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Posts posted by Squatdog_nz

  1. Doesn't there come a point when you look and see that experienced people who play the game a great deal are saying you're wrong, point out the ways in which you are wrong, and back that up with actual data, and then think to yourself 'perhaps I should re-evaluate my opinion?'


    There is a reason why top scout pilots are not zooming around with RFL tearing up the leaderboards. The reason is because the weapon is worse than the alternatives, by a large margin. I've even been using them lately, on a whim, just because I am bored enough to do that. And they don't kill things, because in actual real world non-theorycrafting practice, it is not easy to hold your damage hose spraying on a target long enough to kill it unless that target is flown by a poor pilot. And in that case BLC or quads would have finished the job much faster.


    - Despon


    In my original post I specifically stated that RFL AREN'T THAT BAD (ie: aren't 'completely useless' as per thread title) but NEED A BUFF.


    You seem to be getting very upset and confused.

  2. Two things:

    1. Tracking penalty. The more off center the target is, the more it will favor the burst lasers, which have a lower tracking penalty.

    2. Damage per shot. The burst lasers have almost three times the damage per shot. Thus, you can wait until the target is about to cross the center of your firing arc and take one instantaneous shot instead of holding the target there for about a second to get 3 shots.

    3. 1 + 2. This allows you a higher probability of landing a single, larger shot at the edge of your firing arc. Larger shots are less likely to be eaten up by the target's shields. This is why burst lasers are so good on a satellite.


    RFL have well over three times the rate over fire, which results in MUCH better real world damage application against a crossing target.


    This is the difference between theory-crafting and reality.

  3. Using accuracy rates with RFL is kinda pointless. It's like saying a gatling gun is useless because it misses the majority of shots. The idea is that whoever fires the most shots hits the most targets. RFL's issue is that it doesn't hit hard enough for the 'spray and pray' to be useful




    BLC are extremely inaccurate outside of bursting people down from pointblank range. The reason for "HURRRRRR....70% accur-macy!" is that burst scouts will usually hold their fire until they're aligned and in the opponent's face, with TT and Wingman up.

  4. Thing is you can run Freq with every single weapon (yes, with weapon efficiency crew, you can use a freq Quad with T4 Crit)... SO far from something useful.






    15% higher rate of fire = 15% higher rate of cap drain


    BLC and Quads will run out of cap very quickly with sustained use. while you can lean on RFL all day.


    BLC is ridiculously easy to land.

    1. Point

    2. Click

    3. ???

    4. Profit.


    Against a crossing target, it looks like this...




    1. Point

    2. Click

    MISS, MISS, MISS, target is outside envelope




    1. Point

    2. Click


  5. I am actually a little disheartened there hasn't been any response to this post. I'm not asking for him to solve all of the GSF ills in game, but a little acknowledgement would be nice. It is just common courteously. ;)


    I wouldn't get your hopes up.


    There's every likelihood that GSF has been deposited in the 'too hard' basket, along with Ilum.

  6. Did you bother to read the rest of my "passive-aggressive diatribe"? I don't know how much you've flown sting-on-sting, but every sting joust ends either with insta-gib or no damage. It's expected. We're talking about 3-4 shots.


    I've played literally hundreds of matches with Blackbolt/Novadive/Sting/Flashfire and it is VERY, VERY rare that I've been insta-gibbed without the aid of power-ups.


    The fact that this one guy somehow managed to do it 7-8 times in a row over the course of three matches struck me as somewhat odd.


    Add this to the fact that you're talking about "nearly every single time" over a tiny, tiny sample size. Find a coin and flip it three times. If it's head 3 times in a row (an outcome which has a 1/8 chance of happening), is it hacks? If the RNG had been a tiny bit kinder to you that day you would never have posted here.


    Once again, it was 7-8 times in a row over the course of three games.


    What are the odds of flipping a coin and getting heads eight times in a row?

  7. OOOooooh so you can farm foodships in stomps FOR your team as well. Awesome, grand, surely you can never be wrong about basic math.




    Ok, please explain to me how a 35% difference in hit rate (from TT and wingman, two abilities that any non-terribad sting interested in fighting other scouts runs) that is constant over all ranges (since you're approaching each other, you'll obviously have equal range bonuses at any given time) has no impact on the relative amounts you're likely to get hit.


    Because a whole 35% extra chance to hit isn't the difference between insta-gibbing someone nearly every single time...while they can't drop your shields, even with RoF a third higher and greater raw damage output.

  8. Congrats, you can farm food on the most OP ship in the game and scrape out some kills in a drastic loss. Ten whole kills for five deaths.


    LOL...top damage and kills in a truely Godawful PUG, using a close-tange brawler Scout in a match type dominated by sniper Gunships and Bombers


    If that's not good enough for you, here's another match from 10 minutes ago. This time I'll leave on the timestamp:




    You're getting all caught up on the talk about ranges because Ramalina (misguidedly) wanted to help you be better rather than simply calling you a moron for thinking the only way you could lose was hacks. You've consistently been ignoring the fact that you have 0% buffs to accuracy and a well-geared opponent will have up to +30% (plus, in effect, an extra 5% from the dispel effect).


    Once again, your passive-aggressive diatribe presumes that I'm only firing one shot from extreme range, instead of using my 33% RoF bonus to fire multiple volleys in the narrow firing window.

  9. Speed is the one thing that is so noticable in GSF.


    Ships that never seem to to run out of engine power , zipping all over the map ,yes there are crew abilities and power ups, but then not every ship can everything at once can it......


    Bklaclbolt/Novadive with Booster Recharge.

  10. What happened to you was that the other player used a superior knowledge of GSF mechanics to make much better choices in how they built their scout and in how they operated their scout. So they won.


    According to you, he too had a substantial chance to miss, which he didn't. Every single time.


    You had an inferior build and were probably shooting from too far away. This meant that you had very small chance of hitting, and even if you hit you were only going to do a little bit of damage.


    It was a series of firing passes (with multiple volleys fired), terminating literally at point blank range each time.


    Now you are just making stuff up.


    Your inability to comprehend really basic **** is starting to strain belief. Ramalina just laid it out for you in the simplest possible terms. YOU had a 3.5% chance to hit (given what you told us your build is, and for sake of argument assuming you were firing at range). THEY had a 81.4% chance to hit (assuming for sake of argument they ran TT/W and assuming they correctly held onto their blaster power until they fired 2-3 BLCs at knife range).


    LOL@the blinkered groupthink...


    So what you are saying is that I only fired once at maximum range, despite specifically stating numerous times that I fired at least three shots every pass?

  11. Somehow, these posts never have a video, you know?


    So I'm meant to record literally every single match of the hundreds I've played so far in the off chance that something strange happens?


    Once again, this happened with one player in a whole three matches and I've never seen it happen before or since.

  12. Breaking it down by the numbers


    BLC scout with Mastered

    BLCs pierce and Shield damage

    TT : evasion and primary weapon range upgrades.


    Distortion Field

    Range Capacitors


    Shooting with zero tracking penalty at 1000m range cooldowns active.

    Evasion                                        Dps at 1000 m                         Accuracy
    33% base                                    Shields   /       Hull                          123 base
    35% Distortion Field           1021 (75 pierce)  /  941                            10   TT
    8%   TT                                                                                                 20  Wingman
                                                                                                                 -3.6 for range
    76% evasion                         1021 (75)  / 941                                       149.4



    Against a BLC scout with

    BLCs Pierce and Shield


    Blaster overcharge

    Distortion Field


    Evasion                                    Dps at 3500 m                            Accuracy
    Base 33                                   626 (167 pierce)  / 697                    79.5   
    Distortion 35
    68% evasion


    Then of course you have to figure out the per shot damage for respective rates of fire of 80 and 100 shots per minute.



    The TT wingman scout at short range is getting a hit rate of 81.4% and doing 768 shield (56 piercing) or 707 hull per shot without crits.


    The BO bypass scout at long range is getting a hit rate of 3.5 % and doing 376 shield (100 piercing) or 418 hull per shot without crits.


    Shooting at ranges greater than about 2000m absolutely destroys both the damage and accuracy of BLCs. I very strongly suspect that this was your problem. Low shield and piercing damage are both expected results. In fact the only strange thing about your account is that you managed to hit the other scout at all, but perhaps you were at between 2 km and 3 km rather than 3 km and 4 km when you fired your shots.


    Take home lesson: TT+Wingman cooldowns and firing at short range gives BLCs almost twice the damage per shot and up to about 25 times greater chance to hit than BO + Bypass cooldowns on a BLC fired at long range.


    I hope that takes some of the mystery out of why you lost all three times.


    The TT+Wingman build is generally stronger than a BO+Bypass or BO + Concentrated Fire or BO + Wingman, but at ranges of 1500 m or less it's not really noticeable. BO builds can pull ahead at point blank range against targets with low evasion.


    Edit: I should note that I made some odd upgrade choices in order to tilt the playing field as much in favor of the BO scout, given the available information about their respective builds. It would be a bit more forgiving for a Flashfire, because it would be able to get both Bypass and the 6% accuracy passive at the same time.


    Jesus Christ.


    If there is such an enormous chance to miss in a Sting vs. Sting firing pass, how was he gibbing me every single time without fail? If he was stacking Accuracy/Evasion Reduction, how was he generating enough bonus damage to gib me in 2/3 hits?


    It must be a case of incredibly good latency and a chain of exceptionally lucky crits.

  13. Sounds like scout with active damage cooldown and copilot ability. At close range, two hits from blc (+ pods or clusters) can kill almost any ship in a very short time.


    Once again, I was in a Sting too. With cooldowns active.


    I had the targeting rectangle directly aligned on his ship for at least two shots every pass and couldn't do signficant damage, while he would drop my shields in two hits every single time without fail.


    This happened over the course of three matches.


    Given that you're running a build with no accuracy buffs by taking BO and Bypass and wildly speculating that they have a build like mine (the little tooltips showing enemy buffs are notorious for not always showing up), and you have a battle between a ship that has a high chance to hit, and another that has little to no chance to hit. You are the latter. The fact that you lost in this situation shouldn't be surprising.


    You missed the part where I landed hits EVERY TIME, but couldn't do significant damage while being insta-gibbed in 2-3 volleys?


    How am i supposed to know what your fit is? Are you a SWTORGSF celebrity?

  14. The thing that I hate most about "hacking" being a concern in people's minds is it causes them to turn off their brain and refuse to acknowledge mistakes. "He couldn't possibly have made much better gear decisions than I did since I'm obviously perfect, he must have cheated!"


    There are a few ways to explain your opponent's higher damage output. First, were they using pods? That would drastically increase damage within the window. Second, they might have brought TT (and even maybe wingman on top of it), which in Sting-on-Sting violence is dramatically better than BO (given evasion, hitting more shots is always better than having a damage bonus on all those shots that are missing). Third, they probably brought frequency capacitor, allowing more rounds of BLC in the same timeframe (if you did not). Fourth, you do not understand what penetration is apparently; far from doing extra damage to shields, it means that damage ignores shields, so you'd absolutely expect an opponent's shields to be in better shape than yours (while having slightly more damage on their hull). That upgrade on BLC is honestly never much used since you strip shields so fast and taking the more direct-damage option on that tier gives you higher lethality overall.


    Lots of potential ways to make yourself better before you shut down any self criticism with "welp they must have hacked."


    It was over the course of three Domination matches. No power-ups.


    He was alone nearly every single time.


    Some of the encounters started with me breaking his Cluster Missile lock with Distortion Field, but the added evasion didn't seem to make the slightest difference.


    10% volley damage vs. 15% RoF that might not even factor into an extremely short firing pass? On a weapon system that chews through cap? I'll go with the volley damage.


    The 18% shield penetration was from an active co-pilot skill. Once again, his shields usually didn't even go below half and hull took minimal bleed-through damage. Every single time.


    The only thing I can think of is that he's stacking Telemetry with the +crit chance active co-pilot skill to chain monster crits for 6 seconds, but I don't recall seeing the Telemetry animation.


    WTB combat log.

  15. Most 'hacking' is just horrendous lag and latency issues.



    ...but yeah, I have seen one particular pilot who would continually blap me with two BLC volleys in an extremely narrow firing window while jousting head to head with a Sting. Meanwhile my own Sting wouldn't break his shields, even with Overcharge and 18% shield penetration active. This happened over several games.

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