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Everything posted by Dalwhat

  1. Are you sure you're correct? As I understand it taunt gives you an automatic 110% threat of the person currently with aggro whether you be at 99% or 1%. In that respect, in this game, "taunt" isn't so much a taunt as a "snap aggro to" button. With the cooldown involved you can't spam the ability constantly but if I'm correct in this then aggro management for tanks should be far easier than in other games I've played. Like I said I'm not totally sure I'm not talking bollocks.
  2. Personally I feel that as long as the light and dark sides are separated in the way they presently are it is perhaps pointless to mix them up on the same server and as such 8 is the correct number per server. The characters I play the most are on servers where I haven't mixed up the force orientation. Of course, if Bioware ever allows the factions more economic/societal contact then I would agree with the OP entirely.
  3. ....but a little clunky in presentation.
  4. ONOES! I think (ex)WoW players have to get to grips with the fact that there are other games out there other than WoW and that there are other ways of playing a MMO than the way Blizzard decrees. I find it really amusing when every thread will have someone appear in it saying the way Bioware approaches an issue isn't the way WoW does and in so doing it is automatically wrong. In my experience of reading WoWbies on these forums the vast majority seem to have very little experience of MMOs beyond the behemoth that is WoW. Maybe if they played other games as they are presented rather than continually demand WoW mechanics they would enjoy it more. If not then perhaps they should come to the realisation that the only WoW clone they enjoy is WoW and resubscribe.
  5. I had heard a rumour that a hood toogle button was in the works for 1.2. Clearly that didn't happen but hopefully it's still being worked on. (Or it was just that, a rumour)
  6. As I understand it the taunts in this game are really just an aggro snap. They don't provide a set amount of threat but rather sufficient to ensure aggro. As such the amount of aggro being seen to be generated will vary according to situation. Taunts without aggro generation are pointless.
  7. I am aware there is a "force target" option which provides a kind of "target assist lite" but this is hidden away in options and I doubt few people are aware of its existence let alone actually use it.
  8. Apologies if this has already got a thread but I've looked through the first 4 pages and not found one.... When I heard that 1.2 was going to include a target of target window I was expecting to be able to heal through the mob or dps through the tank but all we've got is an extremely basic threat meter which tells you who your target is targetting. Kind of pointless in my opinion but then I guess if you need help telling who the mob is hitting on then any help is good 0_o Now before the WoW fanbois jump in and accuse me of not knowing the difference between "target of target" and "target assist" or "target forwarding" I would stress that whatever you call it the actual window will always be called "target of target". Also.... Just because WoW doesn't have this feature (apparently, never played the game myself) surely doesn't mean SWTOR can't? If all you want is a game with all the features of WoW and nothing else then I suggest you are playing the wrong game. This isn't WoW. There is a game out there which has ALL ther features of Wow....it's called...err...WoW. And to all the people who have accused me of expecting something totally unreasonable, and that in their experience (of WoW presumably) there is no other game out there with such a feature, I should add that DAoC, EQ, EQ2 and possibly even GW had this feature (and that's just the games I can think of off the top of my head). Being able to assist your target is a hugely efficient way of healing in groups and raids. It is not EZ mode but rather helps the whole targetting issue in a game where there is so much going on on the screen. Maybe this feature isn't in WoW but so what? I thought SWTOR would be trying to be better than WoW. It's just a shame the WoW fanbois / SWTOR haters are so vociferous on these forums.
  9. ....and of course WoW is the target every game should aim for isn't it? Everquest, a much older game than WoW had target assist. Guess it just goes to show WoW maybe isn't all that. I for one totally agree with the OP.
  10. Ummm.....never hit that mob, so... bit disappointing tbh.
  11. When I heard that BW were introducing a target of target window I was sort of expecting to be able to heal through the mob or dps through the tank. But no. All it seems to do is give you an idea of mob aggro. Bit disappointing tbh.
  12. Phew.....hopefully this means the whiners won't be suing the devs after all. Bioware will be relieved I would imagine.
  13. Which is why I made a conscious decision not to rush to cap. By the time I get there it will have all been sorted out and you will have gone back to WoW. A win win scenario.
  14. If the cap fits. Adults tend to have a little more patience in my experience.
  15. I would suggest only the kids who can't wait for Christmas will toss their toys out of the pram to that degree. "Most" players will probably be totally oblivious to the fact that a 1.2 patch is imminent, let alone what is going to be introduced in it. Hell I'm not even at cap yet.....journey not destination etc etc. If you played so intensively to have got to cap with a variety of classes so soon then I would suggest you probably didn't enjoy the game too much anyway as nothing made you stop to smell the roses. Too many people see rushing to cap as a race and in so doing sicken themselves of the game. Those of us left behind on the ladder could care less about your angst. We're too busy enjoying ourselves.
  16. Yeah I've used that but the kiosks still don't show up in Fleet, at least for me that is...maybe I wasn't close enough?
  17. Thanks although BW might find a bit more traffic on the sell boards if they were a few more of them and they were more obvious
  18. Am I missing something? I never seem to be able to find a broker/galactic market booth. I do see them around in passing but when I go looking for them I can never seem to find them by searching on my map using the icon search. I've looked in Fleet (where I would have expected them) and I can't find one in Taris either. Are they quite rare? Because if so then that would explain why there appears to be very little for sale on them.
  19. That will be most of the players then. You're in the minority. Your point therefore is?
  20. Per Darthhater 1.2 will begin deployment next week James Ohlen Well, Star Wars: The Old Republic is already out, so I won't plug the gameplay because I am sure everyone already knows what that is. For 2012 we really want players to, going back to the subscription model, feel like they're getting their money's worth. So the scope of our game updates in 2012 is going to be unimaginable. You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting.
  21. This strikes the problem on the head. The same issue happened in EQ2. When the company cut costs by making questing entirely linear they cut the number of alts being played significantly and this in the end will lead to the stagnation of endgame no matter how much they add for those at cap. The issue remains that you have to level TO cap in order to play at cap. In other words you have to make the levelling process enjoyable, or at the very least not a chore.
  22. I started out with the intention of having a server full of the full compliment of Empire classes and another server full of the Republic classes. At the moment there are four characters in each as levelling those is bad enough insofar as repetition is concerned, let alone doing it all again to get to the point of choosing my subclass for the next 8. Therein lies the problem. Every mission is so voice acting heavy that there are a restricted number of quests/missions available meaning you really have to do them all in order to level at a sensible rate (unless you take to space or grind flashpoints). Hopefully as time goes on more missions will be introduced throughout the levels rather than just concentrating on end game. If the devs concern themselves solely with endgame they have to realise that players have to get their characters to cap before they can play it. If that levelling process becomes tedious then the numbers at cap will begin to become stagnant. I think the real problem isn't so much purely the quest repetition but rather that those repetitive quests tend to take place in cookie-cutter environments. If you've never been to a zone, particularly a city zone you can make a pretty good guess at its layout before you take more than a couple of steps into it. The devs have done a pretty good job of dressing up a fairly thin amount of real content with the use of voice acting and set dressing. Still playing though, and still enjoying it, for now.
  23. Does anyone know what potential there is built into the design to increase cap in future expansions? If cap can be increased further down the road will that be complemented by addenda to the storylines?
  24. I have played EQ/EQ2 hardcore for almost 10 years and am burned out. Been there, seen it, done it, bought the tee-shirt. I have been looking for a casual alternative for almost two years and have played all the usual suspects (with the exception of WoW as the community was a huge turnoff for me). SWTOR is the ONLY game that has piqued my interest sufficiently to sub. The added advantage is that I am in from the beginning. I am a former hardcore gamer playing this game casually. Bioware certainly has my money as they have devs that are doing their jobs and providing enough to keep me interested.
  25. It does a great job at not being WoW. Now if only the subscribers accepted that.
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