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Everything posted by lpope

  1. I found a picture of Mangalore the Indomitable holding a Jedi hostage. http://www.listoid.com/image/26/list_2_26_20101214_090410_187.jpg We now know why he wore the mask, cause he's got a serious case of the Uglies.
  2. You can't really provide proof to a statement of opinion, which is what I believe TheWookkiee was doing. I'm mostly of the same opinion. I find most of the tacticals save Manaan boring even compared to the lvl 50 HM FPs which are a complete faceroll at 55. If the game was retooled to be tactical only PVE endgame, I would most likely quit. I don't think the rest of the content (PvP, conquests, GSH, etc) would be enough to entertain me. Just my opinion though.
  3. Sign into the website, add the new toon to my signature and increase the font size of my referral link a couple pts.
  4. Don't get me wrong, the whole getting ported to fleet, previous location still occurs at DK / Coruscant. I just know that the FP thing isn't a guaranteed way to get it to occur there. And as I noted previously, I don't use NS / Tat enough to confirm whether the FP thing is a guarantee there. I haven't found any discernible pattern to it myself. The only thing I can come up with is if it remembered the instance of the planet you were associated with and that instance was either removed or set to "depopulating" and that triggers the go back to previous location thing.
  5. What RushingJaw was referring to was any of the 1000s of connections, routers and switches that your internet traffic gets routed thru on the way to BWs datacenter. Most of those things are not controlled either by BW or your ISP. The closest real world example of the internet would be a highway system. If you wanted to travel from Washington DC to Orlando, most people would take I-95. Now if there was a huge traffic pile up, then someone traveling on that route could get delayed. You could however take the back roads too, and those probably wouldn't be impacted (much) from a huge pile-up on i-95. It would get impacted when people try to get off I-95 and start using the back roads to route around the pile up. There are many different paths internet traffic can take, just like real world traffic. That's why not everyone will experience the same network lag. Only those going through those connections/devices having problems will experience the lag.
  6. I've queued for FP, traveled to it, completed it and returned correctly to my SH in the exact same place I left. Did all three randoms last night with guildies for conquest points and each time returned to my SH. Was kinda wishing the last one would bug out so I would be at fleet to turn in the 50 HM daily. I pretty much only use the DK / Coruscant strongholds as my base of operations. I have Tat and NS, but haven't been to them in weeks. For me it, it just seems to be random.
  7. Well, at least on the Imp side, you get ported to the Korriban & Nal Hutta departure area. I can use my speeder there, so you must be bugged more than me. That does remind me of another issue, though. Sometimes when this happens, you retain the Login Immunity buff and you are stuck and can't move until you manually click it off. Then none of your abilities are available, they are all grayed out. You can then walk to the main part of fleet, zone to you stronghold and your abilities are available again. Fix that too, while you are at it.
  8. Except, when you zone back into fleet it's one of those stupid, you can't quick travel here areas. So you have to speeder to the main part of the fleet and then use the travel to your SH. Those no QT areas shouldn't even exist, at all.
  9. Tanks should avoid accuracy on their gear as much as possible and should swap it for mitigation whenever they get a chance. Most tank builds call for the +3% accuracy skill in the tree plus the +1% from the companion and that is more than enough. On my guardian tank, I only have 92% accuracy since I only put 1 point into Accuracy in the tree and I rarely have aggro issues. As far as why certain tanks have aggro issues, that is a more difficult thing to quantify. The only AC that might need a threat boost is maybe PT / VGs. Adjusting the threat modifiers on the high threat abilities would be enough to boost it to Guardian / Shadow levels I think. The other tanking ACs are fine threat wise if played correctly. One of the biggest issues I see from a threat perspective, is just plain old gear differential between the tank and dps. If a dps is in min / maxed low endurance 180s and the tank is in poorly optimized 168s, then yes you'll probably have threat gen problems. If both tank and dps are on the same tier, like how progression normally occurs then threat generation should not be an issue. One of the other ways to boost threat gen is to start using power crystals and dps armorings, barrels, hilts in the non set bonus pieces. They only provide endurance and once you hit 39 - 40k health, you don't really need more if you have competent healers. You'll get more aggro gen with the main stat boost. I really only do that on my PT / VG to compensate for their lower threat gen. BW really needs to have tank training dummies, because there is no way to practice as a tank without soloing a lower level world boss or actually running OPs / FPs. But I do feel your pain with regards to DPS not using or not knowing when to use their threat drops.
  10. FYI, Bioware does not own and control the thousands of communication lines, connections, switches and routers between you and their data center. A breakdown at any one of those intermediary connections could cause connection issues for you. And since the path changes for based on location and ISP, other people may or may not see the same issue depending on whether they are routed through the area having the issue. If everyone on the server is having issues, then it is most likely BW. Otherwise, it's most likely an issue between you and them, that neither they nor your ISP can immediately control / fix. You need to determine where the breakdown is. If you do a netstat -b -f from a command prompt you can see where swtor.exe is communicating with. For example, I'm communicating with and ec2-54-91-48-123.compute-1.amazonaws.com for Jedi Covenant. You can then do tracert to those adresses and see if any place is bouncing or not getting through. You can also look for posts from Malastare. He has a lot of posts going over the ways to identify where the problem might be.
  11. RE Org topic: I can almost forgive accuracy. It has some, not much mind you, but some usefulness for tanks. Alacrity has 0, especially for a Guardian / Warrior. The only reason it's there is to encourage min / maxing and lengthen the time it takes to get to optimal stats. BW has said as much. Merc heals are actually one of the more flexible healer ACs in terms of what stats to pursue. I personally go with a fairly balanced build. Outside of augments, you can only trade stats with in a tier level. For merc heals, the tiers are: Primary Stat: Aim Secondary Stat: Power, Crit Tertiary Stat: Surge, Alacrity You can't trade Crit for Surge because they aren't on the same tier. You can only trade Power for Crit and vice versa, and only Surge for Alacrity. So a power / crit build doesn't really make much sense in that regard. Now that being the case, I personally put about 250 points into Crit, 300 points into Surge and 550 points into Alacrity for my merc heals. Those numbers are from all low endurance DF token pieces. Comm gear will end up with less total. 250 and 300 points are where the DR starts to get bad so that's where I converted to Power and Alacrity. At that level of Alacrity, I'm getting about a 9.25% bonus to heat dissipation. Granted I don't heal HM DF/DP often on my merc because my main healer is a sorc, but I rarely have heat issues when I do challenging content. Another thing to remember is that as the rest of the team gets better gear (higher dps and higher mitigation), the strain on healers is reduced tremendously.
  12. That is not what it says. The description of the objective is the following. Complete any [HEROIC] mission on Alderaan. 0 / 1 Complete heroic missions. Same wording for Makeb. The GSI heroic missions are heroics (who would have thought) and the Alderaan one does indeed take place on Alderaan (again, who would have thought). Either all the heroics on the planet(s) need to count or they need to update the description.
  13. Add me to the list of those who LOVE this bug. I much prefer this view over the correct way.
  14. What a DPS intends while pulling trash like that is entirely different than what a tank perceives. It is entirely reasonable for a tank to perceive that that is the intent is that the tank is not needed. Remember, most people want to feel useful. Personally, I don't care if a dps pulls the odd mob - hell we've all jumped the gun early. But if it is constant, yes it gets old real quick. And if you really, really want to faceroll a HM FP then form a premade. That way you are guaranteed to have a group that a) can actually do the instance in that manner and b) aren't sensitive to who pulls what. We should be cognizant of how our actions can be perceived by others, which is the point. What might seem innocuous to me may indeed be perceived as disrespectful by others.
  15. This attitude right here is what tanks get ticked off about. Just because you can do it, doesn't mean that you should even if it makes it marginally faster. By jumping in first, you are basically saying "I only needed you for the pop, noob". It's disrespectful. Also, since it is a PUG GF, you can't guarantee the gear / ability of the tank and he may still be learning his class. By jumping in first you are essentially robbing the tank of an opportunity to learn how to grab aggro without using an AOE taunt. If the tank constantly stares at the mobs for 20s before pulling, you might have a point but then you should say something in chat and / or initiate a vote kick.
  16. Then the solution isn't an across the board boost to threat gen. The solution is three-fold. 1) a "Trial" tutorial that is required before one can do HM FPs and OPS similar to what WoW is doing. To pass, It would require a certain amount of mitigation / sec and a threat / sec. Obviously, this would require a new type of combat dummy specific to tanks which they should have anyways as well as a training module that has a bullet point list that goes over which abilities are high threat and how taunt / threat mechanics work. It needs not be more than 15 bullet points. 2) For tanks, replace dps ability text with tps so that new tanks can see right off the bat that Hilt Strike does a crap ton more tps than say smash. It will also allow tanks to easily say "I just got a 10k threat!" which they can't see now. 3) A modest threat bolster in HM FPs and SM OPs that boost threat gen for tanks. It can be removed for HM / NiM OPs. This would give new / average tank the chance to succeed in a relatively safe environment. We should be looking at solutions that boosts the competency of the AVERAGE tank, not make it so mind-numbingly easy that we lose those that actually want the challenge of over-coming the threat of high dps.
  17. A better title for this thread might be "Do tanks need a TPS buff to keep up with current state of dps?" because although threat is based on dps, it isn't entirely based on it. *If* there was a threat generation problem, then the solution would not be *buff tank dps*, the solution would be to buff the threat modifier of high threat abilities and / or the threat modifier on tank stances. That being said, I don't believe that tanks need a threat buff at the moment. They might in the future should threat generation of dps out paces threat generation of tanks, but right now that isn't the case. As a general rule, that's more or less correct as long a the condition is *without using taunts*. (There are certain dps comps that might break the rule such as all stealth using their exit combat appropriately.) Fortunately, though we have taunts so that isn't the case. Threat should only really be a problem early on in an encounter - say the first 30s or so. After that, you should be so far ahead on the threat table no dps should pull from you especially when you factor in threat fluffing from taunts. It's quite easy to hit 4500 to 10000 tps within the first 10s of a fight which is more than enough to compensate for high dps. In encounters without a tank swap, there is no reason you can't taunt on cooldown. I did this on Grob'throk, I'd really like to see a dps pull 175k dps and pull. In encounters with tank swaps, you've already got a mechanism to fluff your threat. And even in those, I can't think of any that occur within the first 30s where the two tanks can't force a tank swap early to boost their threat. This really isn't an issue. The only time it really matters is in progression raiding and most of the time, you should be gearing the group up at the same pace so that large gear gaps don't exist. The only caveat is if you need to gear up a replacement tank but that can be addressed by having the over-geared dps not use stims, hold off on dps or by other means. In this case, it isn't pure progression so you can handle it differently. If it is a case of a PUG SM OP where the dps over gears both the tank and the OP, well then let the dps keep the aggro they stole. The dps will learn to control their aggro or die - either will work. I have 0 problems letting a dps take a dirt nap in a PUG SM OP. Now to be fair, that rarely happens to me though.
  18. I myself have never seen the issue in Operations, but I have seen it a lot when interrupting (or at least attempting to interrupt) the commanders in H2+ area of Oricon. I've also seen the stealth mezz fail a lot on my operative healer in operations - that isn't too bad to deal with if you look for the debuff on the target. I'm fairly lucky that I haven't seen the interrupt resist in operations. It does happen and it really isn't a huge deal because for the most part dps should be the ones interrupting and they should have 100 / 110% accuracy anyways. It's really just an annoyance and a dumb mechanic IMO.
  19. No number crunching really needs to be done. If you do HM / NiM, you ALWAYS take mitigation over endurance for PvE unless you have no other choice and then only so long it takes you got get a low endurance / high mitigation piece. The reason is that in a vacuum, endurance and mitigation probably result in roughly the same TTK. But for any content where tanks are actually needed, you are running with other people. If you favor endurance vs mitigation, you'll end up taking more damage and lost health is replenished by your healers which do have limited resources. So if you have 45k health with lower endurance vs a 40k health with higher endurance, you can pretty much expect your healer to have to throw out another heal to you every 10 GCDs or so to compensate for the lower mitigation. Now that is a GCD that could have been used to heal a dps, regen resources or throw out dps. Not a big deal in SM, but in HM / NiM with tight enrage timers or high healing requirements, it can make a huge difference. High endurance tanks are a plague that need to be eradicated. All they do is make their healers work harder. As to the original topic, I also think that interrupts should not be affected by accuracy - they should act like taunts do. It's not the end of the world as it is today, but it is an annoyance for healers and tanks who don't stack a ton of accuracy. The really annoying part about missing an interrupt or a mezz is that you don't get any on screen text that it was resisted since they don't do damage. Nor does it say resisted in the combat logs. By all rights, it really does look like the phantom GCD bug unless you know the internal mechanics of the game.
  20. I just logged into JC. So if it was a server side issue, it's fixed now.
  21. I do both tanking (guardian) and healer (sorc) in progression raiding and I would say from an actual gameplay perspective they are about the same, challenge wise. In operations, certain fights are definitely more demanding on tanks but then others are more demanding on healers. For example, HM Nefra is basically a walk in the park for tanks but is heal intensive especially all the cleanses. On the flip side, CZ is more demanding on tanks because of all the add management. Gearing wise, tanks are definitely more difficult. You HAVE to use tokens to get gear. There is NOTHING you can buy with comms other than belt, bracer, offhand armorings that are of any use to a tank. All the comm gear is endurance heavy which is what you don't want. You want the high mitigation stuff which is token only. You can get some of it crafted, but that really isn't a substitute for actually downing the content. Healers on the other hand can use comms to get the good mods and the low endurance Power / Alacrity and Crit / Surge enhancements. They'll still need tokens for armorings and Power / Surge enhancements, but they can get closer to the best gear with comms (excluding the new 81 NiM only gear).
  22. The roll bug is similar to this issue. Getting knocked back while rolling perma-roots you. You then either die at the hands of your enemy or you /stuck. You are then perma-rooted in the spawn because you retain the "Immobilized" debuff you get from rolling to prevent jumping and rolling further. Although I would love the root causes to be found and eliminated, a simpler fix would just be "Remove all negative effects when entering the spawn area". That way if you do die while rolling, you won't get perma-rooted. This will also fix the times where you still have a dot ticking on you when you respawn or are waiting for round 2.
  23. Seriously, some people need to read the F'ing Patch notes when a patch is released. Snares NO LONGER impede exfiltrate (it is not halved). I copied the relevant patch notes earlier.
  24. Just out of curiosity, what is the version of your driver from NVidia? The latest drivers are version 335.23 (found here ). I know some drivers got progressively worse performance wise as more and more SWTOR patches came out. I know my planets took like a 1.5 minutes to load at one point, but then I updated my drivers load times went back to 20s.
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