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Posts posted by Squatdog_nz

  1. 1- The game was released too soon


    SWTOR lacked basic features that MMO players take for granted and many of these STILL haven't been rectified.


    No 'target of target'

    No customisable UI

    No combat log

    No LFG channel

    Terrible TAB Targeting implementation

    Terrible market implementation

    Terrible chat system

    PVE content riddled with bugs (the first three bosses in D7 alone would routinely bug out, etc)

    PVP content riddled with bugs (teams could enter WZs with an extra member, spawn-camping in Ilum etc.)


    2- The endgame content was RIDICULOUSLY easy:


    'Hardmode' flashpoints (especially Black Talon) got facerolled by horribly-geared PUGs from the outset, making normal lvl48+ flashpoints and their associated quest completely redundant.


    A few months after release, normal operations were getting facerolled by PUGs with no vent. Fabricator was the only real sticking point because of the fight mechanics, while Soa was only difficult because of the number of times the encounter would bug out.


    Dedicated raid guilds had already blown through the 'hardmode' operations within a few weeks and there was nothing left for them to do. Within a couple of months, these 'hardmodes' were getting farmed by trade chat PUGs.


    3- The PVP system was very poorly implemented


    The lack of blue 'starter' gear at lvl50 meant that the developers continually gimped the requirements for Champion and eventually Battlemaster gear, cheapening these sets and making the Valour system completely irrelevant in the process.


    The entire system was then discarded and completely overhauled for 1.2, to be balanced around the new Rated WZs...which aren't even in the game yet!



    4- No cross-server transfers, too many servers


    Players would grind their character to 50 only to find it stranded on a dead server, without the population to sustain PVE or PVP content. The lack of transfers meant they were (and still are) unable to do anything other than start a whole new character from scratch on another server.


    4- The developers have no imagination


    Ilum was great fun on servers with a high population (Swiftsure still holds 'Ilum Tuesdays') and an effective means of getting PVP comms. On low population servers however, Ilum was often a ghost town.


    Rather than address the issue with the simple expedient of adding more caches to Ilum (which would give low population players a feasible means of acquiring comms and give them a reason to be there in the first place), the developers simply threw their hands up and admitted defeat, removing the only large-scale 'open' PVP in the game.


    5- The SHEER ARROGANCE of the developers


    Bioware/EA continually shoot themselves in the foot by making outlandish claims that give the distinct impression they think the subscribers are idiots.


    - FotM Sorc's were apparently the most represented class in the game pre-1.2 because "players identify with iconic Star Wars characters like Emperor Palpatine" , while the least-played class was Scoundrel ie: HAN SOLO


    - Georg Zoeller's bizarre outburst about "Teams of Operatives stun-locking people and causing them to quit the game" has become something of a running joke, especially as Operatives have repeatedly been nerfed into the ground and are the single least-played Imperial class.


    - Daniel Erickson's outrageous whopper of "subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have" was so transperantly obvious to anyone actually playing the game that it came as no surprise when subscriptions were revealed to have dropped by 400k





    I stand by my prediction that SWTOR won't have a million subscribers by the end of the year.

  2. Yawn. You're not gonna get the "OP" class nerfed by making something up.

    Sentinels and Marauders have been the most played class from the 1st day on. Because it's Star Wars and everybody wants to be Vader or Obi-Wan.


    No, Sorcs and Tracer Spammers were by far the two most-played classes pre-1.2 and by SHEER COINCIDENCE were the two most overpowered specs at the time.

  3. I am an operative, I can flashbang a target and get off 2 kolto injections and 1 infusion. I am 5/32/4 spec. If I crit both kolto injections I can heal 10k in the space of 5 seconds, there is my survivability,. Gap closer? Please we open up ontop of the target and it is up to them to escape, if you let them get far enough away to moan about needing a gap closer, you are playing operative wrong. +9% healing received, this is the most useful talent in the operative tree for PvP that is pretty much +10% on every heal that comes your way.




    A concealement operative played well is by default one of the best hybrid classes I have ever played, I have yet to lose a 1v1 duel.


    So you can beat people in duels using a 5/-/- or 7/-/- spec, like everyone else? Whoop-de-doo.


    The problem is that DPS Operatives are the single worst class for Huttball and rateds in general.


    Gap closer? Please we open up ontop of the target and it is up to them to escape, if you let them get far enough away to moan about needing a gap closer, you are playing operative wrong. +9% healing received, this is the most useful talent in the operative tree for PvP that is pretty much +10% on every heal that comes your way.


    No, YOU are doing it wrong and the other team will laugh as they interrupt your mammoth 2.5k heal and you get slaughtered.


    That's when they're not laughing as they kite you around or knock you off the catwalk on the way to scoring.


    Your job is to go in damage, harrass, annoy and escape any combat situation. Your job is to get the enemy so *********** angry at you that 2-3 of them will start focusing on you, chasing you, negleting the win to kill you. You are the most well rounded class of any class in the game.


    Assassins can do exactly the same but better.


    FotM Tankassins can also tank those 2-3 opponents, instead of getting locked down and shredded if vanish isn't up.

  4. The op is a strong melee dps class. Its pretty good compared to jug dps and assassin dps.


    Dont compare to tankasins. You're not a tank. A pull on a tank is very different than a gap closer on an operative.


    And everyone knows sentinels are going to get nerfed.


    And lmfao at ppl qqing at being nerfed 3 times. You got nerfed 3 times because you had the most crazy op class in the game. Thats not something i take pity on. I havent ever been nerfed ,because absolutely nobody is afraid of me. So which one would you rather be? Lets hope nobody ever makes this stupid argument again.


    No, it isn't.


    Operatives have medicore sustained DPS and no utility or survivability.


    In PVP, an Assassin can do everything a Concealment Operative does, but better.

  5. like bazzoong mentioned, the target (dumbblonde - how appropriate) had 2 full seconds after the face first knockdown move (hidden strike) ended, where he could have stood up and stunned the op or knocked him back....


    nothing happened... so the op did his stun (debilitate) and proceeded to own the target until death...


    i'm not an operative, but as a sniper, i'm also a target of them but i know how to react...


    It's usually less of a 'stunlock' than a Bad Player not being able slowly keyboard-turn to face the Operative after a 1.5sec knockdown.

  6. LOL@all the whiny cry-babies...


    Use a cleanse instead. There's no excuse.


    The change made the game into tank wars whoever can tank a door / turret longest works best in well all maps.

    Yes having a 21sec dot that interrupts on each tick was silly having first tick interrupt is in no way unreasonable.


    LOL@Bad Players still clinging to these lame excuses...


    Being able to keep multiple players from capping by spamming TAB-DoTs from 30m away was why they changed it.


    Cry more.

  7. smugglers/agets need a nerf not a buff


    smuggs and agents have tons of utility and realy high damage they are able to spam.




    Operatives have good burst from stealth, then mediocre DPS that runs out of steam very quickly. They have absolutely no utility (no gap-closer, no knockback) apart from being able to bust a massive 2.5k heal witha 2.5sec cast time.




    they can stealth also which closes the gap on range as they can open up with a knockdown etc




    Operatives can't stealth in combat, unless you mean the 2min vanish CD that is used almost exclusively for escaping.


    Meanwhile, Marauders can do exactly the same on a 45sec CD.


    they are also the best healer for pvp


    Yes, at the moment Operative healers probably are the best PVP healers, as predicted on the PTR.



    they can stun lock you also.


    No they can't.

  8. Notes:


    - I have 15000+hp and 1100 expertise. He had about 14k hp, so I doubt his gear was even better than mine.

    - I broke his second "deblitiate" stun

    - Applied my dots, popped my def cooldowns (though I was at about 3k hp when this happened from the stunlock

    at the start which people say I shouldn't break).

    - He took no damage from me

    - I then died and he walked away with about 90% hp


    Okay, I just re-read this.


    How could the Operative 'take no damage' in a 20 second fight, where the Marauder was only stunned for a total of 5.5 seconds???


    Bad Players are BAD.

  9. Troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll, trolly-troll, trolly-trolly-troll, troll, troll, troll, troll ,troll, trolly-troll, troll.


    *insert troll-face*





  10. again which AC can do this kind of dmg w/o the enemy having the ability to respond.


    Sure someone can get hit by a sniper...but you see the target on your back, you can hit a DEF CD....you can interrupt Tracer missiles and LOS them



    But playing vs a 5 sec stunlock means every battle is:


    you( 5k HP) vs them (15k hp)


    and they can always just overload stealth and open up on you again if they REALLY wanted you dead.


    Besides all this....the biggest key factor in it is that ANY SKILL LEVEL of operative can do 10k dmg in a few secs......it's not something reserved for players with knowledge of their class and 100's of hours of practice.


    Geared Jugg can land a 7k Biochem Smash AOE AUTO-CRIT and follow it immediately with a 3.5k Force Scream crit before you can finish keyboard turning to face them, then follow it up with a 4k execute crit. Then do it all over again 12 seconds later.


    Operative prays for bac-to back Hidden Strike~Backstab crits out of stealth, then rapidly runs out of steam and has no survivability or gap-closer.


    This player isn't even fully DPS speced for the 30% armor penetration/crit bonus which with right relics/adrenals i do believe 3-4k+ crits are quite achievable.


    Gap closers? Stealth? Don't you have a 8 sec ranged stun i.e. Flash Bang? These are both gap closers.


    My op is a low level, but I'd imagine my end game rotation being: Buffs, stealth opening KD, backstab, Laceration combo(s), and shiv. With explosive probe, fragment grenade, and Debilitate thrown in the mix. If at some point I lose my distance because he trinkets my stun(s) Flash Bang and get back to him. Probably wouldn't use corrosive dart to not break Flash Bang.


    As far as taking on multiple opponents. . . you've failed as a stealth class if you've put yourself in that situation and to the healer being guarded. If your the only person attacking them your team has failed.


    This is a L2P problem.


    Flashbang is a mez with a 1min CD that breaks on damage. It is not a 'gap-closer'.


    Assassins have a 30m stun, 30m mez AND Force Sprint AND a talented pull. Big difference.

  12. I can agree that Ops / smugglers need some love in the sustained DPS area, but if you want higher sustained then you need to lose your unquestioned top end burst.


    take away your ability to 3-4 shot peopleand I'll be all for you getting the same crappy sustained damage as everyone else. As for gap closers... you have stun after stun and the only reason you need a gap closer in all honestly is for PVP... I disagree with this.. you have enough tools already and the most OP burst in the game. Really you don't need more...


    I'm not just saying this because I don't like the class. I play an Op.


    LOL@Operatives 3-shotting people...


    LOL@stun after stun...


    Bad Players are BAD.

  13. Concealment Operatives are gimped as hell.


    They have good burst, but ONLY from stealth and ONLY behind a single target. Then they run out of steam and are doing mediocre DPS with no survivability or an effective gap-closer.


    ...but those mammoth 2k heals off a 2.5sec cast time make up for it, right? LOL!

  14. ...and 7k crits from Focus Guardians requires what, a 15 second CD from a Force Charge/Zealous Leap, a 1 min CD on Force Stasis, a combat worthy stim, activation of a trinket and adrenal, and a 12 second Force Sweep in a 6~7 second course of action?


    What, Bloodthirst 5 minutes, so its different? OK. Drop the 15%. 5k damage is now down to around 4.3k.


    Wow... so weak!


    You have absolutely NO IDEA what you are talking about.


    All a well-geared Jugg needs is either Force Charge OR Obliterate (both 15sec CDs) for the guraenteed crit and either Enrage (1min CD) OR Force Crush (18sec) for the 100% damage bonus.


    They can auto-crit over 5k+ with Smash WITHOUT adrenal/relic, while an Operative can only ever crit for 5k WITH them and even then, only opening from stealth on light or medium armour.


    Just stop talking.

  15. You mean like, it's difficult to get a marauder in your team nowadays?


    Which heavenly server do you play at! No marauders!! Woo Hoo!!! :)


    Any more arguments that I can crush?


    Bloodthirst requires 30 stacks of Fury,has a 15sec duration, with a 5min cooldown


    Just stop talking.

  16. What, you can't do that? :D




    Neither can any other Operative without a Marauder buff on top of biochem adrenal and trinket.


    You are Bad.

  17. A surge-invested Ops/Scoundrel with similar gear level, using same adrenals and trinkets, does practicall the same thing to a pathetically frail Juggy in Shicho or Shien. 5k 4k 3k plus DoTs.





  18. Do you not understand the question; "Were we talking about Assasins?"






    Who needs force charge, force sprint, etc.. when you can close in and finish the ones that cannot survive the first opening spike?


    On a similarly-geared Jugg, I can bust trinkets and drop a 7k Smash auto-crit, followed by a 3.5k Force Scream crit and a 3.5k execute crit, instantly closing the gap from 30m, without stealth.


    You are Bad.

  19. Who cares? Were we talking about Assasins?

    Them needing a nerf is a seperate subject to discuss, and in no way justifies anything.


    Assassins are the other stealth-based class and are FAR better than Operatives in every way apart from being able to spec for heals.


    LMAO@stealth being a 'gap-closer' like Force Charge, Grapple, Force Sprint etc...

  20. Has anyone noticed that whole fight lasted for 19 seconds?


    You got outplayed OP, not burned down during 5 sec stunlock.


    And nombers arent that vicious:


    3184 HS

    1276 Laceration

    2939 Backstab

    around 1500k from acid blade.


    You are nothing but a terrible player, who will be stomped by any class, guided by normal player. Main reason why you never be any good - you are thinking your skills are flawless and your defeats are only because of wrong math.




    I imagined the OP would be complaining about a string of monster Biochem crits, but THAT'S all he was hit by???


    A geared Biochem Jugg could put out that much damage with a Smash auto-crit followed by a Force Scream crit. Without having to open from stealth.

  21. 1. You have stealth.

    2. Pick your battles carefully.

    3. Problem solved.


    Assassins have stealth, a gap closer, a (talented) pull and survivability.


    Operatives have one of these.

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