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  1. sup guys can some one post his new build since the 2.7 patch? following your thread sir!
  2. in your first part you are saying: 2) Whomever is the current highest on threat, it will take their threat and multiply it by the amount needed to pull aggro from them, and give that value to you. This value can be massive. Currently in game all taunts appear to be calculated as if from range. That's right. It gives you 130% of the highest threat on the mob currently. This is huge and follows into the next part. Taunt Boosting Your character while tanking is obviously on this threat table. Whomever has the highest value of threat on a mob is used for the threat added calculation. In most cases this person is you. That means if you are tanking a boss, and you are the highest person on threat, and you have still not lost aggro to someone but you hit your taunt anyways you will actually boost from yourself. Every time you hit your taunt, take ALL of the threat you've generated on that mob. Add an additional 30% threat to what you've already done. Been fighting an NPC for 30s? Yeah by pressing that button that functions of GCD, you've just gained an addition 10s of threat magically. is there a place where i can find more information about this? or a place that can approve that information?
  3. Sup Cae, fist of all thanks for the guilde! very nice So, i guess that you are now almost full 78? what are your stats? atm im full 78/72 and my stats are: Health: 39.6k Damage Reduction:51% Defence: 20.42% Shield: 41.06% Absorb:35.07% but i feel a little bit squirty... what do you think i should change? thank you very much for our help
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