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Everything posted by chriscruiz

  1. This post needs to be turned into a Sticky for the community!
  2. The answer to premades are more premades. If you think premades are a problem start your own group. The more premades/ competitive PvP the better in my book.
  3. chriscruiz

    Smash Crazyness

    Haven't heard anyone cry about this in a while. With Scamper, Shield Barrier and a few other things Smash is the last thing on my list these days...
  4. What I would like to see! No Bolster for 55 bracket Hood Toggle Guild Tattoos Rated Warzones Season 1 1 new central hub for each faction based on the same planet Barber Shop w/ more physical features ( hair styles etc.) PvP comms/daily vendor moved to the center of the fleet near the bar Passenger mounts Animal Mounts Yoda Race Wookie Race Being able to actually sit in chairs New Hutball maps with new obstacles CTF game mode for PvP 1v1 PvP arena Pod Racing Name Changes 3 completely different sets of gear for pve/pvp meaning don't have two sets look similar. Day/Night cycles and weather effects More class and companion storylines even if it is just a little Epic Item Class Quests.. Example: A Jedi Shadow must do this quest to obtain a double bladed light saber. A Jedi Sentinel must do this quest to obtain the two epic light sabers etc. Quests like this with rewards that are up to par with end game pvp and pve gear.
  5. Once again when all players have their full set of Firebrand we will all be balanced out gear wise. Until then unlike you I don't mind that other players may have a little advantage over me. Makes the challenge and the victory all the more better. Bad players like you get smashed by guys with a little better gear and you come to the forums to cry about it.
  6. Besides its not about gear now anyways its about who knows how to exploit bolster and who doesn't.
  7. 1.) There are plenty of places for open world PvP. The problem is the Imp and Republic bases are our fleets sitting out in space. There would be a lot more world pvp if each faction had a base on the same planet which could be attacked. 2.) When you talk about having huge battles and capturing objectives in open world PvP you are describing exactly how Illum used to be. There used to be a certain place on Illum where each faction would go to do their PvP daily. I have organized many HUGE battles with possibly close to or more than a hundred players. You used to be able to capture objectives on Illum which would grant you more Valor or w/e if you killed an enemy player while these objectives were under your factions control. When you have huge battles and you're killing 10-20 people every couple minutes you were gettting massive amounts of valor. The problem was it was extremely laggy and people would be dced left and right. They took these objectives out of the game a long with a few other things to make Illum less laggy.. Although the smaller battles of 30-40 were not that bad. This was probably the most fun I've ever had in this game. Things like this are still possible to do, but you have to communicate it between the factions its just up to YOU to get these types of things started. 3.) There are a **** ton of pretty serious problems/exploits with bolster in 55 pvp. Guardians dropping 1,034,457 dmg being an example. 55 pvp w/bolster requires even less skill now.. 4.) Having 5 warzones really isn't that bad. Although I would love to see a ctf game mode, tdm game mode and a new hutt ball map, but these things will come in time. I have been playing since launch and I agree that these WZs can get pretty boring after a while, but having 5 warzones for how long this game has been out is not bad at all compared to other games. 5.) PvP is a gear grind, but so is endgame ops/pve. Its an MMO thats how these things work. I tried to respond to each of your points the best I could. I would just like to be clear that I completely disagree with BW abandoning PvP and just focusing on PvE.. I think they should focus on them both equally! Maybe even a little more on pvp for right now since it has so many bugs/exploits atm. Ops can only be done so often and pvp can be done 24/7. There is nothing more fun than getting huge groups of people together for massive world pvp battles. No Ops or WZs can beat that IMO.
  8. Nice, I can't wait to start trying this out in WZS!
  9. Today I seen a Guardian drop 1,034,457 dmg, a operative roll to the ball at the beginning of huttball, pass it to another op who ran for a short distance and rolled a few times to score, and 4 healers in one WZ that were close to impossible to kill. The deaths of both teams combined during that WZ was around 6-7.. People are still doing damage while half naked...Something is wrong here.. I am glad Operatives are more useful in Huttbal now, but their Scamper/roll needs to have a decent cooldown. It used to be quite an even fight to get to the ball first now its not even a question who it will be. Even if four rolls does expend all of the Op's energy by that time he/she is not even 5-10ft away from the endzone. Besides if you're playing Huttball right you don't need energy roll/pass/score repeat. Last time I checked Guardians were supposed to be dmg reducers I don't know how its possible for them to do that much damage!?! Can anyone explain? All of this combined with the fact that some pve gear is better than some conq. gear is redic..Spending all this time grinding out pvp gear is pointless I really don't know why I still do it.Not to mention the fact that conq/fire gear are identical with slightly different colors is just lazy! I'll still be PvPing everday and I don't plan on unsubbing yet, but PvP has taken a turn for the worse and I am encountering these types of situations more frequently and its just taking the fun out of it. I love this game, it has such great potential, it really sucks to see things like this happening. With all the love I have for this game if things continue down this path or these problems are ignored I don't know how long I will be able to hang in there.
  10. 1.Hutt Ball 2. Voidstar 3. Hypergates
  11. Well if I'm not playing on my Yoda or Wookie species I usually am playing on my human.
  12. Sometimes on my Sent. when I use Master Strike it appears that I'm using it, but it deals no dmg and doesnt go on cooldown.Also, I occasionally Force Leap to players that I'm not targeting.
  13. General 1. Hood Toggle 2. Two seater speeders 3. Animal Mounts 3. PvP coms/daily vendor moved to center of fleet 4. Barber Shop with more physical features, hairstyles etc. 5. Pod Racing PvP 1. Ranked Warzones Season 1 2. Cross Server Ranked Warzones 3. New Hutt Ball maps Species 1.Wookies 2. Yodas 3. Cathar 4. Gungan 5. Rodian Planets 1. Kashyyyk 2. Kamino 3. Mustafar 4. Naboo Story 1. More class based storylines 2. More companion storylines
  14. Really though... Who wants two sets of pvp/pve armor that are identical with different paint jobs?? If I thought it would matter I'd go into full detail and post some pics as well... Just as an example the new Eradicator's Warsuit that was put in the Cartel Market would have been a nice looking PvP set for Jedi Knights!
  15. Completely agree! When I noticed this the other day I posted something similar. I don't know why they think its ok to do this?!? For something as important as that you would think they would put a little creativity into it, but nope guess not. What happend to cross server ranked warzones as well?? Been in Pre-Season foreeever!
  16. I pre-ordered, but unfortunately not by the deadline It sucks to watch everyone having fun while I sit on my *** lol. Might just take a break for a few days until I can play the new content.
  17. Kashyyyk - Wookie homeworld + tree houses Naboo Love it! Mustafar Lava planet! Kamino Water planet Dagobah Swamps ( I think its Yoda's home planet lol ) Sorry had to put five!
  18. I started playing this game a little after it's release although around June I had to leave for school and just resubbed a few weeks ago. I'm a lvl 50 Warlord Jedi Sentinel (subscriber), a big fan of SWTOR and an avid pvper and have to say I am disappointed as to where PvP is at this point. I'm not here to put anyone down or tell them they're right or wrong, just to give some constructive criticism about the pvp update from the perspective of a long time competitive pvper and also to touch on a few hot topics. The bracket changes and bolstering are good things, but are very minor in comparison to the real issues. I'm just going to list a few things that I think are important and should have been addressed with 2.0 and that need to be addressed soon! First I would like to point out that Cross Server Ranked Warzones should be the main priority right now! We have been in Pre-Season for obviously way too long! I remember before I left for school we were excitedly awaiting the arrival of ranked warzones that were supposed to be released in whatever patch was coming out at that time. 1-2 days before the patch was released BW stated that ranked warzones were not ready to be released. They apologized and said that ranked warzones would still be coming out and would be a main priority. Well almost a year later the new expansion is here and still no Ranked Warzones. Are ranked warzones still going to be implemented? Is there any time frame as to when? Second I would like to address the PvP gear both old and new. Besides having fun and being able to say that you're good the main motivator to PvP is to acquire the best looking and most powerful gear to stomp out the competition! The last installment of PvP gear (WH) had to be the worst looking gear I have ever seen! Having to grind out that gear sucked, because we didn't want to wear it. I also think that the new PvP armor sets coming out in 2.0 are A LOT better looking so good job on that, but they still could use some improvements. I will save my list of armor set improvements both PvE and PvP for another more appropriate thread if I can find one. What I do not like is how the Conqueror and Firebrand armor sets are identical just with a different color scheme. I don't know why you do that, I know its been done on previous gear, but it comes off as lazy. We should have three completely different looking armor sets, since armor is such a big motivator to PvP and PvP is a big motivator to play the game I don't think the rewards for doing so are something to be slacked on, if thats the case. I completely agree with valuing skill over stats, but not with making gear and stats less important and heres why. Players who work hard and play as a team will eventually one way or another EARN the good armor. Sure some of them might get beat a ton, but they will win some too! Once they EARN their armor they become EQUALS with the other players who have been smashing them on their grind up and THEN it becomes purely based on skill. Why sacrafice one when in the end you get both? Players who put in the work deserve to have an advantage over the players who don't. At least for the amount of time it takes the undergeared player to level up. As long as they don't give up they will get the gear as well. It is a lot easier to earn PvP armor since the server mergers and transfers. Overall, the PvP update for 2.0 is weak and if it wasn't for the "two" new sets of PvP gear that are coming out there would be nothing to be excited for. Bracket and bolstering adjustments seems like content that you would expect to be released in a patch and the bigger more important issues that you would expect to see released with a expansion were not. Besides Ranked Warzones and gear issues I would like to see 2 new hutball maps in the future. As for the complaints about having too many stuns sure I think there is a little too much, but it doesnt stop me from having a good time pvping. Not sure exactly what everyone's problem is with the dps trooper, but I was just in a WZ with one that dropped a little over 600k which is some of the best DMG I've seen in a while. If they can do that much DMG why would they not be used for Ranked Warzones? As for balancing classes every class has there strengths and weaknesses. Thats how it should stay.
  19. I would like to see mounts that can carry you and another whether it be player or companion. In fact, the Korrealis Commander speeder and other speeders with the same model have a second seat on the right that is covered up. The awkward metal piece that sticks out on the right is actually a part of the head rest. I wonder if they thought about doing that at one point?
  20. 1. Hood Toggle 2. Move pvp coms vendor and daily/weekly pvp vendor to center of fleet 3. Day/Night cycle and more weather 4. Playable Yodas 5. Establish a main hub/base for the republic and Sith on a planet. 6. Barbershop free for subscribers and new hairstyles, tattoos and scars 7. More gear and mounts that dont require the cartel market to get 8. Being able to actually sit in chairs 9. Mounts that can hold more than 1 person at a time 10. Player living quarters 11. Speeder racing 12. New Huttball map 13. 1v1 arenas for pvp
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