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    Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  1. Thanks for the replies. Coming from someone who healed Final Fantasy 11 (the most basic heal style you could possible have) I still believe this game will be fun. If I decide it's not fun anymore at any point, i'll just move on. I still have not decided on what class I want to play, but I appreciate all the replies I've gotten in my two post. I really excel at resource management for some reason. I was always able to be the highest healer (most heals and highest hps healer), while being the least over healer. So I think I will excel with the mechanics of this game. My concern with Sorcerer is that there will be so many of them that it will be hard to find a raid spot. The only down side to Operative is that I have a 25 Sniper already and so far I just can not get into that story. I seem to be really into the Bounty Hunter Story. I have a level 30 merc. bh already and started a bh last night that was gonna turn into a PT spec'd tank perhaps. I also watched a post 1.2 patch merc. healer on youtube and that looks like the style of healing I would like, so I will most likely end up using that one. Unless I will have no trouble whatsoever getting groups/raids with the sorcerer even though there are tons of them. I am not opposed to tanking or dpsing, I just normally feel like I can trust other people to do it. It seems with the patch there will be a increase in desire for healers, so I figured i'd go that route as opposed to tank or dps.
  2. I decided to give this game another shot. I really enjoy the game play and finally have time to play it. I have always been a healer in every mmo I have played. I have been doing research on the classes and trying to make a decision on what healing class to play. This has been hard because 1.2 just hit and everyone is complaining how awful healing is atm. My problem is I cant tell what is legitimate and what is just being blown out of proportion. What I have gathered on the healers: Sorcerer: This is what people consider to be the best healer in the game. I'm guessing this is the most over represented healing class atm. They do not have much trouble with going oom (running out of resources), they do good aoe healing. Mercenary: This class took a hit apparently. How much I do not know. They have more heat problems then they use to, but still seems manageable. They have an ok aoe heal and must use the basic filler healing spell a lot more than they use to. Operative: The general consensus seems to be that they got buffed. Aoe healing was buffed somewhat? They use more instant cast spells. I can not tell what is over reaction to the changes. My gut instinct is that it's been blown way out of proportion. I see the same thing in every mmo. People complain that X class can't hack it anymore and I sit around thinking what is everyone else doing, as I still do very well and have no trouble justifying a raid spot and being beneficial and not a hindrance to the group, with whatever class it happens to be. I plan to eventually get into the hard mode raids. My question is can you legitimately use any of the healers at that level? I'm guessing that I would be better off picking either merc. or operative healer, since there are probably way to many sorcerer healers currently. I typically tend to pick the underdog for some reason. I am not exactly sure on all the healers play styles. I got a good response on how a sorcerer plays yesterday, but am still not 100% on the other two. Should I just choose whatever story I like best? Will I be able to do all the hard mode raids without people saying no to me just because i'm not a certain class? Probably longer than it needed to be, just trying to get this straight before investing to much time into something that may or may not work out. Thanks in advance, I appreciate all the feedback I can get.
  3. Thanks, I really appreciate your post. I am normally a raid healer, but do not mind tank healing. I normally do whatever is needed. I plan to hopefully get into the hard mode raids at some point. Are any of the healers in more high demand than the others. Which classes are sought after most? Is there a shortage of one of the healers? is there an over played classes that might make it hard to get a raid spot? For raids, do people want aoe healing, single target healing, hots, a mix? I haven't raided so I'm not sure what healing is like at end game.
  4. Hey, I started playing back when the swtor first came out. However, after about a month I stopped playing so I could focus on training for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for a few months. I am finally able to come back to the game and after looking at the forums and other websites, it seems a lot has changed. I'm interested in healing (I healed in FFXI and WOW). I was hoping someone could give me feed back on the healers. I've been to the forums and looked around, but i'm hoping to get my research done before choosing a class. It doesn't have to be a detailed faq . Just a general run down on each class: their role, type of heal, what to expect , etc. Thanks, I appreciate it
  5. I'm only level 24 on my sniper. I am having a hard time getting into the story line of the imperial agent. I find it very bland so far and find myself just not caring what's going on. I am in the process of trying to decide which character I want to play at end game. Since you all are at a higher level, I was hoping you could tell me if the IA story gets any better or why you enjoy it so much (Without spoiling too much). I found that I was into and interested in both the Bounty Hunter (lvl 30) and Inquisitor (lvl 20) stories and was surprised that I am not enjoying the IA story as well.
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