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    Central Valley California
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  1. Yep I was wondering the same thing. I talked to a tank today who assured me that stacking defense was dumb because it doesn't block melee attacks and that stacking shield and absorb gear is the way to go. Lots of misinformation.
  2. Not to beat a dead horse, but that other MMO didnt even introduce BG's or the first Raid until like 7 months after launch! SWTOR still has a lot to be desired but its a really good start and I hope people stick it out because this is a good game.
  3. I am also close to ending my sub. Finding groups on low pop servers is really challenging. Had 3/4 last night looking for a DPS on the fleet for 45 minutes and no one replied. Tried again to find a group as a healer for 45 mins tonight...nothing. Groups that did express interest didnt think I had the gear for it despite having healed almost every hardmode that wasnt bugged (cough D7). I love this game alot but there isnt enough going on right now to keep me going.
  4. Just want to pop in to say that everytime I log into the game, I spend like 20 mins looking for group and then end up logging off to do some boring dungeon in warcraft because I can. I dont even want to play wow, but I do because its easy to do stuff with a group of people. Im at the point where I dont even log in anymore and just go back to WoW and I dont even relaly like playing wow. I want to play SWTOR but its super frustrating
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