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Everything posted by -Me-

  1. I notice unify is still in the cartel market without anything notifying customers that its not working. Can EA do that? I'm being serious, can they continue to sell a feature without so much as a warning that its bugged? What of the people that paid for it already? They get their coins back? After today I'll be in "preferred status" and I don't much care for Corso looking like Bozo but wait....nevermind, there's no account unlock. No way will I do per character. Jeez.
  2. I want some of whatever he's hacking because this has been broken for everyone for weeks now, even people that paid to unlock it.
  3. I haven't deleted them, haven't fired off a single one yet either. I'm waiting for the sun to go down and get dark outside. You can't use fireworks in the day time, that's just wrong.
  4. I'm not so sure about this. I think quite a few of the main heroes and villains are voiced from the same actors as the animated series. What someone's personal taste are is all opinion and DCUO is done in a completely different VO style than TOR but I have to give the known talent title to DCUO.
  5. You just said a whole lot of what I've been trying to find the words to say for a long time. Thank You!! At the end of the day there really is no one to blame but ourselves, all of us for bad gaming. If we didn't pay until they proved a good product then and only then will we turn this genre around and maybe even TOR. Please think about that for a bit.
  6. I played DCUO for about a month, maybe, strictly F2P and yeah I noticed it too. For all that's bad with DCUO I think it handles VOs much better. The VOs do not break the flow of the game, NPCs are talking to you as you are on the move and the cutscenes are mainly just before and after a boss fight and short and sweet at that. In TOR the cutsences pretty much do nothing but break the game flow and to the point of some people raging in groups if someone wants to watch them. By the time I'm off the capital world I can guess which canned response my character is going to say. It's more like the same 4 responses not a dozen like you said. A dozen would go a long way in it not being so noticeable. Back on topic, something with this game and the claimed cost of VOs verses DCUO seems way off kilter. Like I said in the OP, I think DCUO has more known talent and 2 additional languages over TOR. Something has to be wrong.
  7. DCUO Release Date: January 11, 2011 DCUO has had 21 updates and if you will look, there are content additions in the majority of those. There are even bug fixes but please I'm trying to stay on topic and not get into TORs bugs. Don't mean to sound insulting but please know your facts a little better or all your doing is sounding like a biodrone in a panic because someone else is questioning something about TOR.
  8. Guys, just ask yourselves this, if they truly truly have pride in this game then why would they launch the biggest change to the game which fundamental changed everything for everyone (Nov. 15 F2P) and then send all but the night janitor home for a week, a whole week? How many 1000s upon 1000s of people needed customer support over the bugged out cartel market and other in game issues as a result of the update or whatever but nobody was there to fix anything even if they wanted to? Can anyone even suggest that is taking pride in the game? Please be serious.
  9. So much has been said about the price of TOR and the majority going into voice overs but is it really? I don't have all the facts so I'm laying the question out here. Are voice overs really so expensive that they are the main reason for such a large budget and now the reason updates are far, few and small in between? Take DCUO, the other fully voiced game that claims to be an MMO or not really, think I...well anyway, move along. I don't have the budget for DCUO but I'm fairly certain it is nowhere near what TOR is. I think DCUO even has more bigger named actors such as Mark Hamill (The Joker). DCUO has been F2P for over a year now, I have that right? Am I also right that updates come more regularly in size and scope especially concerning voice over work? DC Comics I'm sure comes with it's own hefty licensing agreement which I bet is on par with TOR and Lucas Arts or EA wouldn't of let LA extortion the license for much more. Just form glancing at DCUO I get a feeling that voice overs are not such a determining factor as so many have claimed. If I'm right then what is the real reason this game is what it is and so reluctant to improve while some of the fans say it's the price of voice overs? Edit: I forgot to mention that DCUO is also available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian where as TOR is only English, French and German. That's 2 whole languages over TOR, 2 whole sets of actors more than TOR. That is a stat not to be taken lightly at all. Disclaimer: I am not a player of DCUO, I am not here white knighting DCUO, I am simply asking questions based on what I have seen and heard in comparison of TOR and DCUO. Please don't accuse me of being some SOE paid troll
  10. Bugs fixed Space game that does not get laughed at Shared banks (account banks not just guild banks) Bugs fixed Multi-player Pod racing Pazaak (spelled right?) Bugs fixed Ability to choice my own damn color for armor not just if I want a different color it just might be in green one in the Cartel Market. Chat bubbles Bugs fixed Group finder that actually has all grouping stuff in it. A collections system and make it rewarding and a reason to explore. Bugs fixed Ability to change the look of my characters. Ability to change the look of my companions other than select preset molds. Bugs fixed Expertise trees for my companions. Dialog choices that actually matter. Bugs fixed For both fleets and all orbital stations to get death rayed. For cantinas to replace fleet. Bugs fixed Replace jute boxes with an actual NPC band. Passenger capable vehicles, companions included as passengers. Bugs fixed Meaningful open world PVP No more damn loading screens Bugs fixed ...... Ohh hell, what am I doing? I just want EA to get a flipping clue what a MMO is. The bottom line. And, to fix those stupid embarrassing bugs.
  11. Yet they put pre-oder up without telling us any of that. Sorry but it kinda feels like, what do they NOT want to tell us?
  12. I personally believe it should be free to subs and purchasable with coins or real money for F2P. It's not so I'm not getting it. I have yet to see any QOL upgrades coming in the patch to bring TOR on level with all other games, and coupled with the IMO out right refusal to address bugs, and coupled again with this non holiday/anniversary event debacle, and yet another coupled that the cartel market within a month of its launch has become clear to me that EA is already over the cliff on P2W and charging subs beyond the sub fee. My sub is up next Wednesday and I can't in good conscience support a company that refuses to help itself. I don't believe EA cares for this game as much as I could care for it and that will only lead me to further disappointment. I'm too much of a all things Star Wars fan to sit here supporting what they have/are doing to this game IMO. Not only all that but this one planet will be a day or week at the most of content before it becomes repetitive. I also shutter to think what kind of items will be cartel only given the recent additions.
  13. I was all for having a Life Day event or any event at any time. For one, of all the reasons to have events I think the most important part about them is breaking the monotony. You know something different to do from time to time if only for a week or two. As far as this game goes, something should be said about being the ONLY game out there not having a holiday event, the only one period. These events love em or hate em have become MMO tradition across the board thus making them expected. How can EA dismiss this is beyond me. Not only is this a non holiday event, it's also a non anniversary event, the 1st year anniversary at that. Am I wrong to get a feeling that EA is not even proud of the game to not even celibate their own game's anniversary? I will like to know if they even had a pizza lunch.
  14. OP, have you ever done or not done anything on principle? Do you hold yourself to a high moral standard? If the answer is yes then I honestly don't understand your not understanding what is going on here.
  15. I canceled after 1.4 due to the shuttering but they finally figured it out after what a month? Came back but still disgruntled over the how long shuttering took to get fixed and after taking a good sober look at this (IMO) terrible F2P model and their refusal for QOL upgrades I thought no way they will launch F2P without, and why can't they fix stupid bugs, stupid embarrassing bugs that have gone for months on end unanswered and not only that, new stupid embarrassing bugs added with every patch, I canceled again before the Life Day day debacle. Now with the Life Day debacle coupled with the new Makeb debacle, reinforced with my previous grievances, I can't say I'll be back. Even playing as F2P the restrictions will only cause rage but I don't want to rage, I just want EA to care about the game and learn by doing so they will make far far more money then they can imagine and I'm sure they imagine a lot.
  16. Tell me another game with these kind of bugs going unfixed for months? I know every game has it's bugs but stupid embarrassing bugs like this game going unanswered for months and every patch introducing a new stupid embarrassing bug that does not get fixed? Give me examples from other games, I'm really curious. I mean come on dude, if there is anything that can be allowed to remain bugged it is NOT lightsabers in a Star Wars game. It is also not anything that effects the looks of our characters (companions included) and it is damn sure not game stability that is making it impossible for some people to even play. Come on give me the examples in other games. I've been around, I know how things work and in any game I've ever been a part of, when a embarrassing bug emerges it becomes a all hands on deck to get the thing fixed immediately, now, that day if possible but in no circumstance will it be allowed to persist for months. They fixed that little stupid embarrassing bug causing us to un/re equip our companions a few weeks back in only a day. They have shown then can fix bugs and I gave them credit for that but some of these other bugs, unfixed in patch after patch? I can't for anything understand why not or at the very least explaining to us why not. I might be a little more understanding if I knew why but hell no, they wont even give us that courtesy.
  17. I'm not taking the time to look but Idda wager whatever it was has since rebroken and remains that way.
  18. But they did fix bugs in this patch last night. 2 text errors, what more do you want? I guess shame on me but I actually expected the companion unify to be fixed this week since it is a pay to unlock and I'm sure there are a few people that did pay for it specifically. Have they done any refunds for that? Doubt it.
  19. Did you not read the patch notes? Is 2 typos not enough bug fixes for you? You do know text errors are all the rage in bugs these days. /bump
  20. Wait wait wait, hang on a minute. Am I reading this right or is it because it's 6AM here? What I'm seeing under bugfixes is 2 text errors? Do I have that right? Text errors are bugs? Surely someone can straighten me out.
  21. I think it is worth it. Everything you want is worth it too but every patch brings new bugs added without fixing old bugs and more eyes rolling over absent features common on day one of ALL other MMOs. It's really turning this game into more of joke through all gaming communities. The more content they add without fixing old issues only makes it harder if not impossible to fix old bugs. Some of the problems may be too late already as they have become hard coded and will break far more other things if fixed now. This game has/is becoming it's own worst enemy by continuing to ignore bugs. Taking a month to do nothing but bug fixes and quality of life upgrades will do the game more good than adding new content that only creates and further imbeds harmful issues.
  22. He said they are thinking about it. I'm not looking up the quote but if I'm wrong then I challenge anyone to show the proof. And as for DCUO being worse that TOR, no not even close and I'm a card carrying SOE troll hater. In DCUO you have absolutely no restrictions on character creation and customizations which TOR doesn't even doesn't even get to be ball boy in that ball park. There are zero restrictions in gear, raids, XP, loot or anything until you've reached end game and then there are one time purchases to unlock additional content. One more thing about DCUO some fanboys don't like to admit. DCUO was the 1st fully voiced MMO. Just thought I would throw that out there for historical correctness. Again, I'm no fan of SOE at all but I'll challenge anyone to a debate when comparing DCUO to TOR. There are many similarities and to me TOR is closer to DCUO than WoW on a few aspects but even with the cross platform gimping DCUO horribly, it still blows TOR away hands down.
  23. Your late to the party, where ya been all week? Seen my 1st redneck speeder tonight and the guy riding it actually sounded like he was proud. To each their own I guess but to my own it totally blown away any immersion I had. What a lore breaker. It would be bad enough if the thing was only useable till New Years but I think it's a permanent part of the game now. I can't keep slashing it's tires, burn it or cut the break lines since it's only pixels but W T F can be done? This thing is every bit as bad as flying Ewoks and fairy wings and halos from that other Star Wars game. Well, no maybe worse, at least in that other game they had events to earn stupid chit like this at no additional cost. And the fireworks, LOL fireworks when we don't even have a planet to fire them at night. /facepalm
  24. OP, I immediately felt what your talking about after I hit level 50. The attitude of most, yes most but not all completely changed from what I witnessed while leveling. By far and large the only kindness and fair play I found was in group activities when it seemed to me the only reason they are being nice is because they wouldn't get the group mission completed otherwise. Solo dailies seems a free for all survival of the fittest situation. People have little to no regard to leave the objective that you are clearing the mob for when there are 20 other same objectives in sight, or even stop to help if its a high level NPC and other such rudeness. Heaven forbid someone ask a question in chat or it becomes a competition for insults and snappy one liners. I don't even play endgame, I tried but the attacks from not space baring, public floggings from not meeting someone elses gear expectations, the whole need/greed system and over all feeling of its a free for all has discouraged me from participating. Seriously though, is this just the way people are or is it a result of linear game design? Maybe another question for another topic but it seems by my experience the more linear and restricted a game is the more rude the players become.
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