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Everything posted by SyphonSith

  1. Let's say the average PvPer has 18k hp, 18k * 54 = 972000 hp. So tell me how that's not killing efficiently? It's not very common to see 54 kills in a match. Yes, I've seen more kills but the average would be much lower than that.
  2. Yea, I would definitely support that. Or like I always say, even some more small short term rewards, throw in anther weekly or even a monthly quest. I don't care if it only gave us valor and medpacs, something to keep the warzone grinding more interesting.
  3. Strafing goes back farther than WoW for me, as it was 'key' for survival in the original Quake. I suppose that's where it started for me. Also can be useful in MMO's like this game, staying behind the target allows you to use certain abilities while other players are unable to use some of theirs due to targeting issue's and not facing their target. So I'd say it has a tactical advantage. Of course I find it annoying when other players are doing this to me, because they are making it difficult for me to counter them. The ones that annoy me the most are jumpers tho.
  4. This could be fun. I'd like to see more activity in Outlaws Den, even though I don't always do well 1v1. LostSith
  5. I pretty much hate playing my melee classes after 1.4. The amount of time I spend CC'd anymore is sad, and being as squishy as I am without my defensive cooldown's ( Cant pop when stunned ), I just die allot. My damage and usefulness for WZ's is gone. Seems like the issue is much worse because of allot of changes in 1.4, rage buff created more jugs and marauders out there spamming their 4 sec stun, then trying to kill Sorc/Sage healers and being stunned by their bubble. I end up stunned or dead more than anything. It wouldn't be so bad if pugs would better coordinate, and didn't attack the tanks leaving me the only one on the sorc healer or even used their own stuns.
  6. Strange, Force Shroud only last 4 secs? I can hardly get half way to the end-zone with Force Speed. It's when a Sin uses these cooldown's strategically at the right times that makes them efficient in carrying the ball. They can still be easily shutdown, all classes have their advantage...
  7. It wasn't my intention's to use that as a valid argument, The grind is not so bad if you enjoy the PvP. And like others have stated, BM gear plus augments is by far a grind. The point is, why shouldn't the ones that did grind for it and put the time in deserve the slight stat increase. Not get screwed by others just getting it handed to them. And far as I can see they are making improvements to the gear gap, hence slightly better recruit gear, no longer needing BM to trade for WH, easier dailies, augment kits, and the stat increase for Elite is a joke. So I ask, what more can then do other than just give everyone War Hero and screw the rest that worked for that slight advantage? Like I've stated before, I think the problem is not with the gear.
  8. Is it just me or did they just release new recruit gear with better stats, mk 2? Yet, here we are again. Pretty much in order to satisfy is to just hand out full sets of War Hero and say screw all those that grinded for it, I've done the grind for two toons already that didn't even hit 50 until after 1.2 both min/max. I'd have to say it's not a gear issue, more or less Warzone's with stacked classes, or full of idiots in PvE gear. Almost every time I que solo now there is one person in full PvE gear, and a couple others in recruit. None the less you get those that are in full WH and are completely useless. I think the major issue is allowing people to que in PvE gear, also just plain out people that are bad. I've been in plenty of fail premades and good ones. There should be no reason why a group of friends can't enjoy the same Warzone.
  9. Had this happen to me with a Sage also, he had about 20% hp left, standing near the bridge on the second set of doors. I figured this would be an easy quick kill to finish him off, hit assassinate and bam, he vanished only to reappear at the health pack in the corner. Latency seemed to be fine, and a guild member in the match watched as this happened also. I have been seeing this quite a bit lately, we actually had a Marauder Force Camo with the ball in Huttball near the endzone to only reappear behind the line for the score, never resetting the ball. With the vanishing Sage, I suppose I could agree that this could be a lag issue, as I always seem to lag around Sages/Sorcs anymore. Yet I've had this same solid net connection for years and no problems in any other games.
  10. Pretty sure it's a bug, I've played over a thousand Warzones. Been on both sides of Civil War and have never been in the Republic ship until after 1.4. Even the Republic Commander calls us pubs when speaking, this has to be a new bug. Also, I'm having issue's with abilities not working but going on CD anyhow. Both abilities that have been changed in the patch. Overload, and Undying Rage. Often they won't work at all or they will reset to cooldown but nothing happens.
  11. I seen allot of 7 vs 8 games yesterday, also one Civil War match that started with only 6 people and stayed 6 vs 8 until the last minute. By then they've already doubled in points. Also had an issue with a Voidstar as we started as the defenders, got past the last force field when we were attacking and the match ended for us as a defeat with 2 minutes on the clock when it was clearly a win for us.
  12. I actually had somebody on our team help the pubs by pulling them up to the endzone and let them score, this happened twice in one match. It was pretty obvious he was assisting the pubs.
  13. Funny, Sorcs were not the only one that got these changes, yet they are the only ones crying about it. How bout the fact that my 30m stun was my only 30m ability.
  14. It is an awesome roundhouse kick, and I was very disappointed when I first went into PvP thinking it was going to be sweet using a spinning kick on people. It is true this is a bit of an OP ability to have in PvP, but the animation of it is so cool that you would think they could reduce the damage dealt when used on players ( Doesn't seem like a difficult work a round ). It just cracks me up that one of our coolest looking animated abilities can not be used in PvP.
  15. I think it was a combination of a few things. I was transferred from Darth Bandon to CR now to Shadowlands. CR's population was not to bad, but I have seen a decline sense I've been there. Especially for off prime time hours. Also servers like Darth Bandon still had people that refused to move and were pretty much dead. PvP que's were not bad on CR for regulars, but Ranked were almost non existent anymore. Many times I've sat in a full group que'd and not get a single pop. The only inconvenience from this move is name changes, which seem like a worthy trade off.
  16. That's truly an issue needing attention.
  17. Well maybe I was giving the community of PvPers the benefit of the doubt. That's why I ask, are these people spamming this in General Chat? Cause people with half a brain wouldn't advertise this. Seems pointless and defeats the purpose. I have no idea how somebody would feel any sense of accomplishment out of doing this. Again, cross server queing could be the answer. Sad to hear people are low enough to do this, most likely these people will to suck with full WH, so I don't see them as a threat.
  18. LMAO, I see you've gone threw pretty much every thread and posted the same spam, trolling, and flaming message. If you don't like the topic or actually have anything useful to say, you should move along. Is that how you spend your day due to lack of a life, trolling the forums posting nonsense in hope for some attention? LoL I wish people would act or talk like this in person. Move along.
  19. Something similar to this would be a great idea. I've always thought that'd be cool in any MMO.
  20. Well I don't really see the point in doing it in Regular Warzones lol. I can win half and loose half of my Warzones just fine with out coordinating it. Maybe your seeing teams that are giving up because they know they don't have a chance and can't handle being killed. We get guildies vs guildies in Warzones allot on our PvP night. But none of us try to hand out wins, takes the fun out of it. I suppose I see your logic in why people would do this in Ranked, if they don't mind hurting their rating. Other times it can just be a guild that's wants to kill and compete against their own members, which their is nothing wrong with. If they are not doing it to trade wins and want a competitive edge with their lower gear lvl, who cares? But in all reality a simple solution to the problem would be, introduce cross-server queing. If there were actually a high number of teams queing, the likely hood of getting a match against the group of your choice would be slim. The big issue now is there are such limited amount of teams queing making this possible, and then when the guild ditches a que it leaves a team in a Ghost Match.
  21. ^^^ This. I've been playing Deception since a a little bit after launch, PvP mostly. And it was clear they needed some love. Those that know the spec wouldn't disagree, among many others. The fact is allot of people think Assassin/Shadow ( Tank Spec ) are OP, not only that they think they are getting a buff. Most Sins are Tank Spec or Hybrid because the fact that the Deception tree lacks so much, matter of fact I don't know one person on my server that plays Deception and has full WH. THEY ARE NOT BUFFING THE TANKING TREE! I'm looking forward to these changes, as I already do pretty well playing Deception, I can hear it now "You rolled that class/spec to be the FOTM".
  22. How do you know this goes on? LoL, do these people advertise it in General chat ( highly doubt it ). Or is just you assuming ? Maybe it's guildies wanting to play each other because they have more competitive players. Some of us all know to well a competitive team can be hard to come by to play against.
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