stopped the inc coming mara/op. Even if they just left the op to flash and cap again it would still of worked if the other two had any clue what was going on around them and stalled the inc mara/op


    Shrug. Looking at the video it looks like one of the shadows tried to do just that and missed the timing by about half a second. Mistakes happen, but in this particular case that 2nd cc (if it had worked) would actually have been the only way to cap it given that folks from mid responded really quickly.

  3. I'll say it again about the first one... from the video, the merc hit reflect, used his cc breaker, and interrupted the cap, got mezzed, and then was attacked by a shadow with spike. My point is the guy capping got attacked by a jug .5 seconds after the merc got spiked, so he wouldn't have capped anyway.


    Now if you all are saying that the first break was with spike then I'm seeing things wrong and that's a different story. But I don't think so

  4. Goodness.... I mean, i know this happens, but to see it up close, I'm triggered for you.


    The first one at least there was nothing wrong... ya dude got attacked while mezzed, but a jug leapt to him half a second later, he wasn't gonna cap anyway may as well start doing damage.


    Even the 2nd one doesn't bother me that much. 3v1 against a jug should global it pretty quick and then you can cap. Non stealther going to off node is fine as long as they are good enough to win a 1v1, it'll force people to peel off from mid at worst. No one going to their teams pylon is the bigger issue, not people screwing up attacking the offnode.


    Sorry, these were not good examples to prove the point he was trying to make.

  5. About 3.7% from total DPS is what I got when applying to a random ops parse.


    To be fair, I am not sure what is it even supposed to change for juggs.


    Both sin and PT got much more considerable nerfs on their main attack - Depredating Volts and Firestorm alone. As it has been pointed out already, depending on how much better Enraged Defense is becoming with the changes, jugg skanks are basically getting buffed...


    Jugs lose about 4% and PTs/Sins lose about 11%.



  6. Yaaaa... unless the super quick gearing of 4.0, comes back, bringing back pvp specific gear will pretty devastating to pvp. And it won't be helpful at all, you'll still have people come into games with bad gear, there will just be more of them.


    The problem is how long it takes to get gear. The problem has nothing to do with having specific pvp gear.

  7. Huh. That surprises me. Granted, I was only going off of what I read in other threads on here, and how I and other RL friends feel about it.


    Don't take those numbers too seriously, as they are just "numbers of characters created" not "people's favorite story" or anything like that. I mean if you just pop onto SWTOR for the first time, you are definitely gonna pick a force class right? So that doesn't say anything about best story.

  8. As you said KotFE was a financial success. The problem was that Bioware could not build on that success. They could not bring out new content fast enough to keep people from leaving after burning through KotFE (which was probably why they went the chapter route, trying to get people to sub for the next installment to give them more time). Most of those players were not interested in the group content or they would have stayed (for almost all of them the old content was "new")


    And then what happened in 2017. There was a new Star Wars movie released and there was no significant increase in players. Could it be that the people who caused the boosts around KotFE and KotET around Force Awakens were not interested in the content that was released in 2017. What would have happened if there had been a big story drop around the release of the movie? Would there be more subs or would we be continuing to bleed subs at an alarming rate despite the focus on "what most people want"? (At this point there is no way to know so this is a rhetorical question). Story is what brings people in to the game in the first place (and is with just about every MMO out there or they wouldn't do story expansions). If you don't get them in the door to start with you can have all the player retaining content you want and it won't make a difference. A big story drop is needed to revitalize the game.


    KOTET was released right around Rogue 1 and also didn't have any substantial increase in subscribers. The Force Awakens as the first Star Wars movie in a decade had a lot of extra interest in it and all things Star Wars worldwide that isn't going to be replicated unfortunately, which is why KOTFE got a bump that is not due to KOTFE itself being attractive (Rogue 1 made almost as much as the Last Jedi did, both about half as much as Force Awakens for comparison's sake).


    I agree. A story drop is good, and brings people to the game, but clearly BW has come to the conclusion that it doesn't keep people around. Hopefully 6.0 will have a nice story drop at the beginning, and then a bunch of other content to keep us interested until the next story comes around. A big content drop (everything!) is need to revitilize the game, otherwise we'll get a big jump in players for a month, and then everyone will leave as they did for KOTFE and KOTET.

  9. That is another flawed argument. The revenues generated by KotET and KotFE are what were used to create the wonderful new OPs you got. KotFE funded KotET plus the Uprisings and part of OPs. KotET funded the rest of the OPs and the group content of 2017. 2018 is going to be fairly slim because the only income for the game in 2017 was the group players (and Bioware had to force them to pay by locking PVP and OPs behind sub status). If they are hoping that the continuing decline in players is going to be turned around by group content they need to look at what content actually caused increases in subs (hint: it was story content - KotFE and KotET) even if they didn't last as long as they hoped.


    Ya, that's just not how it works. SWTOR makes money, which goes to BW, which goes to EA. Every year, EA gives a budget to BW, which then decides (with a lot of oversight from EA I'm sure) where that money gets alloted to its various projects. The actual money that SWTOR makes disappears into the EA sky and is not actually seen again. It's all predicated on ROI calculations folks at EA and BW do, that actually have nothing to do with how much SWTOR makes aside from very very loosely.


    And honestly, if KOTFE and KOTET had truly been huge money makers and hadn't led to an exodus of players, THEY WOULD HAVE KEPT DOING IT. I really don't get why people don't understand this. They aren't going to move away from a "huge success" to a failure (in your viewpoint) if the "huge sucess" was actually a success. A bunch of people complaining on forums is not gonna convince anyone at EA or BW management that "oh, well we made a billion dollars off these expansions, but those 5 guys on the forums complained, so we better stop". The very start of KOTFE may have been a financial success (I remember someone mentioning that), but a big chunk of that was certainly from the release of Force Awakens, and it died down really really quickly, and would have almost certainly existed no matter what.

  10. Exactly correct, which is why the chapters are not "replayable". There is no difference between the non-replayability of vanilla content and the non-replayability of the KotFE and KotET chapters except that you have to level a character to lvl 65+ before you can do the KotFE/KotET content. They are mechanistically the same as flashpoints. So to say people are not replaying non-replayable content is silly. It is just like saying we are seeing an increase in conquest participation based on unique toons playing that content, despite the fact that many of those "new toons" are just alts because there are not enough points to be gained on only one toon to meet your guild goal.


    And my point is that the replayability of KOTFE is literally as replayable as story content can ever be. And people didn't play it, which is why they aren't putting resources into making things replayable.

  11. The lack of replayabiliy of KotFE and KotET boils down to one thing. Despite being called Chapters they are in fact mini-flashpoints. Once you have played through them once, any decision you make on the second, third, or fifth playthrough makes no difference so you cannot "see if things unfold differently" later on by making different choices. The only way you can do that is to re-roll a character which from a metrics point, looks like no one is replaying the content (people are only playing the content once per character). The KotFE/KotET content was not replayed because it was actually not replayable other than in a flashpoint kind of sense. RPG players repeat content in order to try out different avennues, not just to repeat it for the sake of repeating it.


    I mean at that point you are basically wanting to reroll a character anyway. At least in KOTFE you could see the changes within the chapter from the decisions you made. I'm not even sure how it would work if you made new changes and it changed things later on... you have a companion, you go back to an earlier chapter to kill them, but in a later chapter you had them lead a strike force or something, and then you are playing the most recent chapter and it's talked about them doing something they did after they technically died? Man, that would screw things up so badly...

  12. In terms of the content, I am very disappointed with their statement that the story content will be continued to be delivered in flashpoints and will not be repeatable.


    I'm also surprised they claimed that there's no demand for that. It seems as though repeatable story content is one of the things people have wanted with Iokath/Umbara/Copero and the companion returns and have asked for a lot.


    They didn't say people haven't asked for it. They said the data shows there's no demand. What that probably means is they looked at how much people replayed KOTFE and KOTET chapters and saw a number that was pretty close to 0 (and most of the "replays" were probably either people farming cxp on chapters 1 and 2, or hardcore players doing the MM versions.


    If people ask for something, but you have data showing they won't actually use the thing, at that point it's a PR stunt not a content release. And if you've got enough resources, that's worth it, but if not, you gotta decide what not to produce, and the thing people ask for but don't use is usually close to the top of the list (right below dont ask for and dont use, though BW seems to have put that as top priority though for some reason, such as tank nerfs and conquest revamps...)

  13. It's the main gripe I have with the story mode content, which is what I've been playing exclusively so far. I don't mind it being eased up compared to launch, but there truly is no incentive left to actually learn your class and its abilities. With the prospect of leaving you completely unprepared for more difficult and endgame content, a daunting hole I find myself staring at. Being a complete noob in MMO mechanics doesn't exactly help either. It's why I dread playing the game in a group.


    So I too like OP would like to be pointed at some guides, if there are any, that actually explain the groundwork of rotations and other important mechanics, instead of just blindly following an "ideal" rotation.


    No guide is going to give you more information than what the folks above told you. There is unfortunately no shortcut to creating the perfect rotation other than knowing all your abilities and how they interact with each other. Your best bet is to join a guild that is welcoming to new players, and someone in there will almost certainly be happy to talk with you over voice chat (downloading team speak or discord will make people much more willing to teach you, you don't have to have a mic or talk, but being able to listen will make it easier on the teacher) who will happily explain things to you. If the guild you join doesn't have anyone like that, quit and find one that does.


    If you really just want a 30 second primer on a decent rotation, it basically goes like this:


    1. Highest damaging moves

    2. medium damaging moves

    3. energy regeneration moves


    There is a looooooottttt more too it than that, but it'll get you started.,

    Just rotate through that list depending on how much energy you've got and you'll be fine for solo content/easy fps.


    The advantage of the guides that give you the "stock" rotation is that someone else who has played the game for thousands and thousands of hours and knows how all the abilities interact with each other wrote it up and figured out the ideal rotation to use to maximize damage. If you want to figure it out yourself, go for it! But you'll have to understand everything about your class and put the moves in the correct spot to maximize dps, and how to take advantage of special abilities (like ending the cooldown on a high damaging move, or making your next attack use 0 energy, etc.). And there are so many of these special effects that are different for each class, that a "guide" on creating a rotation any more complex than the 3 step process I put above wouldn't really work, as even step 4 is gonna be different for every spec, so now we are back where we started with just giving you a guide anyway.

  14. LOL, you are so funny.... Getting cheevo's for 8 man is easy and is what is being asked for, we did it in 7 man, WITH full proof of the fight. Now you are saying that we are suppose to take your word, that you did it with 6 people with a shot of the cheevo, written on it that it was done in 6 people. no screenshot of the op itself, and no video proof.... Come back when you have full proof, and only then I will retract my statement.


    You should probably take a close look at the guild names/achievements that folks have been posting before taking this thread too seriously... :cool:

  15. It might be possible to 1v2 two dps juggs or pts as a sniper, merc or any of the other ranked viable classes. It isnt necessarily indicative of skill. It is simply using every advantage you can including playing fotm classes.


    1v4 on the other hand would mean you take 180k damage over 30 seconds from people doing 1.5k dps. And we all know 1.5k dps is very respectable. You on the other hand have to do only 16k dps to kill people not using dcds in 30 seconds.


    If you win a 1v2, I don't care what classes people are playing, you are just more skilled. Now if you are at 100% hp and have all your dcds, and the other 2 players are at 5% and have burnt all of theirs, that's a different story, but I don't think that was the exact situation he was suggesting. It has to be pretty extreme difference in hp/dcds remaining to not mean skill had a large part in it.


    First of all, 1v4 victories are probably quite rare, he was just using an example of what skill level to strive for. On top of that, it was probably a stealther who managed to take folks down 1 at a time, or grouped up folks during acid/really bad players who full throttled into a reflect while stacked up for aoes. Regardless, that still implies a much greater skill level on the 1 player.

  16. I went through and did some calculations on what the effect of the tank changes will be.


    TLDR: Guardians lose 4%, Shadows and Vanguards both lose 11% dps.


    Slight longer: They probably actually lose more, as I used the top dummy parses, but since the tanks aren't taking damage, they have lower energy regen, so they have to use basic attacks more. Since basic attacks aren't affected by any changes coming up, they actually make the nerfs seem smaller than they will be in actual boss fights (so instead of basic attacks being 7% of the rotation, it'll be closer to 1%, and that 6% will go towards other abilities, including the ones being nerfed).


    I also couldn't account for Into the Fray damage for Vanguards, but that does a very small amount of extra damage and shouldn't really affect things.





    As mentioned, I used the top dummy parses. Some of the rotations are not what would be used in an actual fight, as mitigation/threat gen will obviously take precedence of damage done for the most part(I'm looking at you Force Breach not being used on parse dummies).


    It is also possible that I completely screwed up the math/numbers somwhere/completely misunderstood the abilities and how I should include them. If so, lemme know and I'll try to fix it. But having the numbers out there seems like a good idea, and these numbers seem about in line with what I think people figured from the notes.


    So, thoughts?

  17. Group content inherently is gated content, locking items and features behind a raid or dungeon is a BS design. Everyone who pays a sub or is a player should have the ability to get anything they want playing the way they want, if not the game has gated content, bad design decision imho


    What games give the same reward no matter what you do in the game?


    And do you mean gated behind getting in a group? Or something else?

  18. In continuation of my post...


    While 8 man ranked is the with of many of here, I think it has one major obstacle: the players themselves.


    Let's imagine how would an 8 man ranked game be like today based on unraked experiences.


    So in unranked Team A early caps 2 nodes and Team B either doesn't cap anything or has just one node, in other words Team A has early advantage.


    What happens next ?


    Well, if you play on imp side are in Team B, people will start mass ragequitting 1 min or 2 minutes in the game....

    NOTHING is decided but 2 or 3 ppl already quit.


    How would this work in 8 man ranked ? Sadly the same way. ;)


    Yup. They'd have to do really really harsh penalties for anyone leaving, wintrading, or otherwise cheating to make it work, and they clearly don't have the resources to handle stuff like that (leaving is easy, just have the leaving person lose 3x the elo they would have, but wintrading and cheating would be hard to handle).

  19. Since 5.8, I’ve found that not to be correct. I even asked Musco if they’d nerfed the drop rates (which he said no). What I think they’ve done is changed what lvl those items drop.


    Command ranks

    Rank 1-90 : 228-230 gear drops (since 5.8, most of the 230 items drop after rank 70)

    Rank 91-180 : 234-236 gear drops (since 5.8, most of the 236 items drop after rank 170)

    Rank 181-300 : 240–242 gear drops (since 5.8, I’ve not seen any 242 gear and my Alts are up to rank 230-240)


    I know when I got to the end of tier one (rank 85), I had a heap of 230 gear drop, but one piece before rank 85.

    So I think they’ve changed it so that the higher gear only drops in the last 5-10 lvls of the bracket :confused::(


    Its been known for a while that there is a sliding scale as you move up in a tier in terms of how good the drops are. This has been true (and they announced it) months and months ago (5.2 I think). 5.8 had nothing to do with that change.

  20. Another issue that hasn't been touched on yet is that queuing with 208s is inviting focus. As a healer you're going to draw that anyway, but no need to unnecessarily paint a target on your back. You might end up on a team with more than one healer. Let one of them appear squishy instead. ;)


    This. People will assume that because you are in lower gear level (and so have less hp) you are a worse player, so will focus you more and you'll do worse. Gear does not really matter in terms of what you can do, but you will get targeted more so it will seem like a big difference once you get max gear.

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