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Everything posted by MangoRice

  1. This. You'll have more fun starting new classes rather than reviving your commando. If you really like the trooper-esque feel, then try a vanguard. If you really love your commando though and can't bear to lose him, server transfers are happening in a week. So be patient till then and see if Jedi Covenant is one of the options.
  2. Why is everyone arguing over his "insight" or "experience"? You're missing the point of the post. Anyways, very well written post my good sir. There are a few items you have mentioned that I wholeheartedly agree with, and some I didn't realize I agree with until I read this (useless FP rewards). Just one thing to add: The server populations. I know they are implementing server transfers soon, but right now I believe that the biggest problem players are having is a lack of a community on their server. Even if they address all your problems, without a community on their server, the game will continue to bleed subscriptions. But, I do hope the Devs or someone from Bioware gives this topic a look at, even if quite a few of your problems have been mentioned already. Thanks for taking the time to write that all out!
  3. I love my commando to death. But when it comes to PvP, you'll learn to fear melee classes. We're quite squishy and especially if you're a Gunnery specced Mando, once they get close enough to interrupt you, it's time to say goodbye. I'm not claiming I'm an expert on playing a Commando, but we do the best DPS possible for our class if we're high up some where free casting. Like I said, if a Marauder sets his sights on you, unless you outgear him/her, you probably should run.
  4. I'm with you on the lifeless feeling to the worlds. But for me it's due to the lack of other players roaming each planet. For instance, Quesh almost always has at most 4 people. But this is due to low server population on my end. I've never thought about any of the things you mentioned, but I haven't played SWG. It would be really cool, not to mention immersive, if Bioware were to implement those ideas.
  5. Thanks for putting this together! Saves me google time!
  6. There is. 1. Press G to open your guild tab. 2. Click on Details at the top right corner. 3. Under the 3rd column (member notes) click on the white arrow. 4. Three options should appear: Member Note, Officer Note, and Last Logged In Notes: if the person is online, it will simply say online, so in order to actually make this useful, you'll have to click on the box "show offline members" Hope this helped!
  7. You can't solo this. The bridge itself requires 4 people. Try to bring a sage with you and make sure everyone in your group has the 3 required items or else they cannot get the datacron. Oh and make sure you have a lot of time on your hands.
  8. Thoroughly enjoyed the event. The highlight was the huge rave of naked imps and pups dancing by the crash site. Socialized with the opposite faction, interesting to say the least. Now a bit off topic, I have the full armor set from the event, does anyone have any tips on where I can get good mods for the gear aside from ripping them out from my bm/columi gear?
  9. Look at the summery and start watching at 3:34. I know this is a datacron guide, but some of the datacrons are in the network security district. This area is a bonus zone that you go to after you complete the nar shaddaa questline. I feel your pain bro, I was looking at screenshots of how to get to the world boss on nar shaddaa. It took me roughly an hour to find it. Good Luck!
  10. If you're looking for camo trooper gear similar to the ones found on taris, an entire set is being sold on coruscant! The whole set is orange and can be modded. The only downside is the legacy requirement of level 20. But if you have the legacy level and the credits, an entire set can be purchased for ~100-250k. Picture of armor + Legacy armor guide http://www.google.ca/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&sa=N&rls=com.microsoft:en-ca:IE-Address&tbm=isch&tbnid=bn70mtZGsrD_EM:&imgrefurl=http://feature.mmosite.com/swtor/patch_1.2_new_armors.shtml&docid=E4a-D9mxWsgv8M&imgurl=http://img8.mmo.mmo4arab.com/feature/swtor/120320patch_1_2_armors/patch12_new_armors33.jpg&w=786&h=465&ei=BkeUT76VPIqRiAKfkqHZDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1581&vpy=266&dur=500&hovh=173&hovw=292&tx=201&ty=93&sig=105209315807906929694&page=1&tbnh=132&tbnw=196&start=0&ndsp=49&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:86&biw=1920&bih=901
  11. I've heard this around forums and experienced it myself: SD0 has a special ability that 2-3 shots anyone that tries to solo him, regardless of level/stats. Basically the only way I've found around this is to send in all the people in his level bracket (~10-15) first, while the higher levels hold back. After about 5 seconds, if he doesnt use his special ability (2 whitish lasers that explode and cause ~50% hp dmg), then run in, grab aggro, and he'll end up being like any other world boss.
  12. Well like Div, I'm from Sherwood Park. Unlike Div, I still live there! I'm on The Maw, but it is a tad small on the Republic side (but isn't it like that on all servers?) Anyways, if anyone is looking for a guild, stop on over on The Maw (Republic) and give <Empire of the Divine> a shout! We're laid back, we've got active members, and we're always recruiting!
  13. Think this is bad? Somehow another user can change his name in chat so that it appears to be mine and uses it to make it look like I'm homosexual..
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