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Posts posted by -Holmes

  1. I never said it proves my point. I said my point was that 73 people out of that number of players means it is near impossible statistic-wise to reach the top tier. Especially compared to previous seasons if you look at the number of participants overall. Season 2 had 50% more people playing than season 3 and the top tier rating was still lower than in this season.

    And the purpose of my thread was that I wanted to know on what statistics bioware base the decisions to place the tier ratings at their current level when the number of players participating has dropped consistently. So there's no reason to throw mild insults in this thread.


    Sure, statistically speaking, out of the thousands of players that have been in ranked, 73 people is a small amount, but you're delusional if you think that reflects an accurate number. Out of those thousands of people. how many have done more than one ranked match? How many have done more than 10. How many of them were fully geared and weren't just PvE players wanting a shot at that T3 reward?


    T3 is a participation award. T2 is being an okay PvP player. T1 is being a good PvP player. Again, I'm speaking in general, because out of those 73 T1 players, I'm sure a few might have cheated their way to the top.


    So in order to determine how statistically impossible reaching T1 actually is, you'd need to look at the active ranked player base, people who actively play ranked throughout a season, and not just for the 10 games it takes to qualify for T3 rewards. Do you think that TOFN has more that 500 active ranked players? Maybe even 1000, to be generous.

  2. I know I've read something similar a while ago, a forum post back in 2012, but I didn't get a clear answer.


    I've PvP'ed for a while now, all my toons that are level 55 all have at least valor 50. Particularly in level 55 PvP Huttball matches, enemy players with the huttball will get near the end zone (10-30 meters), then suddenly, they start to spas moving between two points no more than 2-3 meters apart. I'm trying to attack them, but my UI says their too far away. This is odd, since as Scoundrel Scrapper DPS, I'm typically within 1-2 meters of any target I'm focusing. As I'm trying to figure out what's what, the target I'm trying to focus appears in the end zone, therefore scoring a point for their team. I've seen speed hacks used in recorded Warzones on youtube and whatnot, and the strange mechanics are somewhat similar.


    In addition, I mostly see this odd gameplay during high focus objective areas, like an end zone, or the huttball stand. Enemy players spasing back and forth between 2-3 meter separated points, then suddenly appearing 10-20-30 meters away. It's frustrating, especially for a melee oriented DPS, to try and figure out what in the blazes is happening your target.


    I'd be lying if I said I didn't know any better and thought it was just lag, but with videos and websites explaining in detail how to exploit latency and other... exposed weaknesses in all PvP gaming, I would not be surprised if these "Spazzers" turned out to be exploiting and in all other words, cheating. I've seen weird stuff like this happen on both sides. :eek:


    Sounds like several effects being applied at the same time, such as you root him with Shoot First, then someone pulls him back using harpoon, and afterwards he leaps back to you. Going back and forth, and with a few packets lost in the middle, your game has no idea what's going on.


    Won't say it's impossible for it to be a hack, but rubberbanding and animation glitching is fairly common. Just like breaking CC on a Master Strike root, then Force Speeding away, just to be pulled back into the same spot because the game still thinks you're meant to be rooted.


    Now, the question is, do you see the same players do this all the time, or are they all different players?

    If it's always the one player(or only a select few) then maybe it's an exploit of sorts and you should try to record when you're up against them.

    If it's a lot of different players, different times, different scenarios, it might just be sever packet loss on your end and then the game just derps out on you till packet flow is re-established.


    Just my 2 cents.

  3. Sure, the class scales might be a bit tilted, but bad players will be bad, and good players will be good, regardless of what classes they use.


    A FOTM reroller with madness will be nothing for an experienced concealment operative(as an example)

  4. There is a bug where Operative group stealth and Marauders/Sentinel camofluage turn you completely invisible. I actually capped a terminal on my Sniper in front of two oponents with and was accused of invis hacks.


    Not sure if this is what your seeing.


    As far as I know, that bug is only on the user's screen. Everyone else can see you just fine.


    As for OP, you have to break stealth to cap. Break Stealth>Cap>Restealth is common practice, and when the defender turns around he sees nobody because the capper entered stealth again, then we get threads like this.


    I won't go out and say that there's no such things as hacks that can turn you invisible, because I'm sure someone will want to argue that to me, but I will go out on a limb and say that it doesn't happen often that the cap is completely unseen, and most of the time when someone says that the capper was invisible, they're just trying to hide their mistake. I have seen caps on hypergates from across the map and when I asked the defender if he was busy ******* he just said that the capper was invisible, even though I saw him all the way from mid.


    So don't believe everyone when they say that OMG CAPPER INVISIBLE, because it RARELY happens to be true, and I've never seen an invisible capper so far, even though I spend quite a lot of time guarding(operative dps. guarding is one of the few things I'm good for).

  5. it is a troll , i was on those matches today , the name is Jxxxe --- no gear at all not contirbuting at all , i guess he is the one putting all the mark


    Is this J---e a guardian by any chance?

  6. There are currently 73 people between rank 3 and 261 out of 17645 above tier one which was my entire point.


    I don't understand how that proves your point.


    74 people with T1 rating on TOFN ALONE, which according to your original post,

    You have to wait around 20 minutes to get a pop on Tomb of Freedon Nadd when queueing solo ranked, and you end up with trolls who go in without any gear on, or leave just when the warzone starts more often than you end up with geared people.


    Not to mention you said it was near impossible to reach T1 rating. Does this mean that 73 people did the "nearly impossible" to reach said rank?


    Did you think that having T1 was gonna be a walk in the park? Just queue up a few times and bam, you're T1? It's the top tier for a reason, and that's because you need to work for it.


    It's right there on the leaderboards. Those elites who can get T1, WILL get T1. Those who cannot, will make a thread about it.

  7. This is like being angry that nobody wants to play with you on the jungle gym and trying to tear down the swingset so they will be forced to.



    Shouldn't have pushed everyone off the jungle gym.


    I lol'd. Really, I did.

  8. Yeah BW! This is gamebreaking! You need to focus on THIS bug first or I unsub. Forget the server stability issues, or the vanishing NPCs. Forget the ranked trolls, and forget balancing classes.





    You have 24 hours or I unsub. QQ

  9. Set the skill/action you want bound to some abstract shortcut, say Ctrl+F12.


    Then go to steelseries engine(if you don't have it installed, then you should. It's the software that configures the macros for the keyboard.)


    Select the MXwhatever key, and set it up so that whenever you press it presses Ctrl+F12 instead. Now whenever you press this new key, your ability will activate.


    That is the only way to do this, since SWTOR cannot read buttons which are not on a default keyboard.

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