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Posts posted by -Holmes

  1. Warning: Not QQ thread. Not ranked thread. Not arena sux thread. Not troll thread. Just PvP lulz thread.


    >Arena pops on lowbies.

    >Imp v Imp

    >Bunch of 50s on one side. 30s on other. (super balance)

    >54 on my team hands in quest, dings 55.

    >System no longer recognises the 55 as a lowbie.

    >Backfill kicks in.

    >New player added to my team.

    >Arena trips out.

    >Game turns into 5 v 4.



  2. So the problem is just gear.



    As Dogedandolo stated, just craft a few of our greens and just RE them until you learn the blue one, if you want to go further, make some blues and RE them until you learn the purple.

    Green mods > Green gear. If you're fully decked in GTN green gear, you should be able to progress just fine. I mean, you only really have to upgrade gear every 10 levels or so. (I've done 3 class quests from 1 to 50 so far within the 12x period. And many other before that)


    So no, over-gearing your character at lvl 31 should NOT be a requirement to complete your class mission.

  3. And that is fine, so long as they issue a refund for those CCs that were spent.


    I'm quite serious, it could be considered a breach of contract to do otherwise, and at the very least, I could expect a refund of my most recent CC purchase.


    I have no doubt that American Express would agree with me, regardless of Bioware's take on the subject.


    Would you underline the section in the EULA/ToS in which it is mentioned that EAware is not allowed to change in-game content as they see fit?

  4. There's a few issues with raising the stats of crystals. The giant elephant in the room is there's now real money tied to the 41 stat crystals and basically making new stat crystals would cause an uproar. It's similar to why they said they won't raise the amount of companions you can send out. because treek and HK are tied to real money (CM) and increasing the number of companions you send out is playing with the lines of P2W.


    The other issue is people spent time and effort to get the color of the crystal they wanted. To increase the stat level would devalue the crystal they enjoy having out.


    Wait what? Each player has 6 companions by default by the time they are done with their story. RDPS, MDPS, RTANK, MTANK, healer and the ship droid. The current limit to companions on missions is 5. Increasing it to 6 means it will STILL be available to everyone who does their story.

    Treek can be obtained with 1,000,000 credits and Legacy level 40 from the cartel bazaar. Also available without real $$.

    HK you can't even buy. You HAVE to do the quest chain to obtain him.


    There is nothing about increasing the amount of companions that treads towards P2W. Not sure how you got that notion.

  5. Im kind of peeved, ya know? Bioware is annoying. They dont fix ANYTHING. Ever. Actually, they only went downhill since joining EA. Let me list a couple of bugs that really should have been fixed ages ago. Join in the fun!

    If BW never fixed anything, then nothing would work.


    Error Code 9: Basically this means Bioware doesnt want your money. They erased many topics about this and its been a "thing" for a couple of years. You cant purchase ****. Why? Because your account is being accused of fraudulence.

    Never had that. Never had issues with purchasing expansions, cartel coins nor anything else for that matter. If what you say is true, there are specific flags that trigger such errors, such as account name not matching credit card name, or country of issue, and so on. A chat with CSR often rectifies the situation.


    Imperial Agent Quest, Darth Zhorrid Arrives: Another bug swept under the carpet by Bioware(The most erased thread count Ive ever seen). Basically it means your Imperial Agent is ****ed and you have to stop questing. Look it up. You might find a single thread left.

    Completed the Imperial Agent story 3 times. Never encountered this bug.


    Next is a really interesting one called "One Time Password". Basically it means you have to input a password emailed to you, every single. Freaking. Time. You. Do. ANYTHING. Confused? We all are.

    While I agree that this is rather annoying, I found the solution in activating my security key. Not only do I escape the OTP thing, but I get access to the Key vendor, and get extra CC every month.


    The last one I think is worth mentioning is more of a generalization: Every single MAJOR bug thats shown in the thread is never fixed. Bioware is lazy. I love their games. Completely. No truer fan exists(Dont flame. Im just making a point). However they lack the will power to wake up in the morning and fix THEIR problems. Instead they sweep it under the rug like a Government conspiracy gone awry.

    Major bugs are GAME BREAKING bugs. Currently, I can't name any game breaking bugs that occur on a regular basis, and even when they do occur, it's not game-breaking enough to make me rage in such manner.


    Add some annoying bugs to this list thats plagued you. Oh. By the way. Ive been plagued by all these within a single day. Yeah. Not freaking kidding. Thats why Im being so very snide.

    HP bars not displaying correctly after loading screen(UI bug). Not game-breaking, but sometimes it gets quite annoying when it happens within a warzone.

    Operative roll bug. Get it once in a blue moon, but when it does happen I am forced to abandon warzone.

    As for minor bugs that I find annoying, just mixing speeders and capes. Not a major bug. Not game breaking, but it does piss me off to see a piece of cloth hanging under my speeder.

  6. Set premade vs. premade and solo vs solo.


    It's pretty obvious what's going on when the other team shows up out of nowhere and kills your tank in 5 seconds or less.


    Make a premade of 4 bad players and they're still 4 bad players. Just because there are people who know what to do doesn't mean that they're in a premade.

  7. Dude that was NOT necessary.


    The guy did not ask if people liked raids but what exactly they are. Oh and you are misinformed too, it is not just a guild thing it is a high end PVE thing that is accomplished in an instance to kill bosses for loot with 8 or 16 people.


    Oh and do you understand that there is different difficulties? You do NOT get one shotted by everything and the purpose is to achieve the kill, the challenge, the gear and mounts.


    OP, it is a group mission to take one tough enemies and bosses. Usually done by guilds and it requites knowledge of various fight mechanics and awareness. Please do not listen to this guy who says they are pointless and a waste of time. If you have time to do them, you will find they can be fun and entertaining so when you get to 55 I recommend you try them.


    I don't know, I found his description rather accurate. Essentially, raiding, questing, pvp and all that, is pointless. We gain nothing from it. Killing Council on NiM will definitely help me progress in life.

  8. Did you even take time to read what I wrote? I said "IS THERE ANY WAY TO TELL IF AN NPC WITH A MISSION IS A NORMAL ONE OR HEROIC"........"I CAN'T STAND TO LISTEN AND READ FOR WHAT SEEMS AROUND 5 MINS JUST TO FIND OUT ITS A DAMN GROUP MISSION" Yes just by looking at the NPC. So the answer is NO. Avoid the droids is not the answer I was looking for. There should be some kind of different color symbol over head of a heroic NPC mission....plain and simple.!


    I did not ask where to find out if it is a group mission after the NPC is done talking. Why I'm getting tired is BECAUSE of that reason and that reason alone. I have no time to sit around and spam looking for heroic mission Blah blah. I do not wish to play in groups until later as I'm 31 and 17th. It seems like I waste around 25% of my playing time having to listen to the group mission NPC go through there briefing.


    A simple fix would be to make the symbol a different color over head for heroic missions. Why did this great game not do that? Are they stupid? Or they think everyone wants to sit around and listen and quickly forget what they have to say let alone want to wait for a group to be filled. I waited 30 mins for a flash point earlier at 17th level Empire. I will never do that again. Btw i logged out after 30mins that was at 7pmEST. Prime time.


    Instead of being an *** to people who are just trying to help, how about you make solid us of the SPACE BAR. Turn your subtitles on, read what he has to say in 1 second, and clip the verbal part of it.

    As for waiting 30min for a flashpoint, how the heck do you blame BW for that? Is BW supposed to FORCE players to queue for FPs? Supposed to FORCE them to play tanks or healers so that they can balance out the dps to tank/healer ratio?

  9. Heat is light still. Just longer wave. If stealthers can hide "visible" rays why should you see others? Also think about that different species grown under different stars. So they have different definition of "visible" term for sure. I mean, shadows 100% hide any electromagnetic waves. Any. Including "heat".


    P.S. That could be nice move to add "color correction" to the game, so different species will show different pictures of the world around depends on their eyes.


    I just felt like dropping this here.

  10. Only if Shadows get "Force Freeze" to drop their body temperature and Scoundrels get "Radiation Cloud" to increase the temperature around them so that they blend in.


    Just kidding, ALL of this is a bad idea.

  11. Since the Brut relics are still at least a dew Tiers ahead of what a fresh 55 can get, I'll be sticking with those. As I said, I'm a veteran PvPer, so grinding out the PvP coms prior to reaching 55 in order to get the two relics as soon as I ding should be a piece of cake.


    Also, when I said I've done a bit of PvE before, I mean I've done KP HM and EV HM back in the days when Denova was still the hardest you could do, as a tank and as a dps, and I used to regularly do my daily HM FPs back in those days as well, so I'm not entirely new to PvE, just very very far behind.


    Should I invest in Augmenting the Veracity Implants/Ear or will I be able to procure Dread Forged equivalents rather soon?

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